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asian nose job 2

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you may consult with any medical literature and you will find this to be true. if you are naive enough to believe whatever sales pitch a doctor throws at you then okay. i dont have an agenda. doctors do.

skin thickness plays a role in definition of underlying grafts. NOT how much height you can achieve. height depends on your skin's elasticity.

please educate yourself. you can't trust everything a doctor tells you especially one who is trying to SELLL you something.

it takes way more skill and MUCH more of the doctor's time to perform a rib graft surgery.

a doctor who is not skilled and who wants to churn out noses out of his clinic like a factory does not have time to do rib and it will be much more cost effective and business effective for him to just use silicone or goretex.

a rib graft surgery takes about 6-8 hours. a silastic or goretex based surgery takes about 1-2 hours if that. you do the math.

doctor's who want to have high volume business do NOT HAVE TIME to do rib. so they lie and say "oh silastic is best" "oh goretex is best" lie lie lie lie lie. they most likely do not have the skill it takes to work with rib.

anyone can stick a piece of plastic in ur nose. it takes a skilled doctor to extract the rib and carve it and make grafts

says who? your doctor? he doesnt want to make it any higher with silicone because then you are under the risk of EXTRUSION and skin necrosis.

a foreign implant in your nose is NOT the same as self cartilage. self cartilage is ALWAYS superior. with rib graft yes you do have chance of reabsorption and warping, but risks of warping are minimized with doctor's skill. those consequences are very small if you compare to the risks associated with a foreign implant.

let the doctor choose? the doctor doesn't know what is best for you, you should find a doctor that will match what YOU think looks good , not what he thinks looks good on you. its your face. a doctor is less concerned about what is "Best" for your face as he is what is within HIS ability.

that is why one doctor can do one thing and another doctor cannot

you put way too much faith in a plastic surgeon. they are there to make money. money first. patient second. if they were in it for the "Best interest" of the patient they wouldnt be shoving silicone or goretex in ur nose.

silastic implants calcify over time cause thinning of the skin and many other problems. goretex is porous and your tissue grows into it thus making removal in the future much harder. if u remove goretex u must remove accompanying tissue with it and this causes alot of tissue damage. the list of complications goes on and on

what the heck are u talking about? where did i say the prices at verite clinic are lies? please chck your glasses.

at the end of the day you can argue with me all you want I know what i am talking about i am a medical student and i have about 10 years in medicine whereas you just get your info from whatever surgeons tell you and whatever you find on a message board.

i am trying to help you and help others so i dont know why you are being hostile.

at the end of the day you YOURSELF said you feel like the nose job you received is a bit conservative for your liking. so go ahead and keep telling yourself whatever you need to make yourself feel better. the fact of the matter is you have been lied to if you really think there is no superior material to use for the bridge. right now there is no "perfect" material but comparing all pros and cons self rib definitely allows for more drastic change along with smaller risks in comparison to foreign body implants.
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I sent you my pic couple days aga via email (from my personal email) Have you gotten it? I wonder if it goes to your junk box since my subject was "pix". I know I should have thought about it.

I agree with Megalil. It happened to me. It took a week to schedule for a removal of the implant and it rotted a good part of the tip of my nose. Have the doctor prescribe antibiotic and take it religiously until the day of your surgery.
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hm i disagree with you...

Doctors are trained to see what size and shape will match your face. If you have the nose u wanted, it might not suit well with your face. the doctor has to analyze ur face size/shape, chin, forehead in order to pick the correct nose BEST SUITED for your face...
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my doctor is Dr Hieu Pham in Newport california. Yeah I would diffinitely want a different doctor..:/
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:[ I know i wonder if it was mal practice or anything of that sort? My mom wanted him to give us the money back but then again it wasn't the doctor's fault right? sigh.. how unfortunate..
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no they arent. have you been to medical school? its medical school not beauty school.

doctors are technical people.

well in that case why are you unhappy with the nose your doctor gave you? i read that you said u feel the nose job was too subtle like he barely did anything. u honestly think he had "your best interest" in mind or do u think he was just collecting ur money and giving you an "easy nose job" without much change? yeah sorry to say but its most likely the latter.

only you know what looks good on your face. everyone has their own style. a doctor forcing HIS style on you may not always have the best outcome. again pls understand doctors are in this business to make money. u need to find the right doctor who is going to spend careful time & energy on ur nose. u dont want to go to go to a doctor who does like 10 noses a day.

if doctors are "trained to analyze your face size/shape, chin, forehead to give you the correct nose best suited for your face" then explain why it even matters to choose a good doctor?

why if you go to doctor A u will end up with a completely different nose than doctor B? each doctor has his OWN style no matter how much u tell him what "type" of nose u want u hve to realize hes going to do it in HIS style. thats why there are so many unhappy rhinoplasty patients.

according to you arent all doctors trained to give you the best possible nose for your face? why even go to a consult to explain to the doctor what you like ? why not just pick a doctor at random and then have him operate on you since hes trained to give you the best nose possible. why bother to bring in pictures of what you like or tell him what style u like.

stop being naive.

doctors are in this business to make money I KNOW ive worked with so many doctors IN and OUT of the operating room.

im trying to help u guys from making a bad mistake do not put so much faith into your doctor thinking anyhting and everything they tell you is the truth. doctors are sales people too. they have an agenda.

