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asian nose job 2

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the "bump" on mine is a raised, bony protrusion (cartilage) sitting slightly tothe left of the bridge and another one at the start of the bridge. The one that is the start of the bridge is perhaps the margin of where the rib graft is, i'm assuming. I don't know if that helps or just made it more confusing. It's not a smooth feel or look to the bridge.

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after reading all the worry posts; i m having the feeling of that the asian nose job thread number 1 and also this current thread num2 n What we had contributed previously had gone to waste. (did ppl actually read all of them? i feel that we had been thru that again and again and over again now, ppl just dont seems to get it)

I feel sorry for kain who had helped many here with his price lists of various clinics where; many still complaint VIP is over price;may i ask you guys something;
are you guys comparing RIB. RIB RIB RIB rhino pricings with different hospitals or are you comparing silicone with VIP's RIB rhino?

IF you are comparing RIB vs RIB at different places, please kindly post their pricings.. im just curious if there r other clinics offering RIB at a much cheaper price?- even worse. RIB is not an easy surgery. if they priced it drastically cheaper-im at most skeptical.

IF anyone here had found a better clinic for RIB i will more than gladly be happy to know which and appreciate that sharing and findings. BECAUSE; all these while; no other korean clinics recommend RIB except VIP, even they do perform such.

Like WE had discussed SOOOO many times; if you just want do RIB in korea; VIP is the only thing that poped out in the search engine. although other clinics can do that but they didnt recommend it.
so as a consumer; shrugs ; put it this way; we have no choice but to visit VIP. SO SO i would greatly appreciate anyone who has new findings of a better RIB rhino surgeon in korea .not to mention cheaper since many complaint VIP being overpriced.

AND those whatever korean celebrity who had done at whichever clinic: DID THEY DO RIB? i would think most koreans done silicone or goretex instead of RIB.have a walk along seoul streets; you notice it immediately those silicone in their noses. all over.

ANY PS surgeon can do that. even the crippled one holding a knife and needle at the back lane alley can do that for as cheap as i heard, usd100?

VIP is overpriced? HAVe you guys tried Singapore? lol obviously u didnt. you will know VIP 's price is far more reasonable. you want it cheaper? go bangkok. but do they even have RIB.you get what you r willing to give.

everyones body reacts differently on such procedures,some absorbs much faster,in the market,any service provider can never satisfy 100% of their clients. NEVER. lets face it. to be honest im not entirely satisfied too.even tho ppl keep saying im gd looking . but one thing for sure i def look better than before surgery.but im still not satisfied. but i know i cant judge as im still swelling.
for those interested: i have no warping, no bumps. at 4mth post op.im healing nicely everyday. but that doesnt mean it wont happen in future.at least im mentally prepared.and yes, i looked like a BIRD n awful at first couple of weeks.

those who had done recently who are not satisfied; WERE u even ready for RIB rhino? its not for the fainted hearts. IF you are satisfied right after the surgery something is very wrong. you are supposed to be in shock, feeling BIRD nose and a little shaken at least. cuz u r supposed to be swelling and your nose is supposed to be at least 10% bigger(allow for absorption) than the actual product which you gonna see 6mths-1 yr later.

if you want faster satisfaction; go for silicone or goretex or even fillers. you will most likely walk out of any clinic in apguyeong feeling satisfied. but be mentally prepared for infection possibilities and revision later on.

again i had explained abt warping, pls read my previous posts not gonna do it again.

yes, DO NOT visit VIP people. cuz if they are crooks , they are crooks who are dying to suck you poor student's money , making the impatient you look awful the first couple of months at least ,where they self proclaimed themselves as the expert in RIB rhino in korea which leaves you no choice as you are so desperate to have a RIB harvest from your chest just to make yourself look nicer, not to mention if you do not want to risk infections with silicon/goretex elsewhere and then yes again, they are super crooks THAT way.

wouldnt it be nicer if VIP gives up giving free facials, free accommodations and price their procedures similar to the others and stop emphasizing on RIB material? i feel sorry for those who really need such service.

erm y not jsut forget about VIP and RIB rhino.. roll back to silicone/goretex people.. much easier.. cheaper and better satisfaction for the first few years.

