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asian nose job 2

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OMG yes! I thought I was the only one. After surgery my nose became SO oily. Even now, 2 and some years later my nose get's shiny more than pre-surgery; it's not as bad now, but still so annoying. Anyway had a similar experience? Tips/reasoning?
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Hi!! Anyone going to Korea around may 21st? I'm planning to go there for a month to get a rhino surgery, but I'm still not sure yet which clinic or hospital to go to. I was born with cleft lip and palate.. Asian, female, 20 years old and already had 7 surgeries in japan but I am still not satisfied LOL. Has anyone got a surgery in Korean hospitals instead of the clinics?
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hello everyone. i finally had rhinoplasty. right now, im 3 days post op. thankfully i have no bruising just minimal swelling. my sister and i ended up choosing banobagi after much research. dr lee was really helpful and doesnt push his ideas over the results you want. right now, there's no pain, just annoying runny nose. on tues i'll be seeing dr lee for suture and bandage removal. if anyone has questions, feel free. i'll be in korea till the end of the month.
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thanks soompiaskme!

Now, I’m super confused about which dr. to go to after reading your post. There’s numerous of doctor’s out there!! I don't want to have a nose like a celebrity but just mine except a bit smaller. I just want subtle changes on the nose. I have a bulbous tip nose and would like to reduce it. Do you have Dr. Song website? In addition, can you send me your before/after picture from dr. song? Here’s my email [email protected]. Thanks a lot! :smile:
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LuckyH, your nose it's superb and very natural. I love it! i hope my results will be as natural as your. *praying* I'm so scared of what's the outcome and still confused on who I should go to.. sigh*
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My surgery with Dr. Kim went great! It's been a month since recovery and I love my new nose a lot! His approach is natural & conservative. There is a $125 initial consultation fee that I paid. The fee will be applied towards the surgery or if you decide not to move forward, the fee can go towards products at his office like eyelash lengthening solution. I've done a lot of research over the years and Dr. Kim was on the top of my list. His speciality is rhinoplasty so you will be in good hands.

Good luck!
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Hi, guys,

Anyone who has implant removed - does your skin come back to its normal self? I am into my 5th day post-op and feeling depressed because I have such a high bridge now!!! I don't look like my old self. I want to have it removed as soon as possible> I prefer my old nose.
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omgsh how exciting! okay here is my only concern with him. I want natural but I also want to be able to notice a change--is it so conservative that it almost looks like nothing happened in the operating room? because that's how a couple of the pics on his websites look. Thanks!!

o btw i read that his fees are very high--does he allow any negotiation?
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To give an idea to those contemplating a rhino job, here's my progress post-op: despite taking Sinnech

Day 1-red blood clots seen under skin above eyes - about 1 inch long and 1 cm wide. Some swelling beside nose and on eyes.

Day 2-blue black appeared below eyes - face like pufferfish. Mouth like a beak. Humongous nose...

Day 3-Still pufferfish look. Swells on side of lower chin like a chipmunk.

Day 4 - A little deswelling after applying hot towel to face whole day several times. Wondering when all these swells going to disappear....nose huge, huge.....faint.....don't look like me anymore.....
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Hi luckyH thank u so much for your pix, your nose is UBER CUTE! i love it! i would like to have a similar nose ^^ im a bit confused with what u wrote, your nose start protruding cuz of the silicone but then u got revision and replace it with another silicone, do u plan on constantly doing that each time your body decides to reject a foreign object? Or somehow did the doctor "promise" your nose will not reject it this time?

Also does anyone know if there is any korean doctor who has worked with natural materials to put in the nose? (Ear, and Rib)???
I want to talk to a experienced korean doctor who knows about coastal (rib) material. But it seems they only know ear, plastic and maybe septum?
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