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asian nose job 2

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Lol hahahah. I kno!!! but honestly they do some pretty amazing plastic surgery there. They are ahead of korea in the amount of people getting plastic surgery. I was originally gonna go to korea, VIP in fact, but i changed my mind because the results on their site weren't drastic enough for me, and it was hella expensive. I found some rlly good ps in china who does more dramatic rhinoplasties, but im having a hard time figuring out how to find out if hes certified. I heard some scary stuff that the number of plastic surgeons practicing outnumber the amount of board certified plastic surgeons in china and also korea..... yikes.
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I'd like to clarify that apart from the one incident with Dr Kao, he is a very nice and caring doctor. He is very patient in answering all questions during consultation and even after when I emails him with questions, he will still replies to all my emails.

The rib scar is not healing well though because I think he didn't tape it properly where one side of my wound is gaping apart. I have attached the pic to show you all. I emailed him to ask him and he said I can try to push the side of the skin but it has healed so I am not able to do so. I think my scar is going to heal very badly. So an advice to you all who is going to do the rib graft, PLEASE ask your doc to stitch it up. I think if he had stitch up the wound, it would heal a lot better.
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my wound is longer n much worse than u .. anyhow your doc shld hd stitched it up. i dunt understand wat was he thinking? too lazy? ran out of thread? its the most common basic to stitch up a patients wound especially one so big and important!
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Apparently he said it will heal better with the tape... but not so for me.. sigh.. i really hope that the scar will heal well..

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I think it's his method of not stitching up the rib wound? ours also not done.
He did stich up the nose and ear.

As both of us have no problem with it, so we didn't ask him why he didn't stich up the rib wound.

perhaps for the meantime, pls buy the silicon scar tape to keep it in place, maybe by applying pressure will help, after the gaping wound is solved then u apply scar gel to lighten the colour.
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Sorry, just remembered that there are 2 type of stitches, one is the black thread on the nose and ear and another transparent "plastic" thread (like fishing line) on the nose and rib.

I snipped off the transparent thread from my nose tip & rib when one end is sticking out.
It's quite resilient & would cut the skin & caused some pain if u brush against it accidentally .
Need to snip off close to the skin as the swelling goes down.

Dr Kao emailed that we can either snip off the loose end or it'll be self absorbed in 3 to 6 mths time.

So he does stitch up the rib with the transparent thread but nose he used both, they only removed the black thread on the nose & ear on the 6th day at their clinic.
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Does any one knows what kind of network do the Koreans use? I mean like CDMA/3G n stuffs. Will I be able to continue use my singapore phone there? And how bout the electrical stuffs! Are the power socket 2 pin 3pin or shld I bring along a universal adapter? I'm so freaking out now! I've nt gotta anything prepared yet!
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So Dr Kao did stitch up your rib wound? I don't understand why he didn't fir me then. I had the dissolving stitches inside my nose too but I think that's black too cuz when I was cleaning my nose yesterday, some of the black stitches fell out when I was cleaning the inside of my nose.

I don't think the scar gel tape will do much to help with the gaping scar cuz its almost healed so I can't really push the skin to close it up anymore. I'm just waiting to hear from Dr Kao to see if I can start applying the scar gel now so it might help with the scarring.

Does anyone have running nose and keep sneezing after the rhinoplasty? I find that I have runny nose and sneezes a few times a day ever since the rhinoplasty. How long does this normally last for?

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Don't worry, i had the flu even during the surgery, caught it before i flew to taipei, then continue to blow the nose for a few weeks after that.

Chanelmania77, maybe u can email Dr Kao if he has stitch up the rib with dissolvable stitches and ask him why you develop the gap? He's quite friendly & prompt to my enquiries even after the surgery.

2 types in the nose, black & transparent threads.

anyway, do u like your result? happy?
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I emailed him to ask him why he didn't stitch up the rib, but have yet heard from him yet. At the moment, I am happy with the tip but the bridge is still too high for my liking, I hope it will deswell a lot more.. what about you? Do you like the result?

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I went away for the weekend and had so much reading to catch up on! :smile:

Does anyone know where Joanne went btw? I've emailed VIP and Banobagi more than 2 weeks ago and still haven't heard a peep! I'm kinda panicking cos I heard the rooms fill up pretty quickly (so don't feel like being homeless and uncared for when you TLC most!).. actually thinking of switching to a whole different country now - Taiwan! I emailed Dr. Kao and he replied within minutes?! Nuts!
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