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asian nose job 2

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okay finally done with my Review. whoever asked me for my review I sent it out already. Thanks for being so patient waiting for it. I hope it will be somewhat helpful. Good luck everyone.
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Here are some photos as you requested.

Feel free to critique after all this is an open forum and I want to hear the honest truth. I'll be fine to read all comments and suggestions you all may have. In the end, I too want to look a little better than before just as much as you all wanted too. :smile:

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I was no where as mentally prepared as I thought I was for rib rhino. I knew there would be a period of down time, but for me it was shocking and unbearable. I saw other girls at the clinic who already had beautiful noses when their cast came off and I didn't feel like I did so I panicked. Not to mention I couldn't even recognize my face in the mirror and all I could think was.. "Omg friends & families going to freak!"

Overall, I never said VIP wasn't good a clinic nor did I ever criticize Dr. Lee's skills. I was simply expressing MY situation and MY concerns at the time. In fact, I appreciate that Dr. Lee spend the extra time and