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asian nose job 2

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@lexxx 0890
um, i guess that depends on your comfort level. i was okay with it at one or two weeks post op, but it was still too big at the time. strangers probably won't notice (and in korea its a common sight) but your friends and family will probably notice.

take at least 2 weeks off work i guess.

you might wanna get opinions from more ppl though, as i didn't really care if my nose looked too big.

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Hey guys! how long is the recovery time for rhinoplasty in crease the hight of the bridge of the nose, and very very little shaving of the nasal dorsum? Nothing else, no tip or making the nose itself smaller,

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VIp expertise in RIB rhino. other than that; many other clinics in apguyeong can do it silicone.goretex. VIp do those too.

we had been thru this many times in previous posts. if u want goretex. dr jung is highly spoke of right now. silicone is so simple. can be done everywhere.

if u r going for RIB. VIp is hyped. so far. im not siding them again. i wish to know if there are other clinics who expertise in RIB rhino too . please enlighten me if anyone knows GL
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huh?ah sensitivity spotted. im not even getting personal at anyone lol. you didnt see me ROAring yet. lol

im not directing my post at you girl. im directing it at everyone.

seriously, things ppl posted here are very repetitive as we had discussed and been thru it sooooo many many times why this and why that. noone bother to click the back button to read them?*disheartening*

put this clear: i m not siding VIP again. im a little frustrated here not becuz ppl r speaking bad or watever abt any clinics. seriously i dnt give a Fk.*pardon me*

im a little frus cuz many of us here including kain himself and myself who had contributed so much infos and cleared so many doubts are finding ourselves repeating them all over again just becuz ppl r lazy to read thru the posts.

we are patients ourselves. we also need help at times and opinions. we are not spokesperson for any clinics here get this right, if you hav not figured it out, now you shld. why are we even arguing at all? lol its a joke... im not even pissed with u at all or at anyone seriously.no money gets into my money at all. lol

i sounded a little sarcastic yes i admit. cuz i just thought if one is unsatisfied with VIp's Rib rhino. they could had chosen silicone.goretex, i just hope ppl here reading all these while are not misleaded that RIB is the BEST, or rather RIB is the best for everyone.

This is not true.

its about WHAT you want. ANd i didnt say RIB wunt require a revision later. i absolutely disagreed when i had explained WARPing very clearly in my previous posts. warping can happen no matter which doctor or clinic u visit. as its beyond their control how you live your life the following years. a surgeons skill by far can only try his best to prevent such occurrence.

as for what joan had "tried to sell" ; i have no comments, i didnt BUy everything she was trying to sell to me. just like what BEEFSOUP had mentioned earlier; if im joan, i will do the same marketing for my company, most beneficial also, integrity needs to be in place. facing a worried customer, all you need are words to calm her down not to mention WHITE LIES. and these customers themselves, they are not stupid, they know those are white lies and they d chosen to buy it. why? in their sub conscious mind, they had already set mind to do/not to do. they just wan to hear beautiful words to reassure their insecurities.

Wife asking husband" dahling are my boobs too small should i get a boob job?
husband" nope honey i love the way u look( white lies)

wife listened" oh thanks dahling, (back in the mind,she still wanna do it)

this is a caveat emptor world isnt it, u can choose to believe or not a sales person say to you, ultimately you know if you really need that actual product WITHOUT the extra gimmicks.

What joan/dr lee had suggested. things like paranasal fat grafts n such are for a reason. to balance the whole profile( we had been thru this so many times) yes, there are EXTRA procedures, you can survive without having them. but they are bonuses. ultimately they are not recommending you things that makes you ugly yeh? Why would a buisnessman/doctor do that to harm their own buisness? so for yourself, buy it or not up to you, nobdy hold a knife at your throat so maybe ppl shldnt comment things like they are trying to "milk" you. im not sure about the that shady 2k discount seriously, 2k to them is nothing. so they could had suggested 200bucks so you feel that its more reasonable? joan needs to discuss with the doctors and prolly need some time and work out her mathematics too, it will be unprofessional to say" ok let me work out the sum and call you back"( this makes her sound shes uncertain and undecisive and even more gimmicky if she had agreed to the discount right away) so she suggested "manager decision" which is very wise IMO. Thats what most sales will do.
that 2k was really nothing to be honest. They had given me services and stuff which is much more worthy. not to mention those care n love which money cant buy.<< again this is just FYI purpose. not to side them

