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asian nose job 2

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Cool. #1 in the US, #2 on google.co.kr. I figured my searches were getting messed up when some of the top entries were for stuff in LA. :smile:

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i briefly looked over the dream website and it seems like dr. park's choice of material is gortex + autologus material for tip. he seems to prefer it over silicon. i coudn't really find much information on rib rhino on his website.

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so, it sounds like you won't be getting any gortex or silicon implants, right? ohhh you lucky guy... ;)

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I don't think so. My profile looks something like this. You're welcome to some of this material if you need it :smile:

I am interested in how he's going to get rid of the bump without creating another one further down.

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I am in the same boat as you are. I didn't think to consult with any other clinics after reading the comments on this forum. Regardless of the overpriced quote, I knew i didn't want another rib surgery because my previous one turned out so disappointing. However, I kept persuading myself that if i go with someone who seems to be really good at rib, maybe i'll get a better turnout. That's why I decided to go with Dr. lee. But after hearing some stories and end results from some people that have gotten their nose done at vip, i know i can't endure another rib surgery. I hear people are getting bumps from their result with vip and that scares the heck out of me. I had one tiny bump after my nj and was told it'll go away if i push on it often enough. The first 2-3 years, i didn't mind it because i guess I wasn't healed completely so the one bump didn't bother me. Not only that, but i now have another bump that has shown up where the bridge of the nose bridge starts. I know i have very thin skin but still, those small bumps became more and more visible with the years. If they were tiny protrusions, I wouldn't be so dramatic, but they are OBVIOUS!

Anyhow, I also don't want drastic changes to my face. I don't want to be unrecognizable when i come back. That's also one other thing that scares me. I've read that HHer and Milkway comments about the radical changes made to their faces and i don't want that to happen to me. Maybe drastic changes are for some people but I'll be happy just to get a smooth bridge and maybe a lengthened tip out of the surgery.
I'm definitely going to consult with some other clinics when i get there next week.

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I didnt have rib, I had septal + ear cartilage. I noticed the bump when I left Korea already (3weeks post op), b4 it was because of the swellings n the cast that the bump was not noticeable. I tried to take pics of the bump, but then it was hard to see in the photo, I could only feel by touching it. I didnt think that with words only DrLee could examine my nose n the problem, so me n my lil sis were like ..."Lets forget ab the bump n wait for few months"

But I tried to ask JoAnn for the surgical report, because I was worried ab it. Just in case if something ever goes wrong, I could go to my doctor n explain to him what i had, n coz my mum wants to get updated too.

But I have yet received it, n Destiny too (n many ppl I guess)
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U really r scaring me ... now i'm truly worried ab the bump... What if ... :cry: omg ... really scares me out
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@dorkiegirl, don't worry about it! You're free to express your opinion! We're all here to share our experience and educate others about nose surgery and clinics that are out there. I'm glad you found the right clinic for you!

Sorry I didn't mean freak everyone out about VIP. I'm not 100% satisfied with my nose, but I don't hate it. Then again, it's only been 2 weeks. What I hate the most is my mouth! It's stiff as hell and i look like a witch when i smile. Mainly because of the swelling from paransal incisions. The bump is basically where my bridge is. It is suppose to absorb (at least i'm hoping.) I already have a pretty decent bridge height so Dr. Lee only at added a few mm. He even warned me before surgery that he needed to make it slightly higher because of absorption. When I look at all the patients at VIP, they didn't have the slight bump I did. Everyone else had the smooth slope, so I didn't understand why mine didn't turn out like theirs. They did run into issues with my rib. It's something that they've never dealt with before so surgery took them 2 extra hours to figure out what to do.

I guess no matter how highly spoken a clinic is, even the famous ones that being are mentioned, I'm sure they have had unhappy patients and had to deal with their own revisions. Everyone's noses are different, so the outcome may not always turn out exactly what they pictured. For some people, certain noses aren't even possible to achieve. Everyone's noses needs to be put together differently depending on their base shape and their ideal nose. In the end, there is no perfect clinic, but make sure you find a certified surgeon and someone who is very familiar with asian noses.

