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asian nose job 2

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Wow thanks for the link this guy knows a lot of great informarion about rhinoplasty and ethnic ones too. What do u guys all think of the before and after pictures??? There not bad. One of the main reasons why I wanted to go overseas and not to the states for rhinoplasty is cuz of the lack of experience plastic surgeons have with ethnic noses. But this guy has and knows a lot!
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I think it would be great if u posted a review for vip. Many of us are interested in going to vip. Photos of ur result would be great also, but of course only when u feel ur nose has reached its full results and if ur comfortable :smile:
Hope u have a good recovery :smile:
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Megoreng!!!!!!!!!! I want a review!!!! You can PM me or email me! I will PM my email to you. Or just write one here for all of us to read. Wish you the best in your healing process.
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Glad you love it!!
I bet they love you so much too, rarely will they hear people loving their nose at day 8.!!

YOu make me so excited now, iw ant to see tooo!!!!
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Is she kidding you!!

I cannot believe it!
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Yep, please write one Megoreng, I would like to read yours!
& Wish you speedy recovery :smile:

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I shall be visiting Banobagi for my first tip plasty in the end of june. Dates are firm, but the clinic isnt. I am also open up to other clinics. See how the consultation at Bano goes I guess.

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Heya megoreng: I'm just curious, what kind of nose did you ask for? I got the bulbous short nose. I kind of want the one that has a bit of a curve on the bridge and have my columella to be a little bit more visible, but to be honest, I'm not sure if it'll look good on me. I have a heart shaped face. I'm hoping Dr. Lee and JoAnn would be able to tell me what looks good at me.

Actually what did everyone here asked for when they went to their surgeons? What picture did you show them and did it turned out exactly the way you wanted? Or did they adjust it to compliment the rest of your facial features?

Also I know paranasal augmentation helps protruded mouth, but I think a lot of asian has that kind of protruded mouth look because the bottom half the their face looks a little bit depressed. I don't think it's always because of the jaw. Some of B&A photos on some clinic's website seem to have their uppers lips pulled up a little bit after their nose surgery. It's like they got a mouth lift. lol. Do they automatically correct that, or do you have to point it out?
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Megoreng, please do share your experience
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angelplane, I do not advise you to do all of these procedures in one sitting: zygoma and mandibular reduction, rhinoplasty, and blepharoplasty. The cheek and jaw surgery will cause tremendous swelling. I would break into 2 separate surgery. I had cheek and jaw so I know what I am talking about....tremendous swelling the first 2 weeks beyond recognition.
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Sorry for the late response. I believe I read the post from Izora and and others that I cant remember their names...I think also Uzura. These two have done their research. You can also google to get more information or read the post from the beginning.

Hope this helps.
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@deliriousgirl: Where did you do your cheekbone and manibular reduction. If I do a separate surgery I may as well do it at the best clinic for this. I was thinking of OZ (Dr Park) or Smallface.
Do you think I could do two IV sedations in two weeks ? How separated were your operations ?
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I found a bad review about VIP (just about the consultation, so maybe it doesn't mean anything and it as with someone from the clinic that I haven't heard of), what do you guys think ? http://forums.cozycot.com/health/30625-cheekbone-reduction-surgery-121.html

She says :

"VIP Clinic - day 2
Ok, I have to share with everyone here and I swear to god, THIS IS THE WORST CLINIC that I have ever visited. After my consultation at Samsungline, I decided to make a sudden visit to VIP clinic ( as I ever read from some of the blogs and some ppl actually suggested that they are quite well-known for their face contour surgery). I decided to go there without any appointment, and the clinic was taken by surprise as they said most of the ppl would make an appointment before they seek consultation. Anyway, the clinic was rather quiet when I went there. At the beginning, they told me the dr. was out and had told me to wait for 30 mins. 5 mins later, they told me I could see a consultant first while I waited for the dr. to come back. (HERE COMES THE WORST PART.....) The consultant, Mrs Kim was NO FRIENDLY AT ALL. I can see that she kept on judging me up / down to the extent that I felt so uncomfortable being there. She started to critize how I should change my face, how I should do something to my nose, forehead (basically the entire face needs some major work to be done). I thought she is way judgemental and unprofessional. she started to quote me the prices in USD and repeatedly told me that I need to do this and that to improve my face. To be honest, I think I am an above-average looking girl and I, personally do not wish to carry out too many surgeries on my face. I just wanted a smoother looking faceline as simple as that. Anyway, i think it would waste everybody's time to read my complaints about this clinic. If you ask for my honest opinion, I would say PLS DO NOT GO TO THIS CLINIC UNLESS YOU WANT A MAJOR CHANGE TO BE DONE ON YOUR FACE."
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