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asian nose job 2

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I had my nose done (silicone and ear cartilage for tip) in Sept 09 in Korea and I got everything removed 2.5 months later cuz I couldnt handle the change mentally and it was too high and long. Some doctors say you have to wait 6 months to remove it and some say the sooner the better. Its best to go back to the doctor that did your nose because he knows exactly what he's done. Id say your nose will go back 85% to the original nose but slightly different. Its much more simple and quick to take it out and healing time is much faster too. Im so happy I got it taken back out~ I regretted it so much!
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Hi Anjanka, I am going to be in Seoul next month for a rhinoplasty, I'm thankful that I run into your message. How are you doing with the rhinoplasty as far as bruises, swelling and the looks for a couple weeks after? I don't know anyone had done a rhinoplasty for me to ask questions, beside the doctor himself, I hope you don't mind if I asked to many questions. I'm looking forward to hear from you, I can give my personal email if you prefer. Thank you!
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i was wondering how you guys are able to afford plastic surgery?

i'm really wanting to get my nose/eyes/jaw done in korea and everything together is about $8,000 - $11,000!! i need to start saving my money :sad: do you guys pay it all with cash or do you take out loans and such?
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took me about 3 years to save up lol and its only one surgery!
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wow 3 years?? haha this is really bad news for me, especially since i'm about to start college! i was planning on working two jobs and going to school 1 day per week. i really want this surgery so i'm going to work really hard for it! it's gonna be tough though.

i'm planning on going to bk clinic to have my procedures done. i had an email consultation last week with dr. kim and he pretty much said he needs to see me in person to get a more accurate diagnosis. i'm pretty sure i'll be able to save up for the double eyelid + rhinoplasty procedures fairly easily, it's just the jaw procedure i want done that will probably cost the most :/
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You had the cartilage from your tip removed to? I guess it didn't integrate fully and it was easy to take out?? i heard that its hard to remove cartilage because it integrates with your nose

You said that your nose looked 85% the same. In what way was it different?

The Bridge: was it slightly higher because of scar tissue?
The tip: did it look the same? was it also a little higher from scar tissue?

And the removal process was closed surgery?

i dun think i want to get mine removed because it does look really nice and i spent 3,000 USD on it, but I cant stop thinking about how it will look in the future :sad: i too got silicone and ear cartilage for the tip
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As I mentioned previously, I'm going to Seoul this summer for revision rhinoplasty. I've been researching a lot of clinics. I've talked to a lot of clinics on the phone, received online consultations, and read reviews on Naver (Korea's biggest search engine).

I came across O & Young (http://www.koclub.com/index.php), and they seem really good with noses. My research focus is on clinics that specialize in nose and revisions.

Check out some of these before and after pictures. There are a lot more pictures on their website.






What do you guys think? They seem good, but the prices are really steep. I like how the doctors use various materials. They seem to use a lot of rib. The website discusses how they use a technique where they only make a 2 cm (almost half the incision size of Dr. Dean Toriumi) incision on the chest to harvest rib cartilage. Apparently it's their special technique.

I tried to make an appointment, but the girl kept saying that I can't have surgery soon after the consultation. She kept saying that it takes about a week. She said that revisions start at 6,900,000 KW- so expensive!
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when are you planning to go to korea? i'm going near the end of june
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hi guys its been a loooong while since i last checked this space. Im going to taiwan in july, ive booked a date with dr hsu. So far its just me. Anybody interested to come along?? please reply or pm me thankssss. its in mid july around 10 -13.
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Im from LA and I flew to Korea (Navi) to get my nose done and i had to fly all the way back 2 mo later bcuz i was so traumatized and depressed after! I thought he would charge at least half but he apologized that he didnt prepare me enough or that he might have not been a good consultant and did it for free. He was really nice. The nose itself looked really good, my close friends said lets trade nose's but i think it just has to work with the rest of your face. My face is small and narrow so it over powered my face and looked like a bird nose on me!
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