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asian nose job 2

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Have any of you heard about temporary injection? I am going to consult with a doc in beverly hills for Radisee injection. and if I am satisfied with the result I will think about Artifill which is a perminent type injection with surgery.

Any comments?
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hey everybody,
this is my first time posting. i was wondering if any of you had any before and after pics with dr. charles lee in beverly hills. i saw his name mentioned many times on the internet, and know he is popular in the asian community for plastic surgery. so after consulting a few others, i thought it would be a smart decision to go with an asian dr. who has had a lot of experience with asian noses. so i went to see dr, charles lee about a week ago and felt comfortable speaking with him, so i put a down payment for a rhinoplasty and breast aug.
now that i am home, i've been doing more in depth research on him and im kinda freakin' out because im running into a lot of awful reviews about him. i don't want to believe everything i read, but it would help out a lot if there's anyone on here who can vouch for dr. lee, share their experience, and if possible, share pics as well.

thanks a lot,
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This too is my first post. I'm really interested in rhinoplasty, but I don't know where to go! My family lives in South Korea, so my obvious answer should be Korea, but I'm thinking about just getting it done here in Michigan.

Is anyone from Michigan? Maybe we can go together! I have an appointment with a Dr. Chau in Southfield, MI, which is far from where I live. I would prefer an asian doctor...does anyone know someone else?
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Hey Dabin,

Did you say you live in South Korea?

If I don't get my nose done in Michigan, I'll most likely go to Korea to do it. You said you've been in Korea for 2 years? Are you teaching? Going to school?

If I go to Korea, do you think we can meet up? I could really use a friend as a go through this procedure...
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You're lucky you have family in Korea! I would most definitely do it there instead... I know a professional make up artist from there and she says that the plastic surgeons there are pros since getting little things done is literally a rite of passage there in modern culture.

I know people who would pay to go to Korea to get it done too so having family there definitely saves cost of stay and such.
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Solus your results are amazing.

Didnt know there were other Vietnamese members. How exciting. I thought about going to Dr.Jung [korea]. I believe he quoted me $6000. Think I choose him because of his use of gortex but, I took a second and harder look at his work and honesty I want so "wow". In my opinion if you just want height in your nose hes the best to go to.

I have a round /wide base nose. And looking for a surgeon for this is soo hard. Ive been looking around for 3yrs+. Anyone sure of a Doctor in korea other than Dr.Jung?? Please share , Im soo ready to look into him and have this surgery.
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Hi everyone, I've been through 3 nose surgeries within this year and now I am back to square one with a flat nose. My first surgery was in May for sinus, deviated septum plus rhino. The doctor used medpor and it shifted within the first 2 week. So i had to take the implant out in Sept and the same doctor replaced it with another medpor implant. I was so happy with the new implant, it looked straight for awhile and then it started to move the left again. I hated my nose and couldn't wait to remove the implant out. Finally the doctor agreed to remove it in Dec, I guess it looked really bad that he couldn't say no. I felt so relieve after the implant was taken out. However, my nose now look worse than before surgeries. The tip look big and it just look weird overall.

I heard Dr. Jung has lots and lots of experiences in rhino, would you please send me pictures if you had surgeries with him. Thanks
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Hi Carly1983,

I have reviewed Dr. Charles Lee's website several times and was about to make a consulation appointment with him but haven't gotten to it yet. He charges 100 for a consultation, right? The before and after pictures on his website for rhinoplasty didn't look that great but I was wondering whether you saw additional pictures at this office that impressed you? What did you like about him? I was also wondering what price he quoted you at and what exactly he planned to do for your rhinoplasty. I know on the website it says a nose job runs up to $9900...

In case you are insterested in other Beverly Hills doctors, I consulted with three doctors in BH -- Dr. Simoni, Dr. David Kim and Dr. Robert Kotler (he charges $200 for a consulation but you also get a computer imaging of the before and after). I have a bublous tip and a wide base. Dr. Simoni suggested an L-shaped gortex implant as well as reducing my tip for a total cost of $7500. Dr. Kim didn't think I needed an implant but would narrow my nose, increase tip projection using my septum, and bring in the nostrils for a cost of $8750. Dr. Kotler, who has the most experience (he has been doing rhinoplasties for 30 years and has done over 4000 nose jobs) also said I didn't need an implant but he would narrow the nose, bring in the nostrils and perform a series of silicone microscopic injections for a total cost of $12,500. The injections are to slightly increase the bridge and tip.

I didn't particularly like Dr. Simoni because the idea of an implant scares me. I don't have a problem with my bridge. Dr. Kim's before and after pictures look good but I'm a little hesistant because I believe he has only been doing nose jobs for less than 10 years. As for Dr. Kotler, aside from being super expensive, he didn't have a lot of before and afters of asian noses that made me feel completely comfortable. His results also tend to be less dramatic. Although I certainly don't want to have a competely different nose, I also don't want to feel like I went through everything for only a slight change.

Have you consulted with any other doctors in the BH or Newport Beach area you can share with me? Thanks!
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Hi quad8s! :smile:

It seems like we have exactly similar concerns.. My bridge is okay but i am not happy with the lower bottom half of my nose (alar and tip width). I am also considering the US surgeons.. but not the 3 whom u have mentioned as they do not appeal to me particularly.

I have been stuck in this research phase for 3 years, sigh...

Oh yea, i dont really agree with the methodology of dr kotler and dr charles lee. i think using L-shaped implant will only serve to make the tip more bulbous. Also, if u wanna make the tip less voluminous.. the graft to be used shudnt project the tip as it would make the tip even more voluminous. Instead, a shield graft should be used to make the nasal skin stretch more over the modified tip cartilage structure..

Anyway, would you like to keep in contact via email? I tried to PM u my email address but it seems like u do not have the PM function yet (due to inadequate posts).. it would be great if we can exchange information about prospective surgeons and update each other about our progress..

You can email me at x (this is not my personal email address but i would reply u with my personal email address when i receive ur mail)..

Yep, thanks a million! hope to hear from u :biggrin:
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Oh yes, just to add on.. Anyone researching on US surgeons for ur asian nose job .. please feel free to PM me or email me directly at x

My main concern is my nasal tip and alar.. and i am looking to reduce the width of the lower bottom half of my nose.. Yep.
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Hi Rememberme123, I sent you an email so talk to you soon.
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It took me a while to read everyone's post but I found your input extremely helpful for my research. Thanks, you guys are wonderful.

I'm dedicating a year to continue researching on nose surgery to figure out what would be best for my nose. I'm interested in reducing the size of the base of my nose; it's sort of bulbous- I think. Also, I'd like a subtle heightening of my nose.

I'm sort of confused, is there really a difference between rip cartilage vs. a foreign implant? I guess I'm mostly interested in the long-term effects.

Jamasian, thank you for all your input. Looking at Banobagi's website, I think I'm most pleased with their results thus far.
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