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asian nose job 2

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Hher, how did your consultation go?? Will you be going through with your surgery? Have you had any Korean food yet? How's the officetel? How you met any fellow patients? Ahhh have so many more questions but will hold off for now lol.

Beefsoup, you look adorable, it looks like your jawline has deswelled a bit making your chin a tad more defined now :smile:

For all the girls who have had their nose done, have you tried contouring your nose with makeup to make it look less bulbous? I occasionally do it now but was wondering how much difference it would make to a nose that has been through surgery.
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hmm more defined now huh girl. much better. well to the lurkers out there interested in mandible cut, this is very nice example .. u now who u are :smile:
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I think.. I'm in the vip clinic. Neither could the driver or the girls here can tell if I'm inside the clinic or the hotel since they don't speak english very well. I asked the driver several times if I was heading to the hotel and he kept saying yes. But this looks more like a clinic to me. Haha. Consultation is tomorrow morning. Yikes! I think I'm in the room where Kain stayed in. I noticed his name popped up when I was signing into this forum.

Hher where are you?? I'm so scared!
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okay, so I went through with the surgery. I'm hurting so bad right now. I should be sleeping but I can't sleep anymore. What an experience!!! First thought when I looked at myself in the mirror after waking up....I thought I looked like a tranny, not joking! I was like whoaaaaaaaa charlie. what is this? I went from cute to what the???? ahahaha. I will do a full write up in a week or two. Guys, I went through the worst pain ever! They couldn't find my vein so they stuck me with needles over 6 times. I was about to passout, but Dr. Lee kept encouraging me..be strong be strong no pain no beauty! haha. I was like oh my gosh, what if I just jumped off this table right now.

Anyways, i developed a fever. Don't know how that happened. Maybe lack of sleep and shock. Anyways, my catheter went bad and they had to take it out and the nurse just put another one in. OYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....is that a bad sign I made a bad decision? I don't know.

Oh my....for those of you planning on coming...be prepared to feel some pain with big needles and i hope they only do it once on you. haha. The nurse just came 5 mins ago to give me some feel good medicine so I'm feeling okay right now.

My nose feels like there is a alot of pressure and it hurts a little bit. I'm a baby when it comes to pain. Mouth is dry dry dry, but my throat doesn't hurt. My eyes hurt and head hurts a lot like a severe sinus that won't go away.

I will go find Milkyway tomorrow or 2 days later after she's feeling a lot better to chit chat. I didn't feel dizzy or nausea from the GA. I didn't swell up at all. good thing.

I will be on here a while because I'm bored, so feel free to ask me questions, I will leave it on.
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Milkyway!!!!!!!!! I've got so much to tell you!!!!! I will come find you! I was so scared too. I'm still scared. shaking in my pants right now.

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I like your new look too!
It's a very subtle change but i can definitely see the difference in the height of your bridge and your tip. i think that's the kind of change i want, a very subtle one like yours. you look really good beefsoup!!! :biggrin:

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milkyway!! hher!! :hugs::hugs:

you gals will be fine!!!!!
we're all here to support you and to cheer you on!!!!!!!!!!!

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thanks for the heads up :smile:
i'll be in korea last week of july...
rib rhino at vip!!

how about you?

this is my first plastic surgery so i haven't had the chance to use any of those products but i've seen them mentioned over and over on this forum and other ps forums as well :smile:

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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! you went through with it!!!!!!!!!!
i'm sorry your surgery was so tough...
ughhhh... sounds so scary and painful :cry::cry:
but it's done and over with, so CONGRATS!!

which procedures did you get done hher?
and did you ask for a dramatic change or a more subtle one?

can't wait to see the final outcome!!!!!

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Hher, good luck on your recovery! Remember if you feel pain when u urinate tell Joann right away so she can give u meds for UTI. Don't wait and suffer like I did. Ahhh...if I wasn't so busy this week I would drop by the clinic to visit you :sad:.
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Goodluck on ur recovery Hher and Milkyway!!!
U guys made the right choice :smile:
Have a painless recovery, if tht is possilbe lol. Can't wait to read ur reviews :smile:

And beefsoup u look soo pretty. One month makes a huge difference for recovery. Ure results look more defined. But in a year if u still don't feel like its a drastic enough result for u, don't forget u can always decide to go for rib rhinoplasty instead. :smile:
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It is most likely going to turn out subtle, it's just wayyy too soon to determine what the final result is.. a lot of swelling and inflammation for the first few weeks. I had so many mixed feelings after my first rhino.. I thought I looked like an elephant, bc my bridge was so swollen. A week later, I went to a party at my parents' house and one of their friends said that she had never noticed me before.. how come I was suddenly so pretty in her eyes?? :cool: Comments like that are priceless.. you will be happy with the results, just gotta be patient :hugs:
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OMG Hher!! You're scaring me!!!!! It's like 4 am here and I can't fall back asleep!! What material did you use? What floor are you on?

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