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asian nose job 2

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Thank you! I just got my cup of coffee, and I'm ready to read through all the posts :smile:
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the girls were saying O&young is like the most reputable place to go for rhinoplasty.
apparently, the director there has some sort of celebrity-like status as a plastic surgeon. :nuts:
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I'm over a year healed. I just want a pretty celebrity type of nose but natural looking. Yeah my nose is striaght, i was it slightly curved upward and more of a angled profile (just a bit) Im lucky my nose right now isnt big or high, so i think if my profile change slightly it wouldnt be like "Whoa huge nose"
i also wouldnt mind if my profile didnt change but instead if the doctor defats it a bit more or somehow make it a bit more defined.
http://anti-yoona.xanga.com/ like her nose is small, its kinda cute. I didnt know there was such thing as a tip-lift.
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I'm so desperate I want to cry right now.

I removed my L-silicone implant 2 weeks ago and my nose still doesn't back to its old shape before it's been inserted implant.

It is now becomes upturned with pulled up nostrils, and the tip seems located higher (more to the center of the nose).

It's like when you push your nose up like making piggy face.

The problem is I removed it with another surgeon, so my first and second surgeons were like "the first surgeon might have suture your nose tip cartilage"
the first was like "i didn't suture anything, it might be the second surgeon didn't clean up the sticky-things on your nose that might have builded when the implant inserted"

and they keep making me hopeless.

PS i just had my implant for about 3 weeks so it couldn't be the scar tissue right? and does anyone deal with this problem too?
Your nose becomes shorter (like the columella becomes shorter and the tip is pulling the nostrils up?"
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Hi all,

I'll be leaving for Kaoshiung sometime between Mar 18 to Mar 20 and have surgery (this is a revision) scheduled at Dr Hsu's <http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/hsuyc1> on Mar 22. I'll be doing this alone as this happens to be a busy period wrt work for family members & friends. Naturally, there is a certain amt of trepidation involved....so i'll like to find out if anyone else is going to Kaoshiung and looking at the same window of time? Pls PM me at [email protected] so we can work something out...
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hi, i'm sorry it went wrong

the thing that is happening to your nose is called contraction. you will probably need a revision nose job.
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hi guys, 2 weeks post op. tip still swelling, how much more n longer did your VIP noses swell for? dr say need many months to a year for me. everything else is fine except for the RIB pain when i lie down to sleep. have to sleep incline.. the sharp pain is quite unbearable at times.

there are scartissues/dried clogged blood stucked in my nose n it hurts when i tried to remove them. how long and did this happen to you guys?

want my nose to deswell faster. i have thick skin. anyone knows the trick?
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You removed it without replacing it with anything else? Did u just decided you want your old natural nose back? If you removed it, it should look the same as your old nose unless 1) he alar 2) defatted 3)touched anything else like your septum or something...
otherwise your nose should only be a tad stretch but pretty much looked the same... if you hate your nose the only thing i would do to make it better is to get it fixed... but i would have switched the L-silicone with rib or gortex if i didnt want ot use natural material. Thats just me though.
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dr hsu is my primary doctor ^^ he is skilled and FREAKEN nice and friendly. Im gonna warn u about his nurses though.. they have a reputation of not being that nice if you dont speak mandarin. May i ask who ur first doctor was?
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Oh that should go away once the doc removes your bandaids and switches and stuff out of your nose. Your nose shouldnt hurt at all.
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