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asian nose job 2

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Thats destiny anne greenman not me lol
Forehead def nid repair n chin can be improved oh well 3rd mth, slowed down alot, tip still swelling n joam saud i may need few years.... Long wait.

Yourself? Send me more hot pics!
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If it is too rigid and hard, it would not be seductive and make u :drool: coz got nothing to shake and can't move like a snake already...:lol:

Well, everything begins from strangers to friends..then who knows.. like hot mama said ain't it be good if you find someone here.. well, u r the one who said u were being electrocuted, right cousin zo :P galbi alone is too dry, we need to spice up this forum with some juicy gossips lol.. :lol:
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LOL.. I was just kiddin'

Hot Mama is indeed pretty hot, and she has BEAUTIFUL skin. Don't worry guys this superstar will meet hotmama when she comes to Korea =) LOL.

Update of my nose....yah! I can move my tip back and forth, however its still a lil' firm. How is your nose ZO?????????
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Hi Kain, can I pls pls pls have a look at your before and after photos of your chin?? if you are not willingly to show the rest of your face?? i am very interested in sliding genioplasty and i would like to see some photos of dr lee's work. I emailed Joanne about 2 weeks ago asking her about the procedure but have not heard from her yet. I will try to email her again..
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you sure you have not been replied by her. She replies emails everyday..She is really helpful. Maybe you should check your spam box or maybe your email was not received by her.
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how is it nice to get someone here btw?hmmm

maybe u can perform belly dance for us for a vip group visit next time k k
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sure! but i only stay in a castle. how big is your house? lol

are you doing facials at vip? any treatments yet? your nose tip can move back and forth??? REALLY??? my tip is still very hard n stiff cant move at all!?
can anyone else do that too?
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Kain dear ..I would also love so much if you could show me your b&a. please pretty please...
Rawdude can I have a look at yours. Cause I met JoAnn in KL, she told me my nose is somehow similar like yours. Appreciate if you could show me your b&a. Thanks a million.
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kain is a really a gd example of the chin genioplasty. really tempting AGH
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u r a guy? boohooooooo finally 4th guy! building up the community! lol sure whats your email add?
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Sorry guys..I've been away for trip n have to catch up n digest with more than 30pages of info.

*Rawdude- which means u r the first guy ancestor to sashay on TPF followed by Kain .. Lol

*Kain boy.. Wow!! Your surgery is such a success .. Tnx for sharing.Nice nose n chin..your looks change for the better. U were cute before n now OMG!! I drop my jaw when yur pic appear ..Wow!! Nice transformation.like Transformers!! Ha ha.
How I wish I could get my chin fix as well.. Gheez! Jealous ..hope u r healing nicely :smile: manage to meet *Hyejin during your stay at VIP ? Lol .*

*abracadabra - *how have u been? Have u decided on the date of surgery yet? :smile:

*Destiny- thought u beginning to like your nose from last email ? it's the swelling gal..hang on..How funny, as images of us looking like craps keep on flashing on my mind.. Lol. Accident victims lookalike.

*BBgurly -hot mama your surgery date is drawing closer. Hope u have all things prepared n yes pls take a pic or video of u savoring the galbi n send it to Rawdude..Lol!oops!

*:deliriousgirl**chanelmania 77 - sorry kept u girls
waiting, will send my pic once I get my hands on my com as i m*Using my IPHONE to view TPF right now.
Pls dun curse me.. Ha haa cheew! :smile:
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Hey babe,

My skin is nothing but good. Its the poor lighting that hides the flaws.
I love taking pictures in low lights!!!
I have pimples that pops out every time of "the month" so its just a cycle, i have many unslighty marks too!

Destiny is really like a Korean superstar. I am not kidding. I was "drooling" at her. seriously, too bad rawdude, she is taken.

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What I meant is nothing good but bad.
( cmon, i am not that thick skin peeps!)
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