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asian nose job 2

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Hang in there Kain!!!!!!! :hugs:
I'll be in your situation in a few months...
Thanks for keeping us updated!

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Destiny, your scaring me. I was thinking of booking my nose revision (rib for whole nose) and paranasal with JoAnn for mid May but I have to think about this after reading your post. I am concerned about swelling because I have a wedding to attend end of July. Joann said I would look ok after 2 months. You all know it takes longer for to deswell for revision case.

How far out has it been for you? Did you have revision using rib for your whole nose? which part of the nose is obvious?

I have asked many to share their photos, but none has responded :crybaby::crybaby:

here is my email if you or any can share : [email protected]
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I'm REALLY sorry to hear that you're not completely satisfied with your nose destiny.
I remember you had a bump on your nose. Did the issue ever get resolved?

I made an appointment for a nose job for July but I keep flipping back and fourth. I like the way I look now... Do I really need a nose job??

Thanks for helping us remember that there are risks to every procedures and probably not a small chance that we won't be satisfied with the way we look...

I feel the same way as you. I always viewed plastic surgery as vanity but as I grew older (and hopefully wiser), I realized that to equate plastic surgery as vanity is also being narrow minded... and now I'm scheduled for a nose job in July!!! But at the same time, I'm not gonna go around and announce to all my friends that I'm getting a nose job because I don't want to be judged as well...

I really feel for you destiny... and I'm sorry that you think your nose looks fake. But maybe you'll learn to love it in time or maybe the cartilage will get absorbed and your nose will look more natural soon enough. Or you may have to get a revision... But we are our worst critic. What do others say about your nose? Does it look fake to them as well?

Your nose is still very new so be patient and wait a while :smile: I know I'd be pulling out my hair and going crazy if I was in your situation, so I understand... but hang in there destiny!! :hugs:

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Hi megoreng n everybody :smile:)

I was a silent reader of this topic but now decide to share my experiences with everyone here :smile:)

Btw I had my nose done and jaw reduction at Vip, my surgery was just 1 day before megoreng and I met her there.

But sorry that u guys will have to wait for my review of Vip coz it's quite late now ... n I have just been back for 2 days ... back to school n so many stuffz to do... And the review will b quite long I guess since I have so many things to share with you.

But if megoreng decides to post hers, I wont think mine will b necessary since our experiences and story will b pretty much the same I guess :P

For now I'll just tell you that :P I had alar base reduction by removing fatty tissues and septal cartillage for the tip, ear cartillage for the bridge and a mandible cut.
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@megoreng : sorry havent contacted you until now coz i'm so tired due to time difference and school assignments ... guess you back to your work as well :smile:)

How is your face now? Do ur colleagues glare at you that your face is still swollen? :P And I want your review too, send me a copy of it pls (u know my mail already :smile:) )

My nose looks pretty normal like one b4 surgery now but my face is still like a pig because of the swellings :sad: well Im aware that I have to b more patient to see the final shape of my face in some months
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hi beefsoup :smile:

congratulations on the completion of your surgery!!!
the hardest part is behind you now :woohoo:

i would still love to hear your review of vip, though it may be similar to megoreng's.

and welcome to the forum!!

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I've sent e email, pls check n let me know if I happen to miss anyone out. =)

Beefsoup!!! Finally! U decide to show urself!! U have lurked long enuff, so start contributing to the forum! =p

How's u n sis? Her eyes?

I just got back less then 12hrs ago, many errands to clear, have not gone back to work yet. Bt I met a fren yest, he said it's best that I stay home n shldn't go round showing ppl my face yet. Lol! He thinks I look ugly w the out of proportion nose n eye! Too used to being in kr where I don't give a hoot about going out w swollen eyes or breathing tubes sticking out of my nose..

Don't worry babe, e swelling will go, bt e slim face n nice nose will stay! =D
Tried using the ice mask already?
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I was think on rib rhinoplasty. rawdude, maybe you can share with me your thoughts also. Like example what should be prepare? Food and medication and etc etc.
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I had a revision with rib and I am not happy with the result. It has warped and there's visible bumps along the bridge and I had supposedly gone to "the best rhinoplasty PS in America".

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May I ask who this doctor is?

oh, and I can't speak for everyone, but I'm assuming that 99% of the people who read this thread are lurkers.. even me :biggrin:. The people posting about Dr. Lee have been planning their surgeries for a long time and this is around the time that it's finally happening for them. If you go back to earlier posts, or even the first thread, there's tons of discussion about other docs.

I went through a silicone nose job a few months ago and just had it removed. Once I am healed, I'm going to Dr. Lee to have a rib rhino... can't wait.
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Yeah, I've read through most of the old posts but it just seems that it's been all about this Dr. Lee. I also suspect he has his people on here doing advertisement for him also from looking at previous older posts. There were some posts that sounded really fake. Well, that's just my opinion.

Dr. Toriumi was my previous PS.

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Hey destiny, what about ur nose job is so obvious? Like which part? In the email u sent out u explained tht the front view of ur new nose looks like how ur old nose did, so can it be the bridge tht looks obvious?? I don't think tht u should worry too much cuz it takes a year to see the full results of rhinoplasty. So maybe its just the swelling of ur nose tht ppl notice, or it could jus be plain jelousy of some girls?? Ur very pretty so don't let haters get to u :P
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