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asian nose job 2

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wow, you sound so offended for some reason and seem like you are taking things a little too personal because people are starting to doubt vip. why is that? the forum is here for people to express how they feel and help one another out as far as nj is concerned. There are people who will like a doctor while other people will hate that doctor. we can all tell you really like vip but there are so many things people need to be informed of before going into rib. For exam, for Joann to say there is no warpage and irregularities with rib is blantantly lying. like someone has said, "he is not god" and warpage will occur, whether it be a small chance or not because it is one of the downside to it. So yes, if there is warpage or bumps that appear, the patient will need to get a revision. just because you get a rib graft doesn't mean you are not prone to needing a revision later. and yes, your chance of needing a revision with other grafts is high also but rib is not revision free either. I was all about autologous graft and that's why i had rib. Never did i imagine that several years later, i will need revision again.

It is true that vip's price is comparable to US ps prices but i was quoted an extra 5k just because i had rib and that was the cost to remove rib on top of $9K+ for the revision. I thought $9,200 was more than the normal price i've been seeing and then they add another 5k on top of it! Then they added in all these other extras like paranasals and premaxilla and stuff. i mean my nose needs some fixing but i don't think i need paranasals and premaxilla augmentation. Once i complained about the price, of course joann states she'll try her best for a discount and needs to ask the "general manager" to see if they can do better. They went $2K down on their initial price. Hmmmm...shady!

i'm not here to argue with you rawdude. I was pretty set on going to dr. lee also but after hearing people getting bumps afterward is a warning sign for me just because of my personal experience with that. I'm glad you are happy with vip and the way the treated you but it is financially, emotionally, physically draining going through a rib surgery. I'd hate for anyone to have to go through the same situation as i did. People need to do their research before deciding to go with rib. there's nothing wrong with people doubting a doctor because what if someone goes into surgery thinking rib is the best and so on and so forth, there's a chance that they are in for disappointment. And that goes to any kinds of graft. At this point, i don't know what graft i'll use to be honest with you. I'm just trying to seeing all the feedbacks from people's experiences and will consult with other doctors and go from there.

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Hi Jesse :flowers:

I will ask her later tonight and get back to you - I don't know how to explain it eloquently but I'll try!

For my first rhino, I had only a silicone L-shaped implant in my nose. No septal/ear cartilage put on the tip. As for the tip projection, all of this depends on what your nose looks like in the first place. My nose is very bulbous, and the columella is extremely weak. The skin on my nose is also thick. So while I have a lesser chance of having a fake looking nose, it will also be more difficult for the surgeon to create support at the columella.

If you are looking for something subtle (like Beefsoup's lovely results), I'd make sure that the surgeon is completely aware of that. And let them know that you are not concerned with getting more bang for your buck, your main priority is to look like yourself but more refined :smile:

I asked Joann about lower bleph on my eyes, since I sometimes look tired.. she told me that I don't really need it but I can talk to their eye specialist about fat transfer. I don't think they are the pushy type, but ultimately we have to know our faces well enough to say no to unnecessary procedures.
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@jesse00- thanks for the info on fat grafting! it is definitely not for me, believe me when I say I definitely don't need more fat in my face haha. I think when people take a picture of my face without body I look like I weigh 20lbs more than I really do! :sad:

I'm also like you and I am more concerned about my tip/alar (alar base?) than bridge. I have a flat/no bridge but I don't care about that, yanno?

what do you think are the perks of silicon & goretex vs rib?

@bisousx- you said you got silicon to try to project your tip and it didn't work. did you get silicon with ear/septal cartilage or was it all just silicone? (EDIT: sorry we posted the same time, I just read your post above for the answer)

also what's the diff between goretex and silicon?

I am being recommend goretex/silicon and ear/septal cartilage but I don't know the difference between goretex and silicon or ear and septal. if septal is from my nose only, isn't that ideal?
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There's a ton of information on this forum and also online about the difference between goretex and silicone. I never considered goretex, as I heard that if you try to remove it, it will leave your nose disfigured. When I removed the silicone implant, my nose went back to its original shape (bleh! lol) with no issues at all.

I used just silicone. Although I have to say that I grew to accept my non-projected siliconed nose. Despite that my nose wasn't perfect, I did look better than before. The only reason why I removed the silicone was because it shifted at the base of the columella, and the piece was sticking out inside my nose! I actually didn't realize this until a few months had passed by, and my nose was still hurting as if it was the 2nd week post-op. It was not an "infection" per se, because there was no pus or blood. The doctors have no idea why the silicone shifted.

