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asian nose job 2

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Pinkdog......just make sure you do a lot of research of Toriumi...there are a lot of fairly frightening before/after photos on this site:

There are multiple threads on that forum about him.

Just make sure you like his style before committing KWIM?
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hi cottoncandy77, you finally did it:nuts:. you're so brave.:biggrin: where did you have the surgery? on the scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painful) how painful was it? thanks!
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Hi Keepsmiling, you can email me here once you get Private Messaging. Do a few more posts and the option will appear in a day or two. :biggrin:

Here are post op photos 3.5 months after surgery. :blush: Most official before and after photos are 6 months post op. I really like that some places have blogs where actual patients blog and post pics week to week. It's reassuring that the results improve with time. The rotation of the tip of the nose is no longer upwards. The tip and the columna have dropped significantly. The nose doesn't feel swollen and tight anymore. It's still sensitive to the touch on the top, columna, and sides.

There's a small whitish bump on the inside of my right nostril. The surgeon and I have been in communication. He thinks its scar tissue. Wish he wasn't so far away, I'd pop in for a follow up. May go see him in August for a follow up. Loving the results more and more day by day.



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Hi guys,

I know this is not really nose job but I am looking for company in end May early June in Seoul when I get my epicanthoplasty revision. Is anyone going there? Please pm me.

Thank you,
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Hey everyone!

This is Pinkdog86 and I got my rhinoplasty from Dr. Toriumi this morning. I am so sore and swollen and there is a lot of blood. Yuck.
I am currently staying at a hotel since I'm not from Illinois. Supposedly it's known that most Asian patients have a difficult time with the anesthesia. I had really bad chills, my teeth were shattering and I felt tormented with dizziness and nausea. I seriously felt like throwing up every 2 minutes. It was so bad, I almost regretted getting my nose done. =P
The first 3 hours after surgery, I was dizzy with nausea (still!) and couldn't walk; I was so weak and my legs kept giving out. Then the next 4 hours, I was still light-headed and dizzy from time to time. Right now it is 8:22pm and I am walking fine. But I'm in no condition to go out because I'm bloody and swollen.
After the swelling goes down, I will post up before and after. The only immediate and visible difference is my bridge. I love it. It's high and narrow. The tip is hard to see because of the cast.
Good luck to those who want rhinoplasty and do your homework! I researched for over 2 years until I decided on Toriumi. In case anyone is interested, the estimated cost was $15,000.00. But the actual cost was over $21,000.00. (which I paid in full all before today's surgery).
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I will be having nose surgery with Dr. Charles Lee in Beverly Hills, CA on March 15. Wish me luck! I try to post daily updates for the week following the surgery. I am both nervous and excited. Who here has been to Dr. Charles S Lee before? If so, can you post your experience and pictures?
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Hi All,

I'm soo soo outdated and when it comes to all this ps thing i could say that I know nothing! I've been following this thread, and some of the post may scare me off from going for ps but in another way it also encourages me to be brave!

I wonder if any of you has gone for non-surgical rhino before? I did some research online and it looks like different dr uses different chemical for their patients. There are radiesse, restylane and etc. Dr su is using restylane for her patient, and i wonder if anyone knows the pros and cons about these fillers? how long they could last and etc?? Please please to those who had this experience before share this with me?
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Did Dr. Toriumi harvest rib cartilage to enhance your bridge? I'm heading into surgery this Wednesday the 10th with Dr. Kim in San Francisco, who was trained by Dr. Toriumi. Good luck with your recovery!
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is anyone going to be in taipei from now till around the end of april? i'm here right now for surgery with dr. chuang for buccal fat removal, breast augmentation, and neck lipo. then when the swelling goes down on my face a rib rhinoplasty with dr. kao.

let me know. its so boring here by myself. :sad:
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Thanks for the info. I'm glad you are liking your results so far. You underwent general anesthesia, right? I'm pretty sensitive to anesthesia as well... when I got my wisdom teeth removed, I was put under IV sedation (not even general), and I still ended up having an upset stomach every hour for twelve hours after surgery.

Did you do anything other than bridge work?
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Hi guys, I am a Chinese female living in Australia, I am going to Korea Seoul to get a nose revision by Dr Jung next week. I know it is a short notice, but still wondering whether there are anyone interested to go together so we can share the accommodation and look after each other. Cheers.
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Well pain wasnt really involved. I'd say 3 for pain and 10 for discomfort. Its really uncomfortable the next day after surgery. The pain comes from the needles but even though im really scared of needles it wasn't much to be screaming in pain about.

Currently 3 weeks post op. Did mine at samsung aesthetic clinic gangnam by a renowned surgeon who was on like kbs or something. His clinic is so packed all the time with girls waiting for their turn. Throughout my whole surgery i only saw him 3 times Consulting, operation and post op once for like 2 minutes because his that busy.
I used dermal fat for my bridge. During the first 2 weeks i was complaining to myself that the bridge was too high. Now in the third week my bridge has nearly disappeared! Its going back to the preop stage. This is one of the disadvantages of using dermal graft, it gets absored ALOT. My tip is really bulbous still but i have faith it will sharpen in time.

For those who are planning to go overseas to do it you should because korea is really good. Cabs are so cheap, food is good, atmosphere is great. We went clubbing like 10 days post op ahaha i know we're not supposed to but yeh couldn't help it. Overall the experience wasn't bad at all but definately try find a buddy. Luckily i had one because it wouldnt have been the same.
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Hi cottoncandy77,

May I ask why you chose samsung aesthetic clinic, and how much it costs for the surgery? I'm going to Seoul on march 27th... will have surgery at either BK or Banobagi clinic. Their before and after pictures are very good... hard to decide.
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sweetsavy and lilyshaw:

Thanks for your messages. Dr. Toriumi did take a rib cartilage from right under my right breast. For the first couple of days (and even still now) I can't put any pressure in that area. So even sitting down, getting up, lying down/up, reaching up with my right hand - I cannot and should not do. Now, it's definitely much better, but the first two days was painful. I still have gauze and tape on it.

I had him make me a taller and narrower bridge and have a more finer tip. But I'm not sure how the results are since I still have the cast on. I'm nervous that it won't turn out the way I wanted it to be. Seeing pictures of previous patients in a week vs. 10 months, the swelling dramatically goes down, so I probably shouldn't be too worried if it doesn't look "good" when he takes off my cast this upcoming Friday.

also, Sweetsavy: good luck on your surgery!! I'm sure Dr. Kim will do just fine; Dr. Toriumi is one of the best surgeons for asian rhinoplasty.
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