It's only been 2 weeks, so I guess I really can't tell you if Dr. Lee was a good surgeon or not yet. Aside from the pain I had to go through, the worst part is playing the waiting game. Hher may not like her outcome because she looks so different from fat grafting and the mouth issue that I'm dealing with as well, but she does indeed have a pretty nice nose.

I didn't think JoAnn was being pushy with me at all. I have a very asymmetrical face so Dr. Lee was suggesting all kinds of stuff to do to my face. JoAnn kept reminding him I only wanted rhino and fat graft. After that consultation, JoAnn took me aside and told me not to feel pressured by Dr. Lee. He just wants his patients to look perfect and that I should stick with whatever I'm comfortable with. Even the next day when i was chatting with her, I was telling her what i hated about my face. She told me I didn't need to get anything else done and that I'm good the way I am. Even tho she works at a PS clinic, JoAnn doesn't seem very keen on the idea of having too much stuff done.

I think the reason why I look so different because I got swelling from nose, paransal incision and fat grafting. I'm hoping I'll return to normal once the swelling goes away.
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sorry if i am scaring you. it may just be that i am in that small percentage of rib going wrong. who knows. i was just speaking from my personal experience and it may not apply to everyone. I can tell you that for me, the first couple of years, the bump i had could only be felt when i ran my finger on the bridge so that's why i didn't find it being a problem. i kept pushing on it like i was told to do and also used this tape to place on it that was given to me by the doctor. Anyhow, you know how it turned out for me now so i don't need to keep repeating it.

please don't lose sleep over it. like i said, i was just venting my own personal experience with rib. Everyone is different and just because i had a bad experience doesn't mean you will too.

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Jenstar, do you mind explaining what the "bump" is? Seems like quite a few posters here are talking about it but I can't picture what it looks like.
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My advice for everyone considering a nose job in Korea --- please plan 2 days (the least) when you get to Korea to go around and do face to face consultations and PS clinic shopping BEFORE deciding on which clinic you want to cut you open.

That's my best advice for you. No matter what you read on this forum, please don't let us make a decision for you. Book consultations with different clinics ahead of time, so when you get there you already have a schedule. Everything is different when you get there face to face. I say this would be one of the smartest thing to do rather than letting the reviews on here decide where you should go.

I am almost finish with my review of VIP. There are some things I don't feel comfortable posting on here (mainly because of some fishy lurkers -- you know what I mean?) so if you would like me to send it to you I will be more than happy to do so. Just PM me and let me know.
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hi HHER, Did u have ur rhinoplasty done at VIP too. i'm new here n want to get my rhinoplasty revision. After reading alot of review here, i feel so positive about VIP. I was gonna make appointment to go there in September. But after reading the lated review i feel kinda scary . N i dont have enough post to PM u. would u please share some experiment w me by emailing me : [email protected]
thank u
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Hi, he did not say how much he is going to charge me and I didnt ask (scared I will have a heart attack). He told me he is expensive and that he doesnt have his own clinic, (he is a professor and ps in Ilsan Paik Hospital, Inje University. He doesnt have any special "treatment" for foreigners and hence he said I have to find my own accommodation and that would be very expensive. You can google him, he is known for his BAKA theory. I found him while doing research for my next revision.

He gave me consultation and recommended the clinics i have mentioned. I have booked VIP and after reading more and more ...I think I really should consider the clinics he recommended. Maybe to the extent of getting a korean friend to translate for me. i really want to do revision and hopefully it will be the last time. and I really need it to be perfect this time around.
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Hi Omom.momo,

Thanks for your input :smile:
I had my reply to you and I think I got d/c when I sent the msg to you. I was going to pm you but I have to post more inorder to use that feature. Anyways to recap, I read some of your posts about VIP and that you stayed/ are staying there, is that correct? Yes, JoAnn did say to be there min 10 days post-op. Did you stay at VIPs the whole time or did you have to find your own place to stay after the 'free week stay'?
How long are/were you there? Did you use the transport service provided by VIPs, How much did it cost if you did use it? Is everything there at VIPs in english? How easy is it to go around in korea without knowing the language? If you were hungry did VIPs supply you food or did you have to get your own at other places?

Sorry about bombarding you with all these questions, really with I could pm you without having the '10 post min restriction'. I'll try post more stuff to unlock the 'pm' feature.

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