I've read that septal cartilage is ideal, but most asians don't have enough septal cartilage to build the tip so they have to graft from other sources. I'm not a doctor though, so please take my words with a grain of salt.
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@bisousx- thanks for the reply! what you said makes sense. I remember I was doing some research into dr. charles lee at beverley hills, los angeles and he was saying something similar about septal and ear. I decided not to go with him though because I do not think he is very skilled at nose, not as much as he likes to market. I think he's good at eyes though but luckily I like my eyes very much.

that's part of why I'm hesitant about getting a higher bridge, I'm afraid it will change my eye shape by pulling the skin a little closer together. I'd rather have a flat bridge than change the shape of my eyes.

dr. charles lee also mentioned that he preferred to use goretex over silicone which is why I asked. that's very interesting. I'm definitely going to do more research into this and see what option is best for me. thanks again for replying. sorry if you already posted (I keep getting everyone on this thread mixed up! -_-) but do you mind saying who your surgeon was the first time?
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I had a subtle change to my bridge with the silicone, and it didn't change the shape of my eyes. During the first month post op, my radix was high (due to swelling) and that made my eyes look closer together. If anything, it was more like an optical illusion than my eyes actually being pulled closer together. However, the swelling went away after the 1st month and the radix/eyes were fine.

I had a horrific experience with the surgery itself, since I did it in Vietnam. :nogood: They don't sedate you or put you under IV sedation unless you request to go to a hospital, and the anesthesia wore off. I'll just leave it at that. I don't remember his name nor would I ever go back to him... not because the nose job was bad.. just the experience was traumatizing.

For that reason, I don't mind shelling out extra money to have top notch aftercare. Some people don't care for that aspect, but since I will be flying alone then it's an added plus to be going to VIP.
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@halley and jesse, if you guys give me your emails I'd be happy to show you the former results of my silicone surgery. I don't think that silicone is a difficult surgery, but your results will really depend on what your nose and facial structure looks like originally. I will never be able to have an Angelababy nose, but the best I can hope for is to have a natural looking nose and to be a bit prettier.

I thought that most people here were talking about rib grafts because they wanted to get drastic results... If you guys only want a slight change, then I would suggesting considering other options like silicone/goretex, and maybe using septal/ear cartilage for the tip. I don't see a need to use rib unless you want and are prepared for a major change to your face.
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I agree, the money is not a concern for me either because the top nose surgeons in the UK charge £8-11k ($13-18k US) so no matter who I go to in korea, even the most expensive, I don't think it will be as expensive as UK. although you can get a cheap NJ for £3k but that is still like $5k US. and none of them specialise in asian noses either so I think even with the airfare and hotel and general costs to have surgery in korea, I will still come out better than if I stayed here.

though I like the idea of VIP providing accommodation & the positive reviews they've received here, I still am leaning toward Dr Jung. I like his results I see and maybe he's just really great at marketing (like Dr Charles Lee in Beverly Hills) but I think he can give me what I'm looking for. though he is recommending a higher bridge he isn't pushing it and looks like he's fine with doing just the tip and alar base, which seems good to me.

even though I'd probably look better with a higher bridge (especially since my eyes are so far apart... whoever that guy was who posted the picture of the ant from antz, that's a lot like my face too!) I don't think it's necessary as I think overall my face looks fine without a bridge, it just really needs a more pronounced tip.

thanks everyone who's been replying and posting in the past day! I know I disappeared a little after my first post and I probably am a little annoying with all my questions but I appreciate everyone's who's taken the time to answer. :smile: I'm so glad this forum exists. I wish you all well in your surgeries, whether past or upcoming.
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hurray that you don't have to get an additional procedure!!!!!!!!
they say that lower bleph is a pretty complicated procedure and you can end up looking worse/more tired than before!!

unfortunately, i really really need a lower bleph... more than a nose job... :P

your nose sounds like my nose! i have a bulbous tip and i also have a very weak columella :P so i guess rib is the way to go for me as well~

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oh my gosh!
$5000 extra just to remove the rib???

that's something i had not even considered... it seems like there's a chance that i may have to undergo revision sometime in the future and an extra 5k is something that was not factored into my decision to get rib rhino :sad:

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@jenstar11: what is the premaxilla augmentation offered by VIP ? Is it different from the paranasal implant ?

In general, all I care about is the tip projection and definition, the shape of the nostrils and the columella, any bridge is fine as long as my nose is upturned and concave.

I think only rib can achieve a great tip projection.
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Hi angleplane,

Can you explain a little more why you think only rib can achieve great tip projection?


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