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asian nose job 2

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welna doesnt look like her age too; i thought it was her little sister. ;p
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On my operation day I saw a guy so chinese handsome look like 24-26yrs speak very fluet english with Hye Jin . I ask Hye Jin what he do at VIP , she say he do face lift & eye bag remover . His age is 40yrs... He is a profesor from USA .OMG... cant beliveable...Last day leave from Korea I saw a chinese women from Australia, she look like 40++ . Actual age is 60++..She do face lift & fat graft... amazing ...
I think nx 5 yrs I also want do face lifting
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Hey babe,

I will join you 5 years later!! Must inform me ok!!

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hahhah i want in on the face lift club! :smile:
i'll be saving up all my money until then :graucho:

wow.. with all this ps, age really has become just a number.
i'm liking it!!!

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btw, did dr. lee recommend paranasal augmentation to anyone?
if you got it, was it worth the extra $$?

also, i found some links many pages back with pictures of paranasal augmentation but none of them work now... do you know where i can find some before & after pics?
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I'm getting my nose done by Dr.Jung in Korea!! Going in June!! :biggrin: I'm soooo excited. have any of you had your nose done by him? what were your thought???
I know this is a stupid question but how do I pay? Do they accept check cards?? Or do I need money orders?
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So, I've posted on here before, but I want to go over this again because I've decided on a few different things. I had a nose job June 2010 and I stubbornly just wanted a higher bridge. My mom was suggesting that I refine my tip, but I was so stubborn and believed that if I had a more defined bridge, then I wouldn't mind my tip as much. Post-op after about a month, I noticed my nostrils were really unsymmetrical, not that everyone's nostrils are, but this was way wack. I assumed it was swelling and just let it be. But, now my nostrils are still uneven and I think the left side of my nose isn't as high as the right, which you can tell when I take picture 3/4 profile on both sides. The difference is very noticable. It's like the left side of my face, appears to be flat and crooked to the left and stranglely both my nostrils show, which on side view, you typically only see one nostril, you know? Right now, though, my nostrils seem more symmetrical, but I recently became sick so it's probably just the swelling from blowing my nose! Since, I know just last week before I got sick, my nose had these problems. Anyways, this time I'm going to strongly consider my mother's suggestions because... well, moms are always right -_- lol. So, I'm going to remove my bridge and lift my tip instead as well as fix the uneven height of my nose and nostrils. I still haven't decided if I wanted to refine my tip as I don't want the surgery to be obvious. It's just the unevenness really throws off my face imo and that's what I want to fix the most. And I think in profile or at certain angles, my nose just doesn't work with my face because the bridge protrudes and doesn't give my nose that nice angle and shape, if this makes sense lol. If I lift the tip I know the tip will appear to be more refine, but should I still consider refining my tip? My tip is buttoned, so it's round. I don't want a sharp nose, just refined since I have softer features, so a sharp nose wouldn't harmonize with my face anyways. Since this is a revision, is the recovery different the primary? How much more will it hurt or take to recover? How fragile will be nose be after for both short term and long term? Right now, since I only worked on my bridge, I can still mess with my tip and what not. But, since I'm going to work on the tip, will I have to be super careful with it in the long term? Because I know short term you have to be super careful. Should I get a different doctor? Thanks!
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hey gotzus,

so, during your first rhino, you only augmented your bridge and you did nothing to the tip?
and for your revision you're thinking of removing the bridge and only getting a tiplasty?

from what i've read, a lot of plastic surgeons seem to advise against ONLY augmenting the bridge or ONLY getting the tip done. nose should have a harmonious flow from the bridge to the tip and just working on one portion of the nose (whether it be the bridge or the tip) may off set the balance and overall flow of the nasal structure.

with that said, everyone's facial structure is different and everyone's nose is unique so you should definitely consult with your plastic surgeon to see what your options are. Who knows, maybe you'll look fabulous with only a tiplasty :smile:
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jamasian - i'd like to talk you about your entire experience at banobagi and where you stayed. do you have an email i can write you? i finally made an appointment to go out there and bought my flights. i researched a lot including getting friends' opinions out in korea and i guess banobagi and dream clinic were really good. banobagi is definitely pricey compared to oz, which was originally my first choice, but i kept reading complaints on people's surgery. i think the girl at banobagi said i can stay at a nearby hotel for $50/night and it's like a 5-10 minute walking distance. i wanted to know more information on cheap food deliveries and transportation from the airport (incheon) to the hospital, etc.
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hey kimster! when will you be going to korea? I'll be going to Banobagi in May too!!
pm me if anything :biggrin:

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Hi ladies!!

I'm getting my Tiplasty from dr kanodia in about 3 weeks! I'm super excited! I know it's off subject, but does anyone have a story to share regarding dr kanodia? I'm also consulting with dr. Vladimir Grigoryants of Glendale, just to be sure. Any stories from him too?

Thank you!!!
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