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asian nose job 2

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Currently still healing from a dermal fat graft. Had tip plasty done with ear cartilage and buttock fat for the bridge. Though the doctor says more than 50% will absorb im hoping at least 50% remains.

The surgery was a pretty horrible ordeal. I had anesthetic in me which put me to sleep and while i woke up i felt pretty sick. While i was half awake he done my eyes then i think they stuck more anesthetic in me to do my nose. This is the worst part. I remembering hearing a drilling and this really disgusting smell of burning stuff and felt really really weird.

After that was done i was so dizzy and sick. Had to spend the night at the clinic which where i hardly got enough sleep because i drank alot of water to flush out the anesthetic making me go toilet heaps.

My eyes are healing really fast, like unbelievably for some reason. I had no bruising around the area and im post op 3 days now but my eyes have deswelled alot. Now i regret no gettin a larger crease because i know its going togo down heaps the coming weeks.

However, my nose i cannot update on because the plaster is still on and i have no idea what it looks like. The tip is really swallon and bulbous but i know it will deswell in time. Im just afraid my bridge will be too low. O by the way other than the fat graft and tip plasty he also narrowed my nasal base which was why i heard the drilling.

Ill keep everyone updated once i get the plaster off. Hope i heal well!
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Hi guys

Ive been hearing ppl being really worried about Rib rhinoplasty. I read that Unless you are really old or too young (not full grown bones) then you pretty much might as well use you own rib! DNA genetics is best when its your own. Using someone else's isnt that just like a foreign object?

Anyways the pain 1-10... it depends! LOL, some ppl say it hurts a lot some ppl say its tolerantable. It also depends how you listen to the doctor (resting wise, medication wise, movement wise)
Overall natural material is better then plastic materials in the long run.
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Bought my plane ticket to Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Arrival is scheduled on 31st October 2010 and departure on the 13th November 2010. Just as a reminder: I am going to get a secondary rhino by dr. Hsu, which implies removal of a goretex graft that is really obvious under my thin skin, and deviated on top of that, and correction of a too pinched nose tip. So, if anyone feels like joining me, be my guest!
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Hi Linda... I'm experiencing the same dilemma as you.. Had rhinoplasty with implants done 2 months ago and been battling the infection with antibiotics/injections... It seems like its a losing battle for me as the bump is still visible on the surface of my nose (like a big red pimple) with pus.. There is some improvement but still there and not budging. It has been a depressing journey for me on top of lots of money wasted,, took away my self-esteem when the purpose of the nose job was to improve my confidence.. I need to get in touch with you,, I thought I was all alone in this.. Is there any other way than going through the knife again?? Oooh the pain i have to go through all over again!! :sad:(
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My consultation is on Monday, so I haven't even met the doctor yet. Though I did speak on the phone with him this morning. He's only seen pictures of me, so he hasn't quite decided on anything yet, but he did mention rib cartilage. As far as alar reduction, I don't think I will be. But again, since he hasn't seen me, I'm not so sure.

The thing is, I have a deviated septum, so he might do something different than what he usually does for his Asian patients.

But, have you heard anything about him? Good, bad reviews? I'm trying not to get freaked out by all the bad reviews he's gotten.
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Good luck with dr. Toriumi! Damn, his services are pricey! He'd better not screw it...
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thank you for your response... no i actually haven't heard anything about Dr. Toriumi and I definitely do agree that it is a bit pricey. Where do you reside?
I'm taking a leap of faith with my doctor, located in New York but I have a lot of faith he will do the right job.. He's a korean surgeon, specializes in asian cosmetic surgery... also, he said that we can do a closed surgery which I'm skeptical about though since I do want the width of the nose to be more narrow but he said my face is pretty much in harmony and if i do anything more, it will make me look completely 'caucasian'... the widened nose on myself when I smile is one thing i wanted to change.. just playing this in my head, if he just raises the bridge and corrects the tip.. wont it still widen when i smile?
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May I ask which NYC Korean surgeon you're planning to see? Dr. Jeffrey Ahn? Dr. Edward Kwak? Dr. Eric Choe? Dr. Edmund Kwan? other?
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Heya.. I have recieved your email and replied it.. but I am wondering if it still lies in ur junk mail this time round. I might use another email address to email u then if that's the case. :smile:

Anyway, just to ask forumers here for ur valuable opinion...

What do you all think of Dr Ronald Gruber and Dr Rizk? Do check out http://www.rhinoplasty-nyc.com/ for dr rizk's results.

I am seeking a narrower version of my nose.. from front view and i am wondering anyone in this forum is considering US surgeons for the same purpose..
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