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asian nose job 2

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hi guys and gals,

gosh...what a looooong thread. was reading few pages the last time i visited. didnt know i have missed so much. rawdude, kain and meegoreng finally did it?! so great to hear that. how was the experience. how's the chest area doing (if you are using rib cartilage)?

Im planning to go to vIP too. Now I have concern on how it might look like. I have bulbous, short nose and wide alar. I also have protruded mouth.I am scared that once the surgery is done, my nose will look as if it is squeeze. I stupidly use a Virtual Plastic Surgery to see how I look after the surgery and its uglier.LOL i think im not good with the application just yet.

My bf said he could come with me...but now he is committed to work. any og you guys/gals had the surgery allll alone??

who will take care of your meals during hospitalisation? (how many days will you be hospitalised?)

who will keep all your cash?

may i know if vip will give more discount when paid cash? if no discount of atleast 8-10% i think I rather pay with credit card. will just pump more money in the credit card account without the hassle of carrying cash everywhere.

also, how much you guys/gals spent for meals/ transportation during your stay in korea?

thanks xoxo
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Btw mirror in my officetel rm has slimming effect

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damn lol, no wonder i looked so good there :lol:

too bad :sad:

but i still look better in the bathroom mirror than a photograph
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i have some lumps on the upper part inside my nose. i think it is a keloid scar inside my nose. at first i thought he left some weird splints inside but then i touched it and it was tender and hurt. has anyone else experienced this? does it go away or is it permanent?
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the experience was an ordeal, to say the least. i felt terrible in the recovery room. i got recurring fevers due to a UTI, and i was so tired i couldn't even get up and wash my face so i was rly oily.

for a protruded mouth, they might recommend paranasal implants and or chin augmentation (probably sliding genioplasty)

my dad came with me to help out

meals are free during your hospitalisation. you wil be hospitalised from anywhere between 2 days to one week depending on how your recovery is going. i know of a few ppl who only stayed for 2 days, but i stayed for five cos i got sick

paying by cash = full price
paying by credit card = full price +5%

meals cost ~6usd each. if you eat better stuff then it will be more expensive of course

mmy dad figured out the subway so transportation was 1000won for a trip
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@Kain: I know that for an SLR cameras, pictures that are taken too close deforms a portrait picture (eg: if you use a wide angle lens -camera that can take a picture of a landscape and do not have just an angle for portraits -eg: 50mm lens, like a corridor, the angle is not wide enought to take a picture), the middle of the picture will seem wider. So, if your dad took an upclose picture of your face with a camera that can take landscape pictures, your nose will seem bigger and a bir deformed. To use this camera, it is best to take it from far away and make a zoom, then , there is no deformation.

So, I would say rely on the mirror, but on the mirror you may be more subjective.

As to the fat face, isn't it the fact that you're swolen from the genioplasty ?

You should wait a little. But from your experience, it makes a me a bit reluctant in asking for a lot of augmentation, because I remember that I found that an augmentation of my nose (when I had silicon) fave me the impression that my nose looked longer.

Do you have that impression, that from the front view, your nose is longer (from cute button nose), to long nose with a bridge from in between the eyes down to the tip) ?
For a man, it might look malish, but for a girl, I like cute better.
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yeah, my nose is definitely longer. and it starts in between the eyes. during the consultation, they did say that they give males and females different noses though

thanks for the thing about the cameras and mirrors. do you know of any method of viewing my own face that isn't distorted?
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Try using a torch light shine on your face in front of the mirror. u can see much clearly in a naked eyes. That' what i do after my tooth removal to check a swollen my face is. LOL! hope it helps. (:
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Kain, I am glad your overcoming your infection. Do you think your UTI could have been prevented? The first few days you described weakness of legs and a fever? I was thinking how does nose job causes these symtpoms. Get well soon and do share pics when your comfortable.

I got a question for you, did Dr. Lee tell you what the K-wire is for and where it is placed? My understanding is that K-wire is use to prevent warpage and it should not be removed at all. It is supposed to be inserted through the cartilage and stays there forever. Another use of the K-wire is to prevent cartilage grafted on the dorsum to move during recovery period, and then later removed.

Thanks Kain :biggrin:
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@Kain: if I were you I would make a video of my self talking (being myself, as usual), in good light conditions and with a good quality camera (digital camera would do a better job than webcam) and see how I look like. But in any case, your nose is not in its final state before few weeks or even month, so you shouldn't rely on it too much. Video is better than pics if you want to look at yourself. That's what I noticed for myself.
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You look so handsome now. So different from the previous pic I saw.
The nose is darn nice! Yes, can see it is swollen but the shape is awesome.

The chin augmentation is really darn good too.

I must say, your surgery is 200% success!!! I am sure Dr Lee has exceeded your expectation.

As for the photo taking, me too look good in certain angle and in some others, i look like a bird. From your side profile, you look very good.

Another Korean rockstar!!!

Beefsoup / mixed girl , i think both of you are very suitable for Kain!!!
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Yes there will be lumps, it is very normal. But it will go away. I had them in both nostrils and now, after 5 months. they are gone. so dont be too worried about that.

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But anglefern's nose is not by Dr Lee right?

So did you get struck by Rawduddy?
Did he peed in his pants?? Because I remember him saying he will eat up his tongue or pee in his pants or somehing when he see pretty girls.

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Nope, Mine is by Dr Kao from Taipei.
So far so good.

Seen Joane, tempted to go for full body contouring but i need to see B & A pictures!!

The korean girls are generally quite skinny, even the aunties!
Wonder if the doctors in Seoul have much practice in lipo coz they really don't need it. ha ha

Or maybe face lift in a couple of years time.:graucho:

P/S I've checked out megoreng's officetel, v nice:smile:
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