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asian nose job 2

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hey babe! sounds like my case! i think dr lee shld have no prob with that. but, if u decided to go to dr jung, pls keep us updated of the outcome. will be glad to know more and perhaps can compare the results of the 2 docs. =)
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see! now u all believe me! im not greedy nor a glutton, its just that the food is really nice tats y i asked for 2nd serving. =p i had some fried fish there too. yummy!
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i met megoreng, jamnyc and larry at vip so far.

the nurses are really nice, fo example when i was in b1, a nurse brought me a jacket so i wouldn't get cold. even the parking lot worker was really kind. everybody here at the clinic is like that

dr lee and joann check in with me everydau to see how i'm doing. the clinic is run reallly really well, i am very impressed. the decor is really bice too
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Hey I think its gonna sound too gd to b true for those who r nt cOnvinved tat such gd clinic/dr/service really exist! U know, I feel tat e deco of e place actually reflect e personality of e doc of e clinic for it lifts e morale of e staff there? e interior deco is smthing ard "modern chic" style. Very colorful, chirpy n happy. Jus like e ppl working there, esp dr lee! If u go to the platform at level 1, u will see e pics of their "family portrait".

E other clinic I went to, deco is nice too! Bt the style is more of classic, warm n cosy. So the doc is also more mellow.. Idk, Tats wat I think. =p

Kain can u pls get Larry to share y he chose VIP? Cos heard tat time he was still shopping ard n intend to visit other clinics to compare e prices?
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its free when you are in the recover room.
the day of the surgery, you can only have porridge cos they are worried that you will throw up
there is a cook here, and she will make your meals depending on what you can eat. if you have your chin done, you can eat congee and seaweed soup for a day or more. then after that, you can eat solid foods. if you only have a nj, then you can probably eat solid food right away

if you can speak chinese(unfotunately i can't), you can talk to the cook and find out what she serves. jamnyc said that she makes good curry-something (i don't remember what)

she will even cook for whomever you have over with you. she made food for my dad while he was visiting so he has started coming over at dinner time for free food XD

you will stay at the recovery room for 3 days to a week depending on how quickly you heal

if 1000won is ~1usd

then you can survive on 20usd a day (or less) for food. there is a restaurant beside the family mart near the clinic which serves dishes for ~6usd. most places charge about that amount for food. some places are a bit overpriced (like kraze burger, charges ~10usd for a burger)
accomnomdation is free
i think you have to buy some medication from vip when you leave the recovery room(i haven't had to yet)
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That sounds lovely.. then I wish to stay in the recovery room for the duration of my trip :biggrin:
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They provide u w nutritious food when u r in e recovery rm. mama-San keep asking me to eat more n drink more of the soy milk cos it's gd for recovery. =) in short, jus nice ppl other there.

I don't quite get wat u mean by Minus shopping n non survival related exp. Bt I'll try to provide as much info as poss. The medication is approx usd$50 for 2weeks worth of supplies. However in my case, dr song changed my med half way, so I had to buy more. Think it's ard us$20 more?

Before u leave, will b required to get emergency med n sm silicon tapes too. Can't rem how much they cost..

Food is approx 8-15k won in restaurants. Morn usually I tk sandwich while on e way walking to VIP for follow ups. 5k won shld b able to get a gd sandwich n soy milk. I tried the food court at Hyundai supermarket too. For 8k won will b able to get a gd set of Saba fish meal w rice, soup n side dishes
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Hey there,

I'm still swollen and have purple "eyeshadow" on... But only on one eye! Lol
There are lots of yellow bruises on my face too. The aesthetician was like,
"you have such sensitive skin!" Staples are still there too.

I got the tubes out yesterday so can breathe much better and rib pain isn't that bad. Kain's dad showed me, my mom, and Larry some good places to eat so I'm excited to try them out. Otherwise been laying low. I am too self concious to walk around alot. I keep thinking of you wandering all over the city with nose tubes and swinging ampule of painkiller not caring at all! Haha Wish I could be more like you. I had one of the face masks on and a cap and I could barely see... Tripped on the sidewalk:P

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Yummmm i seem to be getting more excited about the food than surgery now haha

I'm imagining all the patients post op sitting down a long metal table in a cafeteria (a la Oliver Twist - "Please sir, ca i have some more?") while a middle-aged woman in a wire hairnet stands in the corner stirring her huge pot staring everyone down and telling them to "eat! eat! eat!" lol
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