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i didnt have any of the k wire or k panties on me, but i heard from megoreng the greatest that it was being removed at about a week post op? no?
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genie in the bottle! show us some belly dancing! ;p
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are u? (u know guys can do boobs too)
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i'll send pics to you when the swelling is down. right now my entire lower face is swollen and it looks terrible. too embarrassed to send pics :shucks:

and i had a sliding genioplasty, not an implant :P

i remeber from your pics that even your chin looks better than mine right now
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Hi Kain,

I've seen joanne last week, she suggested full body contouring aka liposuction for me.

Can you help me to ask her if we can find any B&A pics in their website?

I can't seem to find any picture of their liposurgery at all, is it because there's a family site so we can't view sensitive pictures???


p/s To all who are familar with their website, maybe can help me to navigate & search for them.

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seriously Im going to take a video of the galbi and send it to you
when im there.

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Ahh I really want a sliding genioplasty as well. I wanna shorten and forward my chin, so the overall appearance of my face will be shorter. but I'm too scared cuz of the recovery. Can u tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad the pain from this is??? Thnks a lot.
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there are none on their blog website

i can't access their main website though, it says the server is down. if i can't check out the website by tomorrow i will ask joann for you. what is your name btw?

are you aware that there is an english version of their site? go to the gallery, then look for whichever category (ie. nose, facial contouring, etc) and pick that one. if "bodyu contouring" is not present as a category then they don't have b&a pics available online. joann should be able to send you some if you email her. or if you come in person, there are hundreds of b&a pics on their computer that are not available online
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maybe somewhere between 1 and 3 depending on what your scale is.
there was a little bit of pain on the first day for me, but it was a low dull pain. i didn't even notice it compared to my rib pain

its not really painful anymore, it just kinda feels weird. like i can feel like my chin is mobile even though its not moving ( the bone should start to fuse after a few months, but it is held in place by a medical wire until then). i don't even have a dull pain on the incision site. i just feel the pressure of the stiches pulling my tissue really tightly so that food and water can't get into the incision.

vip gives benzydamine hcl solution as a mouthwash to gargle with (make sure it soaks around the incision site too) as a pain reliever. it makes your mouth sting at first,t hen makes your mouth dry and numb, so you gotta drink lots of water

the worst thing about the genioplasty is that i can't eat properly now. i can eat soft processed meat, but not tough meat or chewy stuff. and it takes a long time to eat. i can't open my mouth all the way without it feeling weird. food (especially rice and small particle foods) keeps getting caught infront of my teeth and its rly annoying. i have to cut meat and other foods into small pieces before it can fit into my mouth without it feeling weird. chewing fels weird too, cos of the numbnes
you also have to be really gentle when brushing your teeth. remember to rinse your mouth with water often, and drink lots of water
i also can't talk properly right now. i have a slur which makes me feel rly bad
post-op pain is probably the easiest thing for me to deal with regarding the sliding genioplasty. itts the other things that bug me

shortening your face might make your face look more round. try adjusting your face in photoshop before making a decision over shortening your face. if you send me pics, i can do it for you once i get home
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there is also numbness in he chin and front teeth (and maybe the lower lip),but that should be temporary

and there is swelling in the lower face region

your jaws will look a lot bigger dueto swelling, as will the area underneath your jaw and chin
it looks like i gained a lot of weight on my face
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k-wire removed on day 10 or 11.

bt does the timing of removal affect anybody's decision for a rib rhino? i didnt have this piece of info prior to surgery either.
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