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asian nose job 2

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Hey guys! I've been looking to get my nose done for a LOONNGG time, but just never able to find right surgeon. So thanks to this forum I started looking at the VIP website. I was wondering if anyone knows the average cost for a nose surgery along with accommodation? I noticed some of you are looking to go this spring. Would love to find a buddy to go with as well. How long did it take to get an appointment from them.
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I had rib done almost 10 years ago. I wouldn't say I experienced much absorption, but the bridge area has warped and created a bump. That's why I am getting a revision. Also my bridge area is very thin now, maybe that is considered absorption? It could also be due to my skin thinning over time and loss of natural collagen in my skin.

There are pros and cons to every option out there, there is no perfect surgery, it is still surgery and there is nothing yet that is fool proof.

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Hi Milky way....nose surgery with VIP would cost you about USD 4500, the reason is dr.Lee is specialized in using autologous bone from your rib thus make the procedure more complex. I know because i have consulted with them before...they are reputable and they could provide you free accommodation if there's is vacant room in the clinic. That's why you should book your surgery earlier.
I choose OZ clinic before them because it's smaller clinic and cheaper and i have consulted with dr. Park there by email and i guess he is also a good doctor. I'm planning to go to Seoul this February 2011. Anyone interested so that we can share our hotel fee? :woohoo:
FYI: standard room in korean hotel is for two people and with expensive price also
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Totally agree with moicreme n JennLynn.sadly i am in for the poll. I did with him too! sigh..its WORSE than before my revision with him. i've got curve banana for the bridge n i have a dragon nose from frontal view :cursing: i should have done more research before jumping into it..i dont even want to go out anymore!!

now i am lurking around to revise it again either in korea or taiwan..
mayb Migo , VIP or any good docs in taiwan..:sos:
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actually, they charge 8500 for rib cartilage nose job (including anesthesia) if you get the bridge and tip augmented

maybe you check the price again?

or do they charge korean people less for surgery?
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can someone request discounts from VIP for TPF members? lol

i think i can be a broker here. -.-
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hows the scar healing?

Im thinking of using donor ribs.. any comments on that?
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i forgot, they charge seperate for alarplasy as well. alarplasty is 1500
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I remembered JoAnn saying she gets 20-30 emails a day for new enquiries thus she always try to reply to all because if not, it will just add on to her inbox the next day.
Also, there was one day that she have 20 consultations and it was on a saturday.

The thing is they never seems to feel tired and are such workaholic. from what we see, they start work at 9am and finish around 8-9pm on normal days. Sunday is the only off day and even so,Dr Lee has to see patients for cleaning up and reviews.
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Hello Milkyway - just email them to get an estimated quote. I am planning on going in May, along with Laugnablevickie, so it would be great to get another person to come along for moral support! Let me know what you think. We've been planning beg-mid May. Just a thought.
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would it be okay, if I ask for some b/a pictures? I promise I will not share them.
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