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asian nose job 2

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I think the earlier patients of VIP are verity1975, Houseoftaylor,Izora.
VIP is really getting popular now because people, went, undergone and came back speaking their truthful testimony about their experience.

Whether they get the ideal nose they wanted? I think most of them does, if not like my case, I am waiting patiently to see the end results. But, eventhough there are still swelling at the tip, I can roughly make out the final shape of the nose by the look of it and feeling the whole structure.

I must say, Dr Lee really has very good skills so please, dont doubt him. I know everyone has doubts , including me before the surgery, just go, get to know him and you will know what I mean. His professionalism and great team of nurses will make you feel at ease.

Hmmm, the only thing I can think of is the pillow that I cant sleep on in the recovery room. It is simply too hard for me, and they do not have any other pillows. SO, if you are not used to sleeping on hard pillows like me, try to bring the one in their officetel on your surgery day so they can leave it in the room for you after you are wheeled out.

Lastly, There are many many small things that happened during my stay ( and I believe many others) about VIP that makes us rave about them.
These are small little details that we did not include in our experience.

For example, JoAnn was so worried that I have not eaten anything since I went back to the officetel, she went to get bread and sandwiches, biscuits for me to eat, without even asking me. She is so nice. And, the bakery store she got was those expensive, branded bakery shop. I know this is nothing to brag but they really do not restrain their expenses for their patients.

And they also picked us up, treated us to a nice dinner at some korean restaurant and sent us back to the hotel. SHe even got my kid a nice gift which was a remote car controller that he loved!!! I was so touched by the gestures they showed us. I was thinking, I am just another new-faced patient they received even now and then but their concern and warmth are never short-changed.

ALso, maybe because we kind of bonded with her and another of her staff as we clicked so well and they love my children thus we feel so awesome.

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Hi all,

This question goes to all who have had or thinking about having surgery with Dr. Lee at VIP:
have you ever seen any of his one year or older post-up patient pics? Typically the ones on doctors' websites are very recent, like one or two month post up, so how can we determine if he will be able to give us long lasting desirable results, especially since rib absorption occurs 15-20% over our lifetime. We're basically going
by the word of mouth of people who went to and had surgery with him recently.

It's just that I have had surgery 3 times already, and everytime I had it it looked great for about 6-8 months and after that everything goes down hill: bridge totally deflated, the tip shrinks, the middle vault of the bridge is stll huge, etc.

My question is not to put anyone down, but to make sure that we eliminate the chance of another revision. Hope this makes sense to everyone :smile:

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the best way is to call and follow up with them. They have both an English speaking and Chinese speaking staff.

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hi wai may i know wat methods did u use? RIBS? and 3 times?
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thanks for sharing. i know they are very nice people. and i know the r very professional and service is legendary.

i think as far as surgery is concern, the "job" itself is more important, the rest is bonus. ironically,it is also their services that was raved and heard,which attracted international customers. since we cant "try" out their skills.

i guess the "job" wise; based on words of mouth. actually words typed out by unknown people here in forum:
risk is as calculated as 50-50.

service wise; i do believe they are really good from the emails exchanged so far.

on curious note: who knows joann is one of us here as a blogger :smile: come out come out wherever you are.. haha

GL all! :smile:

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What I am trying to put across is that everyone has doubts about every single doctor and no one will ever be sure that the doctor they choose will be the best choice or will give them the ideal results.

What we can do is to share our experiences. That's all. Not trying to over-rave VIP or Dr Lee.

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most doctors say that autologous rib cartilage has an absorption rate of 10-20%

ear cartilage is more unpredictable with absorption. most doctors will say that ear cartilage actually absorbs more than rib cartilage

i remember from a study the infection rate was ~5% or so with autologous tissue. extrusion is less likely if you use self cartilage too

also, asian people tend to not have enough septal cartilage for augmentation. there is a good chance that the doctor will tell you that when you go for a consultation, and you will have to choose another material for the bridge.
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since it is not a foreign object, the body does not form a capsule so contraction and extrusion is not likely.

i'm not 100% sure about this next part but here it is:
idk how exactly it fuses with the tissue but apparently it does fuse. it can probably be removed but the surgeon would have to be experienced at removing rib cartilage. they can remove septal cartilage and it is fused right? so they should be able to remove rib cartilage too.
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the noses look kinda swollen from the front for all their b&a pics and you will have to wait for months for it to deswell 100%

but it should look really good once you can see the final result
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Absorbtion and Warption are different things.
how can we determine if he will be able to give us long lasting desirable results?
Rib is the long lastingest so far, there isnt really anything better then rib
If you are worried about the LOOK then u can;t go for rib, cuz rib being natura will absorb... there isnt anything any doc can do.
If you want a high big nose peice and allow it to stay that look
i think silicone or anything plastic doesnt really shrink as much as rib
it just swells and deswells but i dont think it will shrink to 15%
However, that being said... those are only temporary and like someone previously said... years and years your skin issues will drug the foreign
object down and try to pull it out of your body (extruding) Rib will NEVER extrude from your nose, unless u got punched and clawed and someone is grabbing it out of your nose.

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