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asian nose job 2

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Ask for alot more? Are you talking about alarbase or paranasal?

Alarbase is the one he insert right under your colummella for the slight protruding look, paranasal inserted both sides under your laugh lines.

I had both alarbase and paranasal, my left paranasal is deeper than the right so Dr Lee had them even out. I can feel the left one is longer and thicker than the right.

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check with mee goreng; she got my makan sutra lol
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did u say u have dimples? DIMPLES DIMPLES?? U SURE?
omg i closed my eyes for moment; do u mean u look like maggie q??? lol

omg ok ok i think i shall stop acting like a himbo. -.-

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Yes! Her nose is my greatest motivation. The 6th month post op one is fab! If only mine will go down like hers when I hit 6 months.

Why am I so thick skinned!!!!

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the jaw surgery changes a different area of the face than the paranasal. the pasanasal pushes the entire nose outward from the base

the jaw surgery only pushes out the teeth and upper palate, so his jaw surgery created the impression of a protruding mouth.

the guy in the picture had a very concave face in the first place. they made his mouth area less concave, but they didn't do anything about the midface region, which is why his profile looks off.

if you look at the vip b&a gallery, the paranasals do't seem to reveal the nostrils


in this one it sort of looks like she has more nostrils showing, but if you look closely you can see that it is really due to the fact that he lengthened her columella
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stalker alert!
stalker alert!
stalker alert!

lol jk XD
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Thanks for the kind words. I did ask for a slightly upturned tip because I wanted my nose to look more feminine.

My skin is thick too. Dr. Lee did defat my nose, but he explained that removing too much fat could be dangerous and cause necrosis. I guess he knows just how much to remove safely.
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@BBgurly: Since there are no before and after pictures of the alarbase or paranasal, I guess DrLee will be the only one to evaluate how much we need, because I cannot visualize if I need more implant on the paranasal or alarbase area. So, you can feel the implants ? (the left longer than the right) , it's not very reassuring, because I would not like to feel the implants, maybe I should ask for less?
By the way, how did he even them out ? Did he do a local anesthesia, to remove the rib cartilage, cut it even and put it back into the area ? So, you were operated a 2nd time to correct this ?
As to the singer Viviane Hsu : her eyes are amazing, she's much prettier on videos than on pictures., but she's beautiful in general. As to the nose, it is upturned "enough", but her nose seems long, I wonder if this is the result of a low radix. I asked Joann if we could have a middle third (between radix and subnasale) that appears shorter and she said it was possible. I like the fact that Park Shi Yeon's (PSY) nose was initially as long in vertical length as Viviane Hsu but PSY's nose hd something done to it so, it doesn't seem long anymore, but now it looks like her nose was always short. So, maybe the dorsum and radix of PSY have been augmented whereas Hsu's nose only has the tip upturned. Overall, I would not ask for Hsu's nose because it appears long and the radix is too low, but her nose fits her. I based my opinion on a video of her : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qc6c07vnbA&feature=fvsr
because it always look better in some pictures, depending on the angle.
As to the one who overdid it. Wow, thank you for posting it, now I know what is a bad paranasal implant, and I will be moderate in asking for too much of it ! Thank you ! You maybe saved me a 4th rhinoplasty for the futur (if I asked for too much ;) )
@Acadabra: I think the nose looks really good in the after picture, I'd be satisfied with that nose too.
@Rawdude: you have a lot of imagination, from my description, I thought you'd think I look ugly. As to Maggie Q, on the pics I've seen, she looks mixed. She has a long oval face, which is not my case, but her nose is extremely long, mine is a bit shorter. As to dimples, I'm lucky I guess, because I read that it was difficult to do it since it is a separation of the muscles, so those who try to do it, they get two dots (scar in the inside muscle) and they have the dots even of they don't smile. But I haven't done too much research on it, since I already have them. I was wondering if it was possible to do everything. One can also have blue/green eyes in Panama (silicone implant that covers the iris, so people do not see it when the pupil dilates)-you look like an alien-, and it is not recommended to do it, apparently, it's like an everyday torture and some turn blind because of glaucoma. Most of those who tried removed it after or they do not stare at their boyfriend/girlfriend in the eyes because they're paranoid that they look at the implant (color is not natural, like color lenses). As to why, it is not known in Korea or elsewhere, I think it is because of the side effects that are bigger than the benefits and the guy who tried it first has deposited a right to be the only surgeon to do it. I don't even know if I did well to mention it on this post. I'd advice no one to do it, for aesthetic reasons but mainly for health reason. Nevertheless, it's always good to be informed.
@Kain: I didn't think of the columella length despite of the fact that it's obvious in the 3rd picture, it's great because I asked for some columellar show, so I guess it will happen with the royal rhinoplasty when the columella is lengthened.
@izora: Congratulations for your nose. Could it be possible to see a picture of your nose only (with eyes covered for privacy) ? It would be interesting to see how is a Dr Lee's slight upturned nose after 6 month, plus, with a defined tip whereas the patient has a thick skin. It's seems like we can hope the best for our noses :smile:. Also, I was wondering something, does Dr Lee put more rib cartilage in order to anticipate the resorption ? (I hope not, because I am afraid to have a nose that is too high, even though it will lower by 30% after 5-6 months).
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As to the youtube video you posted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTNArOW5s9k&feature=youtu.be
What is the name of that lady ? I would ask Dr Lee not to have that. The thing that reassures me is that she had a very low dorsum to start with, my is naturally high, a bir wide (my radix is very low). There's a western procedure that would fit her I think, "lip lift", the distance between her subnasale and the top of the upper lip is very long I think, but the problem might be that it might show her gums after. But that's just my personal opinion. I am not an expert.
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whoops, i actually forgot to post the link to the patient that i was referring to


with this patient, the nostrils seem to show more, but its mostly due to the columella imo

i don't think that having the columella show is a side effect of the paranasal implants. its part of the rhinoplasty
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