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asian nose job 2

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This may be a super dumb question but I just thought of it

I seem to get colds at least four times a year (stupid british weather grr) and every time I do my nose is stuffy, very irritated, bright red and plugged. what happens if I get a cold during recovery? or when my nose is recovered? will I be able to rub it or use kleenex like usual?
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So, if some noses do not work on some faces, then, it is a very bad idea to do a rhinoplasty before having our face width reduced ? Isn't it correct ?
I'm wondering if I do not make a mistake by doing the rhinoplasty before the mandibular and cheekbone reduction.

Also, how come everytime I ask for a consultation, the Dr says he wants to operate the same day or the next day ? Is it a way for the customer to not go and have other consultations at other clinics ? or is it just my imagination ?[/QUOTE]

I think you're safe with face width reduction. from what I know of the golden rule of thirds, it's more for height? like top of forehead to middle of eyes, middle of eyes to base of nose, base of nose to base of chin should all be the same height. I read somewhere that width wise, the space between the eyes should be the same length as the eye itself. don't remember reading anything about nose width and face width.
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Does anyone else think that Angela baby's nose is too long, if we apply the middle thirds rule, vertical length wise.
Maybe the base is nice, but the middle third is out of proportion compared to the top third and bottom third.
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@rawdude: sHere, I found an old post of PerfectAngel that gives u a clear idea what she did :lol:
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you have to let them know that you are going to consult other clinics. sometimes they just assume that you have already chosen them
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It is recommended to me that I should do fat graft for chin and forehead, but I never thought of it before, should I go for it and rely on the expertise of the surgeon ? as I have no idea how much better it is going to be.

Hher said it made a major change to do rhino+fat graft, is it for the better ? or is it just a different face ? I don't mind looking different, if it is better, but, just to look different, I'd rather stay myself.
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It's funny, all I want is a small looking nose.
But I still don't know about the fat grafts, should I go for them or not ? chin and forehead.
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No one here knows exactly what YOU will look like with a fat graft. If it were me I don't know that I would make any decisions this close to surgery unless my surgeon, that I fully trusted was adamant that it would be wise to do more stuff. I sympathize with your anxiety as your date is coming up but I'd want to be at peace with my decisions I've made now and regret NOT having more stuff done then regret having something done. Just my opinion.

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try to imagine yourself with a longer chin and more projected forehead. i can do a photoshop job for u to give a rly rly rough estimate of what it might look like.
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Kain did you specifically request for your tip to be sort of round and for the projection to be subtle?
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I am going into Dream to get my nose heightened and double eye lid surgery. I am also looking to do that in Banobagi and realcosmetic as well. If I'm not sure about the clinics, I'm just going to go back to LA and get my eyes done by dr. kenneth kim who is partnered with Dream. But I'm getting one procedure done in Korea. Email me if your interested in joining me: [email protected]

if I have thin nose skin, which I think I do have, I may have to get rib cartilage to fill the bridge of my nose to prevent it from turning red? Red like rosacia on the face type of red?
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no. but i like the size it is at now for the most part. before, my tip was overprojected and my radix was above my upper eyelid, sorta like a roman nose. it looked kinda strange on me tbh. if you want a higher nose you are gonna have to be really specific about it cos i don't think it is the norm to request a nose that high. but then again it depends on ur facial features. some ppl might look good with a higher nose, but i think dr lee will determine a good height during the consultation, and you can give your expectations to him as well.

also, i am kinda hoping that my tip sharpens a bit as swelling goes down and cartilage reabsorbs. i think it is sharp enough from the side (on the side that isnt swollen, the shape is nice) but it looks a bit wide from the front.

while i was at vip, they showed me pics of a guys who requested a rly high nose, cos he was an actor or something. you can ask them to show you that one during the consultation and decide for yourself if they can make noses as sharp as you want. you can even ask by email probably.

edit: i don't think my tip projection is subtle btw. you can look up info about facial proportions and there something about a line being drawn from the chin to the tip of the nose.
if my tip were projected any further, it would be too big
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whats your current nose like? for silicone revision; most ppl who had done RIB rhino here had swellings but it all depends on your bodys reaction to it and if you have thicker skin, your swellings heal slower. it is natural to have a bigger than expected nose right after surgery due to the swellings and also about 10%(or range depends on individual) bigger allowance for future absorption. like i d said, RIB rhino is not like silicone/goretex; its about reconstruction of the nose with autologous material which needs time to heal, dunt expect instant results or the right size u wanted right away. dont expect it to be perfectly shaped and smooth. impossible as no matter how gd the surgeon is, he is not a precision cutting machine during handcrafting your customised Rib. (spoken many times sorry). just wan to get people more prepared.

sorry to rain for on your hope, pls do expect a bigger than expected nose for at least couple of weeks- months if you r going for RIB rhino, unless otherwise.

you had silicone previously so it heals fast, Rib rhino may not be that way anymore, r you having thin or thick skin?

swellings take months to years.

y not post some pics here so some of us can advise you?
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