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asian nose job 2

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Tnx for info.. I even tried calling up but unable to contact Joann.
N I have to reshedule my flight after confirming with her .hopefully
she be able to get accommodation for me.I m so scared.haven even slept for the past few
nights. But thank god I found ppl who is kind enough to share their experiences n knowledge with me.
I will definitely b here to share my experience once I get my nose fix..
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Tnx for info.. I even tried calling up but unable to contact Joann.
N I have to reshedule my flight after confirming with her .hopefully
she be able to get accommodation for me.I m so scared.haven even slept for the past few
nights. But thank god I found kind souls who is willing to share their experiences n knowledge with me. ESP Kian.. Although u haven been through the surgery yet but
I would like to thank u for responding to my SOS. :smile:
I will definitely b here to share my experience once I get my nose fix..
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Oops!!Sorry for double posting..

Kian i will fix my chin as well once splint comes off n get replacement goretex done by previous dotor.he said he will fix it for free. But what if it slides again.
On second thought i might be doing it with VIP once n for all..
Although the cost is gonna snowball but I rather get it done nicely.

Too bad I could not view the link which u provide for the sliding genioplasty.
But thanks anyway :smile:
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sliding genioplasty according to joann, is much simplier than nose job for dr lee. so dont worry.
anyway,confirmation of whether you really need that upon your face to face consultation with dr lee. sometimes pics cant really tell the shape of your face.

my nose de-swells bit by bit everyday and its beginning to look more natural. so far dr lee did a great job. awaiting 6th month post op to give another review for you guys. but think most of u here could had already done it by then. haha. VIP noses people plese continue to update progress thanks!

seoul is shopping heaven for women. international designer brands and many you cant find elsewhere. nice food around the corners of VIP too as recommended by verity and others.

lots of things to do there don worry. you may even pick friends at the clinic itself to venture together.

gd luck all.
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kain post a pic of yourself here! haa.. wat shape of your face? if u can take daniel henney's nose, DO IT. haha think hes got the perfect angle. anyway, joann got many pics. u can ask her to show u some... most importantly; must balance and suit your face..gdd luck
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Thanks for the concern :smile: Thankfully i'm up north with all my family but the situation down in Christchurch has been horrific >"<

I left a note on the question box on their main page because i couldn't find their email address the other night (thanks to everyone who has posted it since lol) and haven't heard back yet either...
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I think Janice Fronimakis has a nice nose, it gives him a very strong profile


also agree with rawdude about DAniel Henney's nose although on him the bridge looks a bit too high for some reason...

Rawdude, i also wanted to PM you about your surgery but i don't think my account allows me yet, do you mind telling me more about your surgery and the process and what the healing process was like afterwards??
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Was also wondering if anyone has tried to bargain for a lower price at VIP? I've been saving for such a long time and now I'm getting worried that I may have to get a loan to cover everything due to the exchange rate.

For those who had surgery and wear glasses, how long after can we wear them again? I'm sure i read in another forum it was six weeks but wanted to confirm? Because i want to get my eyes and nose done I'm guessing i'll be blind as a bat for a while >"<

Also, for those who know have seen pictures of Angelababy, does it look like she had epi? I want my eyes and nose like hers
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Pmed u. long story. i wear sunnies on 3rd week.. i dunt know if its major problem ..although advised not to.

ok 3 weeks post VIP op update for those interested: nose looks more natural day by day, its beginning to look more normal now, scars are about 50% healed i must say. but not prominent, chest scar is beginning to scab, alot less painful now and can finally lie flat to sleep, no sharp pain anymore due to movements.

ear still feels little "something is missing" but its all good. slightly aches at the back still.

everything is okaish, except for terrible gastric problem still going on and still finding the cause and under monitor.
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NO - Angelababy looks absolutely stunning. If you can pull off her eyes and nose i'll be drooling and soso jealous! :smile: Do it!! Good to hear you're safe from the earthquakes.. pheww..

@ Kain, what background are you so we know what kind of nose would be more suited to you..?
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HAHA sorry i meant do you think she got epi to get her eyes like that? My eyes used to be that shape though slightly smaller but since two years ago my lids have gotten sooo weird, now sometimes they're full double lids, sometimes they're slight double lids and then a lot of days they're totally uneven. It's been driving me crazy!

i second the thanks to rawdude for the added info and will get to the Pm as soon as i can, it's currently 2.22am so i should probably sleep as i have work in 6 hours...
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