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asian nose job 2

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keep in mind that you may not have enough septal cartilage to augment your nose. if a surgeon goes ahead and harvests your septal cartilage if you don't have enough, there is a chance that you could get a saddle nose deformity (the bridge sinks because there isn't enough support from the remaining septal cartilage). most surgeons will probably just tell you (i'm assuming you are asian and have a low bridge) that you don't have enough septal cartilage

at least that is what i have gleaned online

EDIT: you might be able to augment using septal cartilage if it is a by a conservative amount. idk though. you should have a consultation with a surgeon to ask
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i haven't done much research on this btw, this is just what i remember from the aforementioned surgeons' websites. they are probably a bit biased btw, so it is good to get more opinions on this
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when I called banobagi they said they do use rib but very rare occasions, if the patients nose is completely destroyed and non-existnet. which means that they're probablly not all that experienced with it, since most of their patients either use gortex or silicon. who have u been considering lately?
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so i should just go with silicone implant with septal/ear cartilage? if i am not even going to consider rib, gortex, or dermal fillers? i guess if i go with an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon, i should be fine?
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you can think of a combination surgery, wrapping your septal and ear cartilage in your own fascia, that'll give you a subtle change.

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Sorry! It was rushed, didnt even think of that. I can't believe it wont let me edit the post! :sad: I got it w Dr Ahn in nyc.
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i am kinda biased against silicone. i personally wouldn't use it

i guess your best hope is to consult with a surgeon and hope that he says that you have enough septal cartilage (and hope that he is right)

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are there any disadvantages to using that method? where will the surgeon get the fascia from? is there a high infection rate? or high fascia absorption rate?
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i doubt i have enough septal cartilage, lol.
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you could consider donated rib cartilage for the bridge and ear cartilage for the tip(since you want a soft tip, ear cartilage is supposed to be softer)
but the downside is that the resorption rate for donated (irradiated) rib cartilage is "unpredictable"
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This method has a lot of absorption, so the results can be unpredictable.

Just fyi... It might be different with each individual, but my nose tip was extremely hard when I had just ear cartilage.
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I have a question about dark circles under your eyes. Like, a dark bluish pigmentation. Do you know how you can treat that? I also noticed that as I hit 31 I started losing fat under my eyes.
Also I wanted to start a new thread under this topic but don't know how. Thanks everyone!
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If you dont want anything fake in your nose but you also do not want Rib. I think you should consider what my friend wants to do (she is in the same situation after she saw my rib scar lol) she is only gonna do
- alarplasty
- De fattening
- use ear and septum (depending if the doctor says its ok)
She knwos herself that her nose bridge will not be high, and she will not have a define tip. Her nose will improve but its not gonna change much in in definitition and height obviously. And she accepts that, thats what you get if you do not want an actual implant whether fake or real. You cant change your nose unless something is done obviously.
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what is de fattening??

EDIT: okk so its just like removing fat from your nose or thick skin?? i don't think i need that or alarplasty. like what one of the poster here mentioned earlier, if i use septal and ear cartilage for my tip....my bridge might be droopy and i don't want that =(
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^ removing some fat (just like septal, removing too much fat isnt good either, trust me... its better to have a thick nose) i little defatted my nose and i seriously believe thats the reason my nose looks real, u cant see any implant material or anything (u know when u can kinda see the outline of some implants? or weird tips?) if i wanted too, i could even defat a tiny bit more too. My doctor isfrom taiwan so he is very conservative he barely defatted mine.
Well right now im inlove with O&young,and BK clinic nose work. Abgujung has a great eye on profile and how to fix flat faces, watching there video amazed me so much. Abgujung is the only one who hasnt responded to me yet. for of the 3 clinics that i love. Makes me question if there are well known celebrity clinics out there that i dont know about yet. But so far my heart is set on these 3 clinics. I think when im ready to go there i will call all 3 and also do a face to face consultation to see all 3 of them. Cuz right now when i state "revision" im not really sure what i want either, thus they cannot give me an exact price since my nose isnt warp or anything, its perfectly fine, its just up to me what i want changed.
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