if doctors had the patient's best interest in mind then they would lose alot of business!!! YOU need to be more proactive in what YOU choose to do.

for example if you were to go to dr.toriumi he might be able to give you a very extreme drastic change such as this


but if you went to another doctor who only works with silastic implants he might give you something a bit more conservative

now if you were to look at that girl's before picture could you ever imagine her "facial features" would be "suitable" for a high sharp nose? she has a flat face and a flat forehead, no way would u "imagine" that a sharp nose looks good on her, and yet look at what toriumi has envisioned for her and has been able to accomplish.

had she gone to a korean doctor he might have given her a "soft round" less dramatic looking nose. whose to say which looks better? only SHE knows what looks better. not the doctors.

each doctor has his own style and what HE or SHE thinks looks good. it doesnt mean that its going to be right. its what YOU like. you are going to be having surgery and the nose is going to be on YOUR face. so you should find a doctor who will work closely with your own aesthetic. u should do what makes u happy.
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Asianmodelboy - While I agree with some of the points you make, I think it's you who is bringing unnecessary hostility into this forum. Would it be possible for you to have a civil conversation rather than belting out your opinion in such an arrogant, rude manner? You're a medical STUDENT. I don't really think that's grounds for your to consider yourself the authority on all things plastic surgery. You seriously need to check yourself.
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i agree with u... Doctors do have their own style and it is important to find the doctor that will suit your needs.

But that being said, look at all the stars that have nose jobs (asian stars) where it is CLEARLY OBVIOUS they have a nose job because they probably got what they wanted, a really really high pointy nose. in these cases, their judgement was not correct. most patients of plastic surgery have unexpected expectations of what they want their nose to look like.

And thats what makes a good doctor, the ability to discern what proportion would look best on someone. If you don't know, there is a concept of symmetry and proportion in beauty, and this is what plastic surgeons study, the so called "golden rule" in ratios

the example picture you showed... she has big eyes, perhaps a taller nose would look best on her. and plus, her forehead is round...

but the best nose job is when it looks natural both by itself and with its face. that im sure you cannot argue with

yes my results were subtle from the front, but results can be seen on the side. thats what was surprising to me

im not sure why you are so cynical about this issue. i wasn't putting you down or anything, i was just simply stating that a GOOD doctor studies knows what fits ones face because they are trained to know angles, measures, ratios... maybe i oversimplified my sentence which resulted in misinterpretations. if so then i apologize
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Asianmodelboy: Hi, i was wondering which clinics you would recommend in seoul since your a med student im guessing you would talk a bit about ps to other surgeons from your knowledge.

Do you know if samsung aesthetic clinic is good? Its linked to samsung hospital which is pretty reputable. Thanks
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To jamasian or anyone,

What kind of anesthesia did Bangobagi give you?

Does Banobagi quote their prices in won or dollar? Some clinics (BK) seems to quote prices in won, which I don't like because it does not reflect the favorable exchange rate. I hear that the won has weakened about 25 to 30% against the dollar, so it would be better if prices were quoted in won.
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Can anyone recommend a good clinic in Korea that is experienced in using rib cartilage?

Has anyone heard of Dr. Lee from http://vipps-clinic.com/vip_eng/? The doctor's credentials seem very impressive, and he's even an American board certified plastic surgeon. It looks like he has experience with rib cartilage.

I initially had an appointment with Dr. Kao in Taiwan to do rib rhinoplasty, but I canceled it. He was going to use just rib for my bridge and tip. I heard that Taiwanese surgeons are just as good as Korea surgeons, but the prices are significantly lower.
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Hi Rooky,

Yes, I just opened your email and was able to view your picture, thank you so much!! Your bridge looks great! I'm assuming the picture you sent is with rib cartilage, correct? If you are looking to re-do your nose, will the doctor need to remove the old cartilage completely and put in new cartilage from the rib? Are the doctors using the same incision under your breast fold or are they making a new incision everytime? I thought these Dr's are suppose to make an incision (just as with a breast augmentation) so that it will be hidden especailly when wearing a bikini? What type of material is on your tip (ear or septum cartilage)? How much did you pay for rhiniplasty using the rib cartilage approach? Do you think 14K is in line or do you think I'm paying a premium? I'm hoping to finalize everything soon and possibly schedule my surgery in March. I'm very scared but I feel ready to move forward...

This forum topic is great, I've learned so much from everyone's experience. I greatly appreciate everyone's input!!
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so you do agree with me that each doctor has his own style and that you cant really just rely on a doctor just "knowing what is suitable for your face" you need to know yourself what is suitable not what the doctor says is suitable.

and as far as the stars whose noses look really obvious well they probably didnt go to the right surgeon. like i said each doctor has their own style

if u want a high pointy nose then u go to someone who is experienced with turning a flat bobby nose to a high pointy nose. u go to the doctor who knows how to perform that style.

u wouldnt go ask for sushi at a burger place and u wouldnt ask for a burger at a sushi bar.

only you know what looks good on your face. the doctor is just someone you hire to help get what you want. you cant go to a doctor expecting he will "know what to do and give u whatever fits ur face"

i am cynical because ive worked around alot of docs and that is exactly how they operate. when they say "oh dont worry i will give u a nose that fits ur face" what they are saying is they re just going to give u whatever is within their style or they will give u something that is within their skill.

subtle nose jobs are very easy to do. its the drastic ones that require skill
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