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asian nose job 2

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AT Clinic's website is http://www.atro.co.kr/, but there is no English version (Dr. speaks English). I have difficulty navigating the website because I can read Korean, but my vocabulary knowledge is limited.

Jas3n from the first forum had surgery at this clinic after he visited a bunch.

When you went to Samsung, was irradiated homologous rib an option for you? When I asked Samsung and a few other clinics about it, they seemed surprised that I would even ask such a question because they said I would of course have to use my own rib. Samsung also recommended rib, but they didn't give me a price estimate. Do you know how much they charge? Dr. Park at AT said that I would also use my own. I'm not sure if you're interested, but Dr. Park also works with goretex.

I asked some clinics if dermal fat is permanent, and they all said yes. How much absorption did you experience? Are you satisfied with your tip?

Did Samsung know that you were going to have consultations in other clinics too? If so, they didn't mind picking you up at the airport anyway? I'm sorry for so many questions, but you're the only one I know who had surgery at Samsung.
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Hi Izora,

Im keen to get a nose job in Korea and i am really excited when i read your post because there is not many korean post here. I wish i can get more information in which clinic is the best but i couldnt understand most of the Korea clinic website (w/o english version) and i also couldn't read from korean forum hence i'm unable to know which are the clinics, native korean go to. It will be really nice if you could share more info with me. Will you please add me on my msn and we chat from there? Please add my msn/email: [email protected]

I am considering Derma Fat or Septal Cartilage for my bridge..
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Hello, how is your recovery coming along? I can't believe the nurse tried to kick you out of the recovery room. It doesn't surprise me from what I've heard about BK.
What did you have done to you nose? Good luck with your healing!
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Hi Milk,
I'm not on MSN, but I can email you.
One clinic that is really popular with the locals is http://coanco.co.kr/. They specialize in rhinoplasty, so they use various methods. I'll let you know if I come across any other clinics besides the ones I previously mentioned. My cousin is supposed to do some research for me.

I've never encountered a clinic that uses septal cartilage for the bridge. Most use rib, dermal fat, or implants, but you never know.
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thanks izora,
today is 6 days after my surgery and the swelling has gone down 80%. The tip of my nose is still swollen. I haven't had stitches remove yet... And still have difficulty breathing through my nose.
I had my 1st nose job done 10years ago (L shaped silicone implant only) but during the last few years, the tip of my nose started to look unatural. The skin was thining out and the length became shorter. That's my i had my 2nd nose job at Bk clinic. Dr kim used silicone implant for the bridge and septal cartilage for the tip to make it natural. The cost for the surgery is $4500 usd.
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Hi Izora,

I would say my absorbtion rate was 60-65% with a probability it would go down even further. But dermal fat is really safe to use. samsung didnt know i was at other clinics but i had them pick me up.

Could you give me the email of AT clinic's dr please? Also how much did they quote you for rib?

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I sent you a private message.

Good luck, and keep us informed with your search!
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Hi everyone..
I've been reading quite far from the previous thread and also this new one,
I want to get my nose done, with subtle result, not too high bridge, no 'elephant-nose', just like myself but only more defined and sharper.. I mean, to improve my nose so it can look best for myself..
but i'm so confused since there're so many options :sweatdrop:
i hope for a permanent result, so i don't need to go for a revision in the future..

I've narrowed my options to:
Dr. Kao
Dr. Hsu
Dr. Chuang / Tseng

They're taiwanese doctor, i don't know if there's another doctor who's great in subtle result outside Taiwan

Also does anyone know a Dr. who perform chin augmentation with fat grafting / injection?? i'm interested..

Dr. Kao suggested me using Silitex ( a silicone comppsite covered with goretex ) for rhino and Medpor for chin.
but i'm still looking for a before & after pictures of them,
quite hard to find it tho' :wondering
He quoted me about less than 130.000NTD for medpor chin & nose ( with silitex )

I also have some SILLY questions, so when you get your nose done and deswell perfectly ;
- Is the nose tip will harden so kinda weird when kissing someone passionately?
- Can you move the implant or can the implant moves itself? :weird:
- Can you still make a 'piggy nose' ( turn the nose tip upward ) like before the surgery?

Is there anyone who can help me? i really need some advise..
i will send my pictures if anybody can help..

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Or maybe i should consider using Dermal Fat for a subtle result??
Cottoncandy, where did you perform your Dermal Fat? how does it cost?

My main concern is my bulbous nostip and wide alar.. it flares when i smile! T_T

Everybody seems confused with their decision too :sweatdrop:
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I know this is a nose thread but my advice is if you don't need it, don't fix it - the agony of the swelling and bruises and hiding away for weeks from everybody and when the result turns out to be not what you want is like money thrown away. If you want to do anyway, find a doc who will not impose his opinion on what you want, but give you what you want. Very often doctors each has his own style.
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The After picture still looks like an improvement than the Before picture. Based on the two photos it looks like the patient also had eyelid surgery, some skin care procedures, and maybe tattooed brows.

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Hi everyone

I got my nose done at Dream Clinic because I heard a lot of celebrities do it there and the doctor was amazing. I am ten days post op now and my nose is so pretty. I love it! :smile: I paid 3m won for my nose, augmented the tip with septal and ear cartilage and soft silicon on the bridge.

I took out my bandages 4 days after the op and that day I went to OZ Clinic to get a refund on some expired Sinnech that Dr Park sold me. He couldn't even tell I had my nose done. It was that natural, and only I could tell that it was a bit swollen. :smile: My stitches were done on the inside of my nose, so I could walk around and no one could tell I had done anything. It was great. :biggrin:

On the 7th day I went back to get all my stitches out. Didn't hurt a bit and the day after, it started deswelling so fast. I'm 10 days post op and I love my new nose. :smile: I tried taking pictures of myself from a couple of angles and no matter what my nose looks great. Haha so yes, I'd definitely recommend checking Dream out if you want a nose job.

The reason I chose Dream was because the doctor was really honest with me. I went to clinics like Migo and Jelim and all they wanted to do was push as many surgical procedures on me as possible like alarplasty shaving down my nose bones and so on. But at Dream, I felt that Dr Song really cared about me as a patient and not a money making machine, so he honestly recommended me not to get certain procedures.

Some of the consultants have also had work done 8 years ago and their noses look amazing. Really. They do have an english speaking consultant, but honestly, she is a bit pushy. I spoke to their korean consultant through a chinese translator. she is way more honest and patient.

The aftercare is fantabulous, the nurses are so sweet and responsive, you can definitely go back to them with any questions. In fact they will recommend you keep going back weekly for about a month so the dr can check on your nose.

So that was my experience with Dream. If you have any questions feel free to PM or anything. :P
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from my experience, most clinics have english speaking interpreters by now. If you're talking about Dr Park from OZ, he speaks perfect english. I'm not sure which Dr Lee you are talking about but doctors from Real, Migo, Teium, Grand all speak English or have interpretors. I'm sure most clinics do. :smile:

Good luck.
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