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asian nose job 2

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got to breathe better oready?

gees any pics to inspire us?

cmon anyone any pics? so eager to see new masterpieces lol
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I´m honestly really sorry about how you feel. This makes me want to postpone my operation a bit.
I guess it is a thin line between a change that is an improvement and a change that is not what you were seeking out in the first place. It is kind of a gamble. I guess we all have a picture in our heads how we would like to look after surgery, and the potential risk that reality does not fit your wish is really scary. I guess that a change that makes you don´t recognize yourself can be perceived as a positive one, provided that was what you were looking for, but in other cases such as yours it seems far more that you wanted. I think I can understand your concern, since I too would like to at least see some resemblance to my old self after surgery and that the change is an enhancement of my old self rather that a whole new one.

The fact that your paranasal implants increases the distance between your nose and mouth does not sound like a positive effect if it is permanent. If this is the case, then it should be something the surgeon should mention so that you´re informed properly.

I wish there was something I could do, but hopefully it will heal to your liking!!
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I need to remove 8 small scars (2mm length and 1mm wide), does anyone know where I should go ? I know VIP is the most expensive clinic, so I don't mind going to a cheaper clinic for my tiny scars as long as it is not too exapnsive. Has anyone has their moles or scars removed ? Which clinic do you recommend ?

Also, I'd be grateful if someone could tell me if there's a clinic that has a good reputation for lasik surgery, I'd like to stop wearing prescription glasses.
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Hey Guys,

Just got back couple days ago. The bump I complained about earlier is still there. It's not super noticeable, but it's not the nice curve slope I asked for during the consultation. Something to do with my weird ribs which gave them a difficult time to deal with. I'm hoping it'll absorb over time (at least that's what JoAnn said.) One of my nostrils is slightly rounder than the other one. I guess it has something to do with uneven swelling. Also my columella scar is pretty visible right now since I have really light skin, so I've been rubbing bio-oil on it. Anyone know anything else I can put on to lighten up the scar?

I still don't look anything like myself yet. I think it has mostly something to do with the shape of my mouth due to paranasal implant. I think some other people are dealing with the same problem too. Someone said that her smile is not as big as it use to be. My upper lip just seems lower which makes it look like there is a distant between my nose and mouth. My upper teeth is not showing as much. Just like Hher said, when I open my mouth it looks like I have no teeth which makes me look like a granny. For those who had paranasal implants, does your mouth go back to looking normal when the swelling of the incision goes down?

My bridge is too high right now, but Dr. Lee said he has to make it higher because of the absorption. It's almost been 2 weeks now, so I guess it is too early to judge. I'm trying to be positive about this, but I have no idea how I'm going to go back to work without having to explain my nose surgery. If my mouth didn't look so different, it'll probably be less noticeable.

JoAnn is super sweet and super fun. I don't think VIP can survive without JoAnn. She's so caring and would always go through that extra mile for her patients. Dr. Lee tend to have a hard time explaining things, and every time he does it makes me worry so I always needed to go to JoAnn for reassurance. I love one of the nurses, I forgot her name but she's tall with braces. She's incredibly sweet and just as caring as JoAnn. Her English is not very good, but the way she shows her concerns and take care of her patient is very genuine.

@BBgurly, good luck with your surgery. My bump on my bridge is not very noticeable but it does interfere with the curve I want. It also makes my bridge look kinda high. JoAnn said it'll absorb so I'm just waiting right now. Have fun in Korea! I do miss the food there a lot!

@Hher, I miss you and Vicki!! Hope you have a safe trip back home! Keep me updated with your progress. I know you don't like the fact that you look so different and I totally understand. But so far EVERYONE thinks you look absolutely gorgeous. So at least you still look pretty! I look like a frickin witch!

@omomomom, I can't believe how you energetic you were after surgery. lol. I was dying for the first couple of days. You're a trooper! It was nice hanging out with you. Love your accent btw. Keep me updated too!
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Can you post about your experience? Is this a primary or revision? I'm most likely going with Dr. Jung in September but I'm nervous because some people have had some not so good things to say about him... I tried contacting VIP though and it's been 2-3 weeks no response. It may have gotten lost when they did the site revamp. I don't think I can do VIP though, I don't want to use my own rib (I have no bridge but I don't care, I think it's kind of cute, it's my tip that's flat and ugly), I have no idea how much money it costs, and I can't stay for longer than 7 days (unless they are open on Sundays).

The closer it gets the more doubts I have! I used to want a drastic change, but now when I look in the mirror and press my fingers against the sides of my nose (lol I hope I'm not the only one who does this) I think I don't need a major change. Just a minor adjustment and it makes a big big difference. But when I was little, even when I was 10 (yes I've wanted rhino for a long time haha) I thought I would like a drastic change.

