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asian nose job 2

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Yes, you are right, it was really a frustrated and stressful process for me.I used L shape silicone in 1997 but in 2008 my tip area start to be a bit sore so I took it out and replaced it with Goretex and ear cartilage for my tip.but my doctor did not do a good job, my tip area was crooked so the same doctor did a revision for me one week later, now my problem is my tip area and gortex area has a gap, so from certain light my nose look like two seperate part. I think my doctor must feel very guilty about my nose, so he sent me to go to Korea where his teacher doctor Jung is. I will have my surgery cost covered but have to put up with travelling cost. Anyway, as long as he can do a good job, money is not a major issue. I have thought about rib before, but my doctor warned me that rib might be wrapping. I am still considering of using gortex. But I will talk with dr Jung see what he recommends, if rib is the case, then i will use rib. How many days did you stay in Korea, did you remember how long does it take for the swellon disappear? is one week enough?
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I stayed about 12days like other people did on this forum. Dr Jung should do a good job for you since he is so popular among forumers. But i don't think he will recommend rib rather he would use gore-tex. Using rib i think needs a really skilled surgeon e.g to minimise your scarring area (toriumi does this really well). I would so choose rib over dermal fat since you can attain height plus its from your own body so no extrusion or complications that implants have. I had thought about using gore-tex once but i decided i didnt want another revision 20 years later.
But yeh i think he will do a good job with gore-tex korean surgeons are quite skilled so you should be able to get your desired results but with your tip has the swelling completely subsided yet? For me the swelling lasted 2 weeks after that i looked completely normal. I think one week after you remove your cast should be enough time since i used dermal and your using gore-tex. Dermal swells longer.
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I decided to go with dermal fat because it was from my own body so rather having an implant i thought it would be safer with dermal. I didnt want another nose job after 20 years so yeh because with silicone and goretex your somewhat bound to remove them later on in life.

My nose feels good. I can't even tell i had anything done to it. Seriously its so natural, i tried looking in many different angles and lighting just to find a flaw to say it looks fake but i can't. It's so similar to my old nose just that the bridge is higher which was what i wanted. Im just scared that it will decrease over the months =[

My surgeon told me that later on in life even plastic surgeons won't be able to tell if i had a nose job because with dermal its supposed to be natural. But of course in saying how good dermal graft is i have to also tell you the cons. It can't achieve miraculous heights like implants can very very minimal like 2-3mm. Also it will definately absorb 50% or more. Another thing is that it is supposed leave you swelling for a longer period than implants but i only swelled 2 weeks then looked completely normal. I think these are the only bad points but yeh right now it feels like its fully bonded to my nose that it feels normal as if it was my old one. But with implants i think that you could actually feel the implant which isn't really a good thing :S

If your scared to lose height over the years i dont recommend dermal fat because it will definately go down. If mine goes too low to my preferance i think ill consider rib.

Re: LuckyH

Sorry for privacy reasons i don't want to share any pics.
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Just had a surgery done on Monday with Dr. Charles S Lee of Beverly Hills. I am very pleased so far even though it is only Day 3. I will try to post pictures once the stitches are removed on Day 6
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hi Arrow 77, congratulations. If you are satisfied with your nose at day 3, I am sure you will love it more and more :smile: Since once the swellen is gone, it appears more natural.
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thank you for sharing cotton77. Good to know that you are happy with your nose. Normally we pursuit a high bridge, but sometime high bridge looks weired on asian faces. I think the best result is that looks natural and suits you.
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Hmm, I can't decide between goretex and rib either. Goretex has better results/no absorption but all the plastic surgeons I've talked to were unwilling to say that it could last a life time (probably because it won't). As for rib, it's much safer but it might reabsorb, will leave a small scar, and may warp (I heard warping is rare, but still kind of scary).

Gosh, the decision is so hard. Why can't we have it all!?! Haha.

Personally I'm leaning towards rib because I don't want surgery ever again.

BTW good luck to townstory in Korea. Please keep us up to date as even though I'm probably going to do mine in Taiwan, I've been looking into some Korean options too. =)
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I haven't done rib yet, but as far as it concerns my own experience with goretex, I can tell you that Goretex IS obvious, especially if your skin is as thin as mine! I'd rather have a small scar on my chest (I have scars all over my body anyway, given that I wounded myself so often in the past, and prolly will continue to do so in the future) than walking around with a very obvious stick in the face which, later on, might also become a big issue, healthwise and moneywise.

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Hey TownStory,

I'm also a girl of Chinese heritage and currently living Seoul. I'm interested to find out how your surgery with Dr. Jung went. He is #1 on my list. Maybe we can meet up for coffee/dinner if you are free. Let me know via. replying on this forum. hope everything went well :smile:
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Hey what do you mean by reabsorb? Like will it sort of disappear and become absorbed by the body meaning your bridge will be low again?
I think im getting greedy and want an even higher bridge =[ I wish i could just accept this nose my surgeon crafted for me, not that i don't like it, i thought he done a really good job silly me who was too conservative damn it.
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Day 5 Update: Swollen, a bit of yellowing under the eye area. Too soon to tell how the tip will look like but the bridge height so far looks good. Overall nose is swollen and a bit puffy so I will have to wait a few more days for it to deswell before I can take accurate after pictures.
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Hey, like my "reabsorb" i meant that yes, your body will eat up part of the cartilage graft and your nose will be a bit smaller than immediately after the surgery minus the swelling. For me, I got my ear cartilage put in the tip of my nose and I would say after 3 years the "pointedness" of my tip has reduced by around 50%. It's still better than before I had my surgery but I think not by much. I think my body was only able to successfully connect with a portion of the cartilage and the unconnected parts just died or something and got reabsorbed.

I think you mentioned earlier than you got a fat injection for the bridge? Well that will probably go down but I don't know how much. That is why I want a synthetic material this time around but then it's so risky. Urg, I can't decide.

But yeah, I guess wait and see for your situation and if it really reabsorbs a lot you can just get more fat injected?
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Hey, I actually didnt get fat injected. Dermal graft is taken from the thigh to build up the bridge so in a sense its different from the fat filler injections that only last a year. I hope my dermal graft doesnt get absorbed too much. So far its gone down 60% since cast off and its been a little over 1 month post op. MY tip is still very bulbous and numbish.
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