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asian nose job 2

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Wow, I'm very sorry to hear that you were unhappy with your results. I feel uncomfortable about going to Korea because of the language barrier, and also because it would be near impossible to have proper post-op treatment in case there's a complication. But your experience is definitely making me think twice, since I've read a lot about how inexperienced US surgeons are with Asians. I don't know anymore.

My email is bball0145@gmail.com
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Hi james would liked to know which doctor you went to and did your fat grafts ? And are your results permanent with the fat grafts ?

i been thinking of having fat grafts on my forehead because i'ved got a really flat forehead..:angel:
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Off topic but has anyone had any good results using fat grafts for butt implants ?
Since i heard fat grafts can also be used on the buttocks /

i don't want noo Jennifer Lopez butt. i just want to add some shaped to my Buttocks sinced i got a really flat *** pancake butt .
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lol haha tht one comment made me laugh.

ive seen fat grafts done for boobs and they looked pretty natural to me. i am pretty sure thats wah kim kardashian does to get her a**.

i think the results would look pretty natural and no one would kno tht u even did anything. try emailing surgeons for before and after pics.
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Ooh what?! All this time I've been thinking you were a guy.

I wish I could give you some of my butt... I actually have the jlo booty. looool

...now I'm thinking of transferring some of my fat from my butt to my chin. :P
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I love this. I hope this treatment lasts...

Hmmm I wonder if the fat in the chin sags into under the chin area? If not than I think i'd rather go for this than sliding chin surgery.
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Hey thanks for the link migookinamja . You've read my mind, I was trying to find out about this technique ever since Ann posted about it.

Do you have the email addy or website of dream clinic? I'd like to email Dr Park the one that Ann went to see.
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"There are several advantages to the diced cartilage method (Fig. 3). First, there is no warping with this technique. Second, the nasal shape can be adjusted postoperatively over 1 to 2 months. Third, there are fewer postoperative complaints from difficult patients as they can gradually alter the final shape of the nose after surgery. Figure ​Figure4 illustrates use of the diced cartilage technique to correct a short nose deformity from a silicone implant contracture."

Interesting. I wonder how the nasal shape can be adjusted postoperatively? I thought it's supposed to harden like cement?
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If you've lived where it snows... when the snow is fresh its fluffy and easily moveable. Then some of it melts an refreezes and its hard as a rock. My guess is that this is what happens during absorption and the material is compressed.
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@taeyang i found a website that does fat grafts on the buttocks at http://www.betterbuttocks.com/betterbuttocks_microfatphotos.htm .
The results do look impressive and natural. I think i'll do it in the US since the US doctors has more experienced/ I don't think the Koreans cared too much about having a big butt whereas in the Wesst having a big butt is highly desired.

I won't be getting a butt like Jennifer Lopez cause i'm sure it wouldn't look right on my body. It might work for others but for me a medium average size butt is all I need. I just want to be able to wear a jean that actually hugs my buttocks without the need to wear a belt all the time .

And if i really did want a butt like Jennifer Lopez or Kim kardasian I'd probably don't think i have enough fat grafts for that . LOL :roflmfao:
Course another option for people with little to no body fat would be silicone butt implants. But i would advised to stay away from silicone implants for health hazard reasons and having to replace it every so often

BTW i totally agreed about Kim Kardashian having did butt implant grafted. I mean come on who is she fooling ? Look at her family and sisters and they all have average sized butts but her. If she has a big butt then surely it would run in the family ?
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I'm still Male. Just a guy who is concerned about his overall appearance.

Hun maybe you can donate me some of your body fats cause i don't think i have enough for my forehead and buttocks.

BTW considered yourself lucky for having that J LO Booty caused most women in America desired a booty like J Lo and men really loved that J Lo booty :graucho:
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I would be glad donate if that's entirely possible to do so. lol.

lol thanks! Well it runs in the family for me...I think it's more of a south east asian trait? But many people raises eyes because I look more like an east asian. Esp older Korean ladies, they think I'm korean also. lol.
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