If I could just get the tip looking like I want I wouldn't care about the bridge. My face is round so I think my flat bridge looks OK. Plus I really like my eyes and I think they would change shape and look a little weird if I got a bridge too high. Did this happen with anyone? Did their eye shape change? I don't see how it can't since you are pulling the skin closer together... my eyes are wide but it doesn't bother me, looks OK on my face.

I'm a little scared I can't get my tip to look good though. I've not seen any pictures with a nose that looks like mine that's had work done. Plus when I press my fingers against the sides of my nose in the mirror I can't breathe as well... so I don't know.

I think I'm getting cold feet! I think I'm just scared because of the bad things I read about Dr. Jung on this forum.

I'm also really scared of spending a week in Korea since I don't know the language at all! Do a lot of people in Seoul speak English?
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Milkway, how was your flight back?? Glad to hear you're home safe and sound :smile:

I was talking to HHer about the stiffness of her upperlip and I think it's got more to do with the fat graft?? My upper lip was only stiff for around 4 days post-op but that might be because I was laughing constantly so it kinda just went back to normal fast haha.

I got the tubing out the other day and OMG!!!!! I squealed like a pig on the spit! Hher under-described the pain of it, so so excruciating!!

Haha, no way on the 3rd day post-op my face swelled to like twice the size you saw me at, my face looked like a rubix cube! Square with different colours all over >"<

Keep trying the bio-oil and massage the scar as often as possible, that helps break down the scar tissue. Your bridge and profile looked gorgeous, exactly the right height for your face. I didn't notice the bump but I think the whole thing will definitely reabsorp some so it'll go down in time. Wish you and em had stayed longer!!! So sad with both you two, vic and HHer gone :sad:
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The above clinics were recommended by Dr. Seung Chul Rhee. Dr. Seung is a very well known ps. However he is very expensive...and I cant afford him. He suggested the above clinics and said that they are all very popular for nose. Problem is I cant read Korean!!!! and I am planning to go to VIP because they have been answering my endless questions.
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Let us see the your current photo plsss
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The wedsite still in processing . I only know FCR RM 480.00/times buy 5 free 1 . Faxel treament RM 1800.00 . I just sign up this 2 package .
If you got budget can stay at http://kualalumpur.sunwayhotels.com/stay/pth.aspx

shopping , clubbing , eating all there ... go VIP KL just 5-10mins by taxi .

If you want budget this also nice. walk 2 mins reach VIP KL . Around the Hotel have alot restaurant you can eat .
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wow that helps!

anyway will they do double numbing cream and morphine for me for fraxel just like korea VIP? lol

do they have stemcell prp there?
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hi everyone, im in korea right now, and had surgery with banobagi about 11 days ago, so far im very concerned with the tip of my nose because its reallyyyy long (from profile view) but the front looks really good. although i was reassured by not only my doctor at banobagi but also by surgeons at other clinics that its all normal and that it will go down. everyone told me to just give it time and it'll look good. so as of now, i cant really do anything about the stupid Pinocchio tip, but wait.

im going to try to write about my experiences with the banobagi and other clinics that i've visited. hopefully it will help.

i know a lot of u guys here have gone to VIP and are planning on going to VIP, I just wanted to add my two cent about the clinic, maybe it'll help some people when choosing clinic. so i have no intention of talking **** about VIP or anything like that, i'm simply just ranting basing solely on MY experiences there.

I went to VIP twice in the past few days, because i was quite worried about my nose tip and wanted OTHER doctors opinions instead of just my own doctor. but also i wanted to get forehead and chin augmentation with fat and because i've heard soo many good reviews about VIP on this forum about their fat grafting so i went in for fat graft (forehead and chin) consultation.

*JoAnn is quite pushy, not as sweet as everyone is saying that she is. she is probably a nice person dont get me wrong, but shes just not as genuine as what some of the forum members have said. and some of her information are wrong, like when i was js talking to her she said for my case, if i inject fat on my chin, the fat will be absorbed more than the fat on forehead, but after I talked to the doctor, he SPECIFICALLY said that for my case, the forehead will be absorbed more than chin. when i tried to correct her she was like , noo noo noo. even though the doctor specifically told me so.
*VIP IS SERIOUSLY OVER PRICED! joann made it seem like she was doing me a favor for quoting me $2000 for forehead and chin, she said i was getting chin for free because the whole thing should be about $3500. she made it seem like she tried really hard to give me that discount but in reality, VIP just charges about 30% more than other well established clinics.
* REMEMBER REMEMBER PEOPLE, more than 3 people from this forum are going back to VIP for another revision, because they're unhappy with the result VIP gave them.
* no offense, but like the clientele that visit VIP seem pretty old. both time I've visited there were 50 or 60 year olds, not much young people at all. so their style of their work is a little different than for the younger crowd, like their noses do not have a CURVE to it, its ALMOST straight.

