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asian nose job 2

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hi everyone,

i'm on day 17/18. here are photos..

for those of you who don't know, i got a slight bridge added with gore-tex, and lengthened the tip just a little bit with ear cartilage. no one knows i had rhino done, and my family members said it doesn't look like i had anything done! i guess that's a good thing =P

i was wondering if i should get the tip (from the front view) pointy~ but he said my face is small and i have round features, it would NOT suit my face however if that's what I really wanted, he would do it. I agreed~ I'm a happy camper :smile: I got my eyes done too, but the eyes are taking a while to get used to and that's a totally different story~ >.<

It's still swollen~ >.< Does it mean as time goes by the bridge and tip will look higher or lower??

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i think it looks really nice, especially from an angle. it really suits your face

i think it will go down a bit if it is swollen. probably by less than a mm.

you have 4 different skin colors though :huh:
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Btw, please don't show these photos outside of this forum please. im trusting you guys.:/

Kain, lol!!! It's in different lightings that's why. I didn't plan on posting any so I went through my albums and just took random before photos from different times and then room different current photos.
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Juicyme you might wanna reedit yours and let ppl know Dr Jung did your nose just in case others dont goback to read.


Anyways im seriously getting very interested in sliding genioplasty, not for me but my male friend. So since your own bone fuses with each other (whoa totally didnt know bone would do that..) does that mean SOME patients would go back a year later and open up there chins to remove the titanium screws??? and come just leave it as they wish? Is there really pros and cons to deciding to go back to remove it or leave it? Interesting!
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I me a patient who'd done silicone many yrs ago, it looks very natural, but he is going to get it removed n planning to do it at VIP. Idk, there's nothing wrong with his nose but he's worried of infection n all.

Kain, yes done alar as well. Hmm chin sliding is tempting, but I think better find out if it affects your jaw?
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how does the alarplasty look? does it look natural?

also, about the chin sliding. it is just the bottom ledge of bone that is being moved, so it shouldn't affect your jaw. there is the risk that the nerve may be damaged and you will have numbness, but a good doctor should know to locate and avoid the major nerve in that area
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I had friends who did silicon filler injections, and they had it for almost 2 years now. Nothing bad has gone wrong so far...so are they any safe? they do seem like a quick fix...and you don't have to worry about extrusion!!
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Looks ok for the time being but becuz of swelling, still fat nose so I cant give a fair judgement right now.
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I guess it all depends on your requirement. If u only want minimum slight changes then u can think about that, usually works ok for years but cannot produce drastic changes like what rib can do as its handcrafted by surgeon.

Also if u wann risk infection which may or may not take place in years.

Then again, the idea of something foreign in your body is never e best choice.

Its the easiest to remove tho. Else fillers can be considered to try out the change and likings of the desirable nose, fillers usually last from 1-9years depending on which type. This is what I was told, so yeh do your own research, cheers
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opps i meant it would make more sense for you to name your doctor wouldnt it???? I not sure why u wouldnt want to mention him during your before & after and process.

Oh its cuz i wasnt interested >.< but for those who are
obviously stating it for the benefit of everybody. So that she wont have to answer the same questions over and over again
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I think for those who have emailed the doctor and have not recieved an email please do not feel discouraged. Me and someone else right now are waiting for an email by one of a doctor we are interested in. The other person i talk to is going to korea and will consult with 5 clinics which i think is a smart idea. I think i will start calling now too see if 1_ the doctor speaks english 2_ if the doctor worked with rib before.

As far as results i've seen online Right now im interested in O&Young, and Abgujung. As far as results i've seen face to face by two ppl from my city, then Bk Clinic.

Others i was interested in were banobagi.co.kr / dreamsurgery.co.kr / realcosmetic.com/ (so far only banobagi i found out for sure they do not use rib) let me know if you know about the other two, as i only assumed they do not use rib
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i don't know about the complication rate (it is probably relatively low), but what i do know is that if they do go wrong they have a tendency to go catastrophically wrong. check dr toriumi and dr jungs website, they have pictures of what happens when fillers go wrong

and it is different from a normal rhinoplasty because rhinoplasty complication rates depend a lot on the doctors skill and technique, but i really don't see how technique can prevent an injection from going wrong
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thank you for your reply :smile:

i am really confused if i should place a small implant in my nose along with septal cartilage to build the bridge and ear cartilage for the tip. I really don't want to live every day thinking about the risk of infection/extrusion.

rib cartilage is totally out of the subject cause i don't want to open up another wound site, or risk warping or hard tip. i am not even going to consider gortex. dermal fillers do seem pretty bad, and even though its a quick fix there's a catch to it :sad:

i am also thinking if i should just get my tip raised up and more refined with just septal or/and ear cartilage (AND NO SILICONE IMPLANT)....my bridge is not tall but i'm ok with my nose if more definition and sharpness are added to my tip (as my tip is really flat). is that possible? or should i just do the whole rhinoplasty with the small silicone implant with ear/septal cartilage? i'm really scared of infection/extrusion as even if i remove the silicone, your nose cannot return back to it's old shape. should i risk it???
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