BY right AGAIN(had been thru this); there should be a combination of more procedures IF someone wish to change their nose! much more than just paranasal n so on. basically if u ask me, prolly the whole damn face need to be changed to compliment the type of perfect nose u desire.

according to beliefs(not selling his ideas) , dr lee knows wat is best for your face despite the fact that he CANT give u exactly what you wanted which is RIGHTFULLY so. noone can have angelbabys nose cuz u are not her. time to tune your expectation a little people?

im not speaking for them seriously.
now i leave it to you ppl to tell me if i make sense. what i had said here applies to any doctors and clinics out there. not just vip.

well u can choose to go to a clinic which can say "yes " to all your request. like i had said, i myself, will love to find out if there is actually a "better" clinic in korea which offers RIB rhino.

along those small procedures with your rib rhino at VIP could sum up a bomb,y not just have RIB without those extra procedures... anyone done so?

FAt grating is very subjective id mentioned (several times) .some lasts some didnt.

then again: im not pissed or anything .lol take it ez. im just a buisnessman. whos got nothing better to do than just exhibiting my rational here on this women based nose job forum. no offence but What a shame! lol

nuff said
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u look like terminator. lol really strong profile. ah NICE
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show them the picture you desire. have it written down at the declaration right before the surgery. IF nose turns out not what you had declared, its rightful they do something about it FOC.

but have realistic expectation, some noses just dunt work on your face. i love takeshi kaneshiros nose but they dunt fit on my short face.

well, milky n hher is only couple of weeks post op??? how to tell a desirable effect so fast?? they have thick or thin skin? swelling camouflage the "real" product for months/years!

i look so euroasian few couple week but now i just look normal asian.
kain look keanu reeves first couple days now he looks terminator. lol in a gd way :smile:
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yes im concerned about the bump issues couple of you having too. please get them checked regularly but dunt be paranoid. afterall many of us here are just couple of weeks/months post op. give it time to heal!
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Wow, less than a day and the thread's grown by four pages!

>>@Rawdude and Kain, thank you for your info and pictures, you (and your nose) look great!!

To answer your questions, I had my nose done with Dr Jung. I asked for a complete reduction of my nose as it was bulbous (but not flat). He inserted Goretex and placed it at my nose bridge. A week after the surgery, they told me my nose was infected and I was operated on again, and they removed the Goretex. Fortunately, they didn't charge me a single dime.

When I first saw my nose, I definitely was worried about having an upturned, piggy nose, but thought that it would go away with time.
Now it's been roughly seven months and my nose is indeed smaller and less bulbous and the headshot looks kind of good.
My profile, however, is unacceptable. The tip of my nose is like a round-shaped bump, bulbous and upturned. I used to like my tip as it was a little bit droopy and gave an impression of having a long nose.

My nose was obviously swollen for around 3 months.

About the accommodation, I stayed at Obelisk, which is very close to the Samsung headquarter. I think I was fooled into staying there; I paid like 2,500 USD for a crappy studio apartment (1 month) with no service whatsoever. It was however a two-minute walk from the clinic.

I paid 4,500 USD for the whole operation and went broke (and in debt).

There is a possiblity that my tip will further subside, but it will be so minor that most won't notice the difference. In anycase, I'm disappointed because further operations, in order to fix my tip, will probably require some sort of autologous cartillage.

Keep in mind that this is just what I've been through, others might have better or worse experiences with Dr Jung, but hopefully my post will help people make better informed decisions.

Anyway, I am also guilty of not reading through every post as there are so many, but that can only be a good thing. If you have time, definitely take the time to read through everything and ask questions and be smart about things.

PS - I have yet to contact Shimmian about whether or not the revision surgery will be free of charge. I'm seriously considering having my revision rhinoplasty at Bumrungrad Hospital, so if anyone knows a thing or two about Thai surgeons working at Bumrungrad, let me know.
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