AND PLEASE DNT BE MAD AT ME BECAUSE YOU LOVE VIP, i totally understand, and please understand that these are just my opinions. and for new forum members and lurkers PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! FIND YOUR OWN CLINIC base on your and the clinics aesthetic style not just based on what few positive reviews said by others. you'll soon realize that once you actually visit these clinics you will find one that you just feel the instant connection with and other clinics you just want the get the f**k out right away.
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i have been waiting for someone to write something bad. not becuz im unsatisfied, needed a different opinion.

dont worry dorkie, nobody will be mad at you, chillax :smile: everyone here who posted good or bad based on their personal preferrence, not becuz they are a fan club or something. ultimately we just want to share.

may i know : "the doctor" who said otherwise about absorption was which dr? dr lee from VIP against joann's advises? or from other clinics? actually is there even a "FACT" that whichever part of the fat graft will absorb faster than the other? i dont know, from the beginning i had told everyone my fat graft at VIP didnt work on me cuz i burn fats really fast. I really think its subject to individual, and according to many, the second fat graft will last longer.

2)- What exactly did you do for nose( sorry was MIAing forawhile) .. RIB? goretex??

3) about the price- i really think as everyone already knew VIP charges a premium- known fact. they charge more on foreign patients also accounting the fact of free accomodation and the really "premium" service they are giving if you stay long you will realise it. im not siding them, they are many things joan and VIP had done extra mile for many of us here they know it. for those who didnt experience that - i feel sorry for you maybe they are really really busy during your visit- ofcouse those premium service wasnt part of the package tho.

3) about the age group of clients? seriously i saw so many young peep there and i had made many young friends there at VIP. i really didnt see abt 50-60s peep! this is something new. how abt the rest of the vipians? what do you see?

4) AT vip, i have to admit sometimes they overlook certain misc stuff here and there especially when joan is not around to guide them. but those were quickly been resolved and followed up with a great service recovery.

disclaimer: my person view; i hope many here open up and share good or bad experiences anywhere whichever clinic, dont have to be afraid really. help everyone providing your experience and for those lurkers and onlookers and shoppers; dorkie was right about doing your own research by visiting the clinics and ask ask ask ask ask and ask. know what you really want for your nose; budget;type of service and be both emotionally and mentally prepared what you will be going thru and always know this:
What you had seen or heard HERE may not applied to your own experience. as we all have our own expectation . requirements and our body reacts very differently to such surgeries.

i want ppl here reading this to know that: there are also tons of ppl who had visited VIP and other clinics out there did not participate or share their GOOD or BAD experiences here. please note that :smile:

lastly; be patient :smile:

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I think that I had exactly the same problem n concern as u. I have a bump on the right side of my nose, and the bridge is not straight, it is curved, n my nostrils r not even . It is not that noticeable in the front file, but when my lil sis touches n take a closer look at my nose, she can feel it.

I panicked the first time I noticed it, but since it was only 3week post op, my lil sis comforted me a lot, saying it will absorb, n I d look better. So I tried to b as positive as possible.

Now I feel alright, sometimes very happy n satisfied when ppl compliment me. So I leave aside the imperfections of my nose. Furthermore, It is too soon to judge, what if I'd look better n better, n the pump d disappear in a year or few months?

What im trying to say is, dont be negative. Trust ppl when they say u look better.

Maybe the change is 2 drastic that U r not used to it. N because of the swelling, U feel like that's not the face u want, u r not urself. But u r only 2weeks post op, my face now is 6 weeks post op n its changed a lot compared to when I was 2weeks. Ur face will look more natural when da swellings go away.

If u r worried ab ppl glares, ab explaining to ur colleagues the nj, then I have to say that ppl will sure notice u had something done. 2 weeks of break r not enough, I had a 3 weeks break, but when I came back fr Korea, my fr all said that I changed a lot, n there was something that didnt look right w. my face ect, one of my fr even said that others were talking behind my back n thinking I had surgery :lol: I was quite upset n only want to stay at home, so I came back to Paris n stay there w. my lil sis 2 more weeks. I just back to study this week, I hung out more w my fr, met more old fr, but nobody said a thing ab surgery, only complimented me on how I looked better n younger, fresher ect... So I guess that if U want to look totally natural n not obvious, U have to at least take a 5-6 week break. A 2 - 3 months break will b ideal, but only suitable for students.
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Haha....some problem here.......communication is really a barrier.....lol.....

Dr Seung?psps...i nvr heard about him b4..Is he really popular in korea for rhinoplasty?...How much does he charge for a rhino???

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