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asian nose job 2

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When I went back to school a few months ago, I had to retake some of the courses you mentioned. I found this website http://www.rapidlearningcenter.com/

I used their courses as study aids in addition to my own school lectures and was able to get A's in all of them. The materials really helped me understand and interrelate the concepts well. I especially like the Chemistry and Calculus courses, very in-depth and easy to understand, just don't get their physics course --it wasn't helpful at all.
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That's a good site too, but the problems is I found myself solving equations were not enough for me, I wanted to really understand the concepts backwards and forwards.
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Hi Izora, do you mind sending me your pic?? I would like to see your nose after 9 months.. Thanks!

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what's your major?
in engineering, i gotta take 6 or 7 courses per semester. i gotta use my time efficiently. last semester was a bit more laid back for me so i took my time to understand calc 1 but this semester i only wish i could do that for calc 2

i just checked the pricing on that site; hundred of dollars per course kit
idk bout you but after my nose job i will be almost broke =S
you must be rich lol =P
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Hi Sunnyxoxo do you mind sending me your pictures?

[email protected]

i've consulted with dr. jung already but would like to see his work. thanks!
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I graduated long time ago. I have a degree in computer science, minor in chem. I went back because i wanted to get my masters.

Don't purchase all the courses, just the ones you think you need help the mose. i think if one can go to seoul and spend $8000k and above on a nose job, I'm sure they can spend a couple hundred on study aids. ;)
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Hey guys...you guys were right, my nose does get better with time! I don't know if I am starting to get use to it or if the swelling went down. But I think I am starting to love it! Got my hair done, makeup done I am going out!! Ahh 2 weeks locked up in the house I am going to party tonight!!! Thanks for your support and motivation, honestly it was at my all time low. =*). To those that I haven't sent pic...I will eventually. Have a good day guys!!
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I had the biggest smile when I read your post. Actually, it reassured me and I will have to remember this after I do my surgery, which is coming up in 53 days.
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HAha! Glad to hear you're loving your nose. Have a blast tonight!

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Our surgery is less than 2 months away! Yikes!!

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do you mind sending my pictures?

[email protected]
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