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asian nose job 2

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pardon me if this sounds like i'm giving you a lecture but the truth is the majority of asians who undergo nose jobs or double eyelids surgery DO NOT want to look white. They just want to look like the other half of the population who naturally have higher nose and big eyes. (there is tons but my favourite is Vivian Hsu) When ppl get there eyes done, they dont make it deep set, they just make it small and modest so it looks like other asians. Also with nose, i got my nose done my nose just looks higher thats all, it didnt change my race. It's the same thing with white ppl when they shave off the lump in there nose, or get nose reduction.. im sure it's not too look asian. For example.. when MEgan Fox decided to make her nose smaller, dye her hair black, did skin laser to remove her freckles and make her skin more white, and started doing her eye liner to make her eyes appear more sharp and almond shape... i doubt it was cuz she really wanted to be an asian.

Though a 2009 reports scientifically they did some research and got a bunch of full white ppl and a bunch of full asians to vote and they found out mixes "hapas" were voted the more "healthier" looking. (using computer imaging to have a a white person and an asian and a fake (mix) of them) back in the old days, whites would only vote for whites, and asians only voted for asians. Now things changed. But even so.. "healither" doesnt mean we wanna switch our enthicity and lie about our identity.

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During the consultation, Dr Lee asked which celebritiy nose do I like. I thought about it for a while and said:" Do you know this model called angelababy?"

I told Dr Lee that I like her nose very much. He and JoAnn laughed. I ask them what the joke is about and they say 95% of their asian patients asked for her nose, so yes, they know angelababy.

Yes, she is not natural but indeed very pretty girl.
JoAnn also mentioned that she did her nose at least 3 times and find her nose a little too long for her liking .

Too bad she is not disclosing her doctor. If not, people will swamp to him like bees!

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I don't know why it's offensive about my comments, but if it's offensive to some of you then I should explain that it wasn't my intent to be. We're here to have honest discussions not only about the technical aspects of surgery but also reasons for wanting surgery as well, correct?

I didn't state specifically anyone here wanting to look Eurasian. But definitely comments along the lines of girls looking prettier because they now have Eurasian looking noses have been said. However, truth be told I don't even think it's an insult that someone would WANT to look Eurasian, even if that's her intent, I don't think it's a diss to her Asian-ness. Rather, I'm interested in the myriad of reasons of wanting nose jobs in general. Some of my Asian friends state outright that they wished they had Western-looking noses. On the other hand, some of my Latino or Caucasian friends want to shave down their noses. To me, all of this is rather fascinating from a cultural and psychological standpoint.

As for GA, it's definitely harder on your body than "twighlight sedation" or IV anesthesia. IV anesthesia isn't the same as local anesthesia. There's some research which indicates that there's a lifetime limit for GAs, meaning the more times you go under, the more complications or risks you are likely to experience. Aside from the actual sedation itself, it's not pleasant to be intubated. There's risk of damaging your vocal cords, your can get a temporary condition called vocal cord paralysis, for example.
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Sorry, I'd replied to your question in my last post, but I'll address it again here. GA entails more accumulative risks than say, IV sedation only. In that sense, it's very similar to Tylenol's effects on the liver, as there's also a lifetime dosage limit for Tylenol before the liver gets damaged from it.

IV anesthesia "freezes" the nerves in the area to be operated on, and is accompanied by a sedative, sleep-inducing drug. It blocks pain receptors from working, but it doesn't affect body functions or general consciousness.

When you are under GA, your brain is actually in a similar state as a coma i.e. total loss of consciousness. Weird, right?! The science of anesthesia is a very interesting topic...sorry I'm a bit of a geek. But to answer your question, GA means a more involved procedure not only from respiratory i.e. body function standpoint. Your blood gas composition changes, you're at more risk for heart arrhythmias, brain circuit gets rewired, etc... So if you can avoid it, by all means save it until you really need it someday, especially if you've already had several experiences with GA. Hope this doesn't scare you or deter others from surgery. I think we should be as informed as we can be about the technical aspects of surgery. Just because we choose to have elective surgery, doesn't make it any less serious.
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good post here. thanks. well so in general; IV or twilight( wat is it anyway?) so which one is better? vampires or werewolves?

well, so GA is not really advisable, idk? i gues everyone may react differently and different needs for surgery to be carried out smoothly.

anyone knows anyways those methods can erase part of our memories? i really dont mind! lol
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I too find Angelababy real sweet - the babydoll kind of cute. Am busy finding photos of "sample noses" I can show to doc to articulate what I want or don't want - but it's sooooo difficult. Cos ultimately I want a nose that blends into the face, so it's not about higher bridge or sharper tip, it's hard to visualise what would be suitable. I want a nice nose, not a perfect one, cos my forehead, chin and eyes are pleasant but certainly not perfect and these other areas will be thrown off balance should my nose be too "3D".

Should I leave it to Dr Lee's aesthetic sense? Or will he dish out a default "standard nose" if I don't have a clue what I want? What's the advice?

Dr Lee and JoAnn gonna laugh again - cos I think I will mention angelababy afterall :P

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I've been thru' GA 3 times - one is a pleasant experience, I sailed thru' the procedure, did not remember a thing, and recovery is a piece of cake. The other 2 times are rough but somewhat different - once I sailed thru' the procedure, had sweet dreams but woke up with severe sore throat and elevated BP, the other time I woke up in pain with severe nausea and felt like ****. The docs explained that there are so many different types of GA drugs and everyone reacts to each differently, even sedation drug can be dangerous if patient's body does not agree with it, so if you ever had a bad GA or sedation experience, remember to note the name of the drug used and inform your doc b4 the next procedure.

It's good to understand and be mentally prepared - just google "IV sedation vs General Anaesthesia" ..., there's lots of materials. But eventually I think the doc and anaesthesiologist will decide and react according during the surgery. JoAnn mentioned they will typically start with LA + deep IV sedation and let the patient breath on her own but if halfway thru' the body developed spasm or breathing difficulty or is in danger of choking, then they have to switch to GA, that's why there is a anaesthesiologist's fee for one to be present and I'll probably need to sign that consent form for GA ... If anaesthesia doesn't come with risks, they won't make us sign that consent form.

It's getting closer to my surgery day, and I'm getting nervous ...
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which day is your surgery again? are u are korea now? i wil be there end of month.

oh well, im not worried of death, im more worried of disappointment. lol

anyway, can a guy have angelababy's nose too? lol i really dunt know which sample i want. :sad:
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I'm only going there end of Mar. Still time to wait for you to go thru' your surgery and tell us how angelababy's nose look on you ...lol .. Big snow and extreme cold weather in Seoul now, some folks say this is good for recovery from rhino, less swelling, but impt to avoid catching a cold.
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yeh, the most i stay indoor and hibernate. lol

thanks for the info. anyway

wat do you gurls think ? any nice good looking male noses?
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My favorite male celebs,

Song Seung Hun
So Ji Sub
Choi Si Won
Lee Dong Hae
Ftts Hwanhee, make sure you Google his recent photos as he had rhinoplasty during his career. He looks even sexier now!
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