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asian nose job 2

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Thank you dorkiegirl, for sharing ur experiences w. us

I agree with some of the points u made here.

Especially this part :lol: OK to be honest, I went through the same "favor". But I have nothing to complaint ab JoAnn attitude n the price at VIP.

Ab JoAnn, we all know that she is one of VIP managers, n VIP is running a business here not a charity. So all shes been doing is in the clinic's best interest, she sure wont do something that will b best beneficial to us customers :lol: We r not kid to not understand that, so the whole thing ab the "favor" was like attracting customers n keeping them coming back "strategy" of VIP to me, I overlooked it bcoz I knew ab her motive.

All those went to VIP, including me, knew beforehand how expensive Vip was compared to other clinics. I knew there were many clinics out there which could give me a better price, but still I felt like the quotation JoAnn gave me is acceptable n I chose VIP because of the service n da aftercare there, n because not many clinics had english speaking staffs.

I'm not that 100% happy with the result, my tip still looks very bulbous, in the front profile, my bridge is slightly curved, n there is a bump on the right side of my bridge. But I understand that I cant ask for a 100% perfect nose, if I look better than b4, n I'dnt have to go back for revision, then it's alright (even though its too soon to say whether Ill go back for revision in da future).

I'm not unhappy with the result either. But I'm thinking of visiting other clinics for my next trip to Korea, because with only a level of 60-70% satifaction, I could go for an other clinic with a more reasonable price. I went to the website of Banobagi, could you please share ur review of Banabagi with us?

N now that U mention ab ur bad impression of VIP, that I remember JoAnn hasnt sent me my surgical report. Has anyone here received it?
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May I ask the price that DrJung quote u is for silicone implant or rib, or geortex?
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Beefsoup, I have yet to receive my surgical report also.
My opinion....please don't let members of this forum lock you into particular clinic. If you are willing to spend all this money to travel to Korea then you can afford a day or two to look around at other clinics. But...even if you are comfortable with the Dr that u choose remember that you may not be satisfy with ur results. :sad: For primaries (like myself) be prepared for hell after surgery; dissapointment, depression, loss of identity, pain, and even thoughts of suicide. All I know from experience is that it will get better, however, in the end we all are never satisfy with our nose. In my defense...it's more understandable if it's due to Dr.s error as oppose to not being able to "accept" your new look.....
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$4700 for a primary surgery, seems to b a hard-to-believe price for VIP ... What materials did JoAnn suggest u?

If u r going to have surgery at Dream, pls share ur experience with us :lol:
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oh you brave girl, I'm really glad that you spoke up about your experience at vip :smile:

i was beginning to feel that this was a vip forum rather than an asian nose job forum. i think it will really benefit others to read/hear reviews on other plastic surgery clinics as well.

i know that vip is not the only qualified plastic surgery clinic in korea and i'm sure other clinics have excellent customer service as well. when i was researching clinics in korea, i read MANY MANY glowing satisfied customer reviews on korean forums for many different clinics.

so i am very glad, dorkiegirl, that you're helping everyone make a more informative decision.

and i'm really glad to read about people's problems after their surgery at vip. it really helps me have a more realistic expectation...

if you are researching plastic surgeons in korea, please understand that vip is not your only option!!!!

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Errrr... I haven't do Fraxel treament . My appointment will be 28th June do Fraxel .
They Have PRP also .. I thinks around RM 2200 - 2800 / times ..
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Thanks for your response,

I did contact VIPs and JoAnn said to give her the date of my flight etc though I haven't planned anything in concrete as I'm unsure of the length of stay and the return trip date and how much accommodation will cost. I've thought about 21st June 2011 as the flight date- arrives in Seoul about 5.40pm. An alternative date is the 22nd if flights are available.
To get to VIPS is another story, cause I'm not sure how and JoAnn said there is transport services. I'm sure those services are expensive compared to the average 'catch your own taxi' fee.

I looked at 'Dream' but i couldn't find my way around the site, couldn't see before and after pictures. So was uncertain of the clinic that's why I'm probably going with VIPs as it caters more for 'foreigners'.

Though yeah it'd be good to know at least someone going there that time of the year (June/July-ish). Are you a student, that's why you also have to leave early?
Hi Dorkiegirl,

Thanks for your input. I had booked my surgery with VIP for next week and will cancel it. It's not because what you just wrote although it really reinforces a lot of what i've hear but I've talked to several other people and it seems they are very unhappy. You are right about VIP overcharging foreigners!!! They know we are vulnerable in a place where we don't know the language so they take advantage of that. They gave me a quote that was so over the top that i was like WTF? But because I saw that they kept getting good reviews that i was going to go through with it anyway knowing that i am getting ripped off. I will go see several clinics and do my consultations first. I will meet with deliriousgirl and hopefully she'll give me lots of advice. Glad you are happy with your result:smile:

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Destiny, how long did it take for you to be ok with your nose?

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I haven't had my surgery yet.
If I am interested in going to VIP, it is because he is specialized in RIB and his paranasal implants look good in B&A pics.
I know VIP is way more expensive than other clinics, but $8500 is the same price as Dr Jung.
As to Joann, I know some people really liked her. Maybe, she treats patients nicely. I only called the clinic and to me, it seems she is pushy. She also says she has to ask the manager to get a price when I know she is the one to decide. She makes it as if she was making a great effort to make a discount. Then, she tells me that everyone gets 10% if they are students. I told her several times that I was one and she was surprised when, after she made an effort to make a discount, I repeated it to her. So, all the "pretended" efforts did not change much because anyway I would have had the 10%.

This is only the consultation, but what matters is the actual surgery.
It seems people are more or less satisfied except from few cases where the changes are really good. I don't know if it is any better than other clinics, apart from their expertise in rib surgery.

@destiny: if you had lots of emotional changes, it is probably because you did not like the result and you're still trying to get used to it.
Maybe, you initially wanted a more subtle change.

I don't know any other doctors who can change nostrils, apart from Dr Jung and Dr Lee.That's my main concern. So, I'll stick to Dr Lee I think.
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I have to agree with dorkiegirl. Ive never been to vip or know anyone personally who went, but my relatives and friends in korea have never heard of vip. I think its probably better for international patients since they dont speak korean, but if you are korean and speak and understand it fluently, i advise you to go around and spend some time having consultations because there are sooooo many great clinics who do really amazing work (aka all the korean celebrities) and i dont think they promote themselves internationally much. I made the biggest mistake of doing my surgery here in the states :sad: but oh well. Im really excited to look around and findthe right place.
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also the fact that Dr Lee said it was very difficult to make Angelababy's nose makes me wonder...I hope it is out of honesty, because most doctors, espcially Dr Jung would say there is no problem for that.
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