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asian nose job 2

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Rawdude, I'm one of those who gets gastric problems for weeks whenever I take antibiotics (good bacteria in the stomach got killed as well ..). Steroids & some sedation drugs can cause stomach bloating too. Usually doc will put me on a 1-wk course of antacid and this gastric-reflux med called Pariet and tell me to drink some Yakult and that will fix it. But best to see a doc yourself .. and a bruise on your stomach??

Folks, I'm down with flu - and my surgery is just a few weeks away. Feeling so lousy now - keeping my fingers crossed everything clears up soon.
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Any idea where they harvest the fascia and dermis from? Or do they use ready-made dermis like Alloderm? I was told putting a layer of fascia or dermis or a bit of ear cartilage at the tip will make it softer. Dun really want another wound on my ear though.

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munching on weisen -u . hope it helps, thanks
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for banobagi, they take the fascia from the side of your skull
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Another thing you can do to determine if you have a lot of hydrochloric acid (HCLO4), a.k.a stomach acid, is to go to a store and purchase a bottle of PH strips.

In the morning before eating anything, go pee on a strip. If your strip reads anything lower than 7, like 6, 5, etc...that means your system is indeed acidic.

Don't know if you remember from Chemistry, but bases neutralize acids, so the best way to combat an acidic stomach is to eat foods that have base, like milk, yoguart (contains good bateria that regulates your gastrointestinal track), sweet potatos, which by the way contains loads of nutrients and good carbs, so we don't go hugry so easily. Of course, fruits and dark green leafy veggies; they will help you to regulate your bowl movement.

Some people don't know this, but good health really starts at our gastrointestinal track. If your gastrointestinal track is healthy, it will eliminate toxins (for example, anesthesia) more efficiently and absorbs the nutrients from foods that we eat. It is a ripple effect. Once the main part of the body is healing, so will rest of other parts.

BTW, I'm just a health nut and I graudated with a minor in chem, but I'm not a doctor, though I did a lot of research on how certain foods and juices can help to speed up our healing process after surgeries and I also had actually applied these techniques on my 2 previous rib surgeries.

p.s: everyone already know this, but water helps eliminate toxins in body too...so drink a lot of water.

hope it helps,
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oops, I meant HCL, not HCLO4. HCLO4 is perchloric acid.
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Can someone please tell me if its normal for the tip of your nose to be swollen? I ask this bc the tip is fatter than what id like :sad: I'm a month post op and got ear cartilage in the tip.PlsSs let me know, thank youuu
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Maybe when it is more prone to infection after the operation. BUt after all, I am sure the tissues and all sorts will heal up and protect that area.

Now after 2.5 months, my ribs has healed and feel the same. I do think they are weaker than the other in a sense too. can't probably be as good as new..

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Fascia - Temple areas
Dermis - Back

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i have this really weird fear that if i fall on my face after surgery my columnellar strut will stab up my nose at my brain and instantly kill me

can someone please tell me i am being silly? =(

what actually happens if you fall on your nose and it has a columnellar strut?
is it prone to bend, break, or rotate?
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Many woman are get scared of those nose jobs by the surgeons or the doctor-patient relationship. They all the sit taking places in the clinics were going no more and all these troubles were get disappeared in these days, mainly for the us citizens. Every patient can attain the full knowledge about what they have to pay for which they will want, and nothing else except a successful amazing results to your face.
plastic surgery
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ahh ill skip the rib and sticking with gortex.. far away from silicone.

what nose type/look is everyone going for?
Itll be nice to see some pics. ;)

edit: off topic-ish[?]

remember this girl who wanted surgery to look like Alba so her bf wouldnt leave her? [thats sad &mean btw] But I wonder if theres any update. Cause I want to know how her nose turned out and the whole surgery ofcourse.
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