actually come to think of it, RIB rhino is quite extreme..usually perform on extreme cases, a destroyed nose,burnt nose. full reconstruction.

not for ppl who seek subtle or minor changes.-- look elsewhere to avoid disappointment.

for those who are having bumps and after surgery complications, i advise u to be patient and wait for at least 6th mont post op before you decide for a revision , any revision during swelling is not gonna do you good.

stay positive and worry less. LIFE IS too short to worry. just do it, if not, forget it, if required, just do it again, and again, if you have to die tmr, at least act as if what you do now makes a difference, good or bad. :smile:
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kain and i had it done at VIP.

to everyone out there.. i think others pictures can only serve as a rough guidance/reference.. please do not have expectations that they will look as gd on you as as id mentioned many times. everyones body react differently on such procedures.

if its RIB you are looking for; its a major surgery, quite extreme.

if you cant handle; go for silicone/goretex. simple easy cheap and faster satisfaction.(higher risk of infection; but that doesnt mean it will happen)

that being said; many other clinics can do such. but so far only VIP in korea highly recommended RIB rhino as proclaimed as experts.

tell me new findings if anyone knows any thanks :smile:

you said you had yours done with jung; goretex? Why not satisfied? What is the concern? if its some minor tweets, go back to jung or other clinics. not necesary VIP. but if you want drastic changes/reconstructive surgery and autologous material- VIP is the pick so far.
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Hi Bluewillow, sorry to hear you are not happy :sad: what's wrong with your surgery? why were you and the other person also not happy immediately afterward?

that's like a big fear of mine is not being happy, but honestly guys my nose is so unattractive right now I almost feel like anything would be an improvement, even if not perfect.

sorry I hate to ask again (I feel like I'm being so annoying with all these questions) but what is fat grating and why would someone need to get it done?

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Your post confused me a little. I DON'T want rib but you're making it sound like a really bad thing not to want rib? I don't get it. if I don't want rib should I forget about VIP then?

also everyone always talks about these fake obvious PS noses but I guess I just really can't tell. how can you tell if it's obviously fake? can anyone link a pic?

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I'm about to buy my airplane ticket to Korea, I just want to call VIP before I actually buy it.
I'm so excited and worried at the same time. I think it is not a good thing to change opinion at the last minute. Some persons did have nice results, so maybe I'll just stop panicking as it is getting closer.
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When I think of fake noses I think of the kpop girl group Rainbow. Just watch some of their music videos, they just look fake. However, I think fake ideal looking noses look good on women. You guys are supposed to look good.

I liken it to teeth whitening. Those of you in the US know we're big on teeth more than the other facial features. I got my teeth whitened to the point that they were nuclear glowing white. It looked pretty unnatural but people
kept complimenting me on them, wondering where they could get it done.

If you're an Asian guy that needs significant augmentation that's a weird straddle because fake usually does not look good on a guy.

For an extreme example of one of the members of Rainbow check out jisook:


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huh that's interesting! I must be blind because if I didn't see the before pictures I wouldn't be able to tell either girls got plastic surgery, definitely not nose surgery. I'm not so worried about fake now, if my nose can look that good then I'll be happy.

that makes sense about teeth. I live in britain and everyone here thinks americans are CRAZY for always wanting unnaturally white teeth. my teeth are very yellow but I don't care. some day I'll get them whitened but for now my nose is my main concern

I just started following this singaporean blogger, xiaxue's nose job story, and it's pretty incredible what a difference two nose jobs have done for her. I think her new nose looks great. maybe it looks fake but I could never tell. I think maybe asians and people who live in asian countries can tell a lot easier because a lot more people have it done. because I'm in britain I'm not so sure people can tell.

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sorry for posting so much, but there is another concern of mine. I know this is a nose job thread but along with a nose job, I was thinking of perhaps taking care of another 'problem' with my face that's bothered me for a while... I have no jawline.

I've found some examples on google for what I mean.

girl with no jaw line, like me: http://tinyurl.com/3c77syk
girl with strong jaw line, what I want: http://tinyurl.com/3khcetf

Do you see what I mean? I'd like to get some fat sucked out or something to tighten the skin/muscle/fat around my jawline so I can have a stronger one, because right now I have almost none and I think that's unattractive. I know a lot of asians are trying to get a mandible reduction surgery but I kind of want the opposite. though I don't think I want to ADD any more jaw to my face since that would make it stick out too much ya know?

to go with that I was also considering buccal fat removal, but I don't know if any places in korea do that. or if it is called something different. so many things to consider, ah!
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@Jenstar thank you for explaining. In my parent's circle of friends, everyone has had their nose done. Some using rib, some with silicone. My mom has told me about these bumps; which is a risk when one decides to use rib for their noses. I believe it can be corrected, but it comes with the territory of using cartilage.

@kain and rawdude, and everyone who has contributed to this thread: THANK YOU so much for coming back post-surgery and patiently explaining your experiences. It's made such a difference in my decision for the revision rhino. You guys also look hot, so I'm very confident in my upcoming trip.

I agree with rawdude - if anyone is looking for a subtle change, I would not rely on rib rhinoplasty. I used silicone for my first nose job, my face went mostly back to normal within 2 weeks and NO ONE knew I had done anything to my nose. It was also disappointing, because all I wanted was for my tip to be more projected and silicone simply can't get that job done.

If you guys are considering any kind of surgery, please do your research, talk to people who have had it done, and be positive and realistic about your results. Many people will not be open to talking about their bad experiences; in fact I have a friend with a really bad boob job, and she knows it too. She actually recommended her doctor to me, despite telling another friend of ours that she was really unhappy with it.

I've been there before with my first rhino.. it's a rough emotional ride, but I've seen many people go through 3, 4, 5 rhinoplasties.. it's not because the surgeons were not skilled, it was in their own minds that they needed to perfect their nose. So I plan on getting the surgery done, if it fits my face and doesn't look like a honking fake nose, then I'm moving on with life.

To me, the $$$ and demeanor of the clinic's workers are a small factor, but ultimately the biggest priority is to seek out the doctor's skills.
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First of all, I REALLY want to thank you for helping me out so enthusiastically. When I was a newbie in the nose job forum, you were one of the first ones to answer all my questions and point me in the right direction. :smile:
Regarding your previous post, I am scheduled to have surgery at VIP but I am still complaining about the prices. Not so much for the rib rhino but for the total amount for all the procedures dr. lee is recommending. You are right, rib rhino price is fair. BUT he does recommend a plethora of other procedures as well, such as paranasal augmentation and fat grafting (I was recommended two other procedures as well) to balance out the new nose. And it’s easy to say, don’t get the additional procedures if it’s too expensive, but who wants a crappy, disproportional face? Fat grafting and paranasal augmentation are OVERPRICED at vip. But, for the sake of convenience, I am choosing to get all the procedures done at vip.

And I don’t think anyone is labeling vip as crooks!! I think this forum is perfectly ok to express our opinions on the prices, procedures, our satisfaction levels. Also, I’m really glad that the girls who got their rib rhinos recently are voicing their dissatisfaction. I understand that it’s still very early on in the healing process but they are scared, frustrated and anxious RIGHT NOW. Even if they fully understood the risks and knew that they were going to look like birds, it must be hard to actually deal with it once it becomes reality. It’s one thing to know all this in your mind but it must be really hard not to freak out when you’re looking at a bird beak as a nose in acutality. They may end up loving their new look and praising Dr. Lee’s impeccable taste in the future but RIGHT NOW they are scared as hell. And they’re just expressing themselves on this forum.

I'm choosing to go with Dr. Lee because I know he's a skilled surgeon. I'm getting a rib rhino because I believe it's the right material for me. But I think gortex and silicon definitely has it's perks. I'm just hoping that my face will turn out ok and my nose won't warp in the future. I'm taking your advice, rawdude, and staying positive. ;)

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bisousx, did your mom mention if most bumps get reabsorbed, stay the same, or get bigger?

also, can you explain why can't silicon produce tip projection? I know that it's difficult to add a ton of height to the bridge, but i didn't realize that silicon can't produce tip projection. What material do you have at the tip of your nose right now? Silicon or ear/septal cartilage?

i only ask because i only want a subtle change. nothing drastic.
but my main concern is the tip of my nose, like you.


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here are some pictures of fat grafting.
basically, during fat grafting, they'll take unwanted fat from your belly or thigh or butt and inject it into different parts of your face to make you look younger, fresher, and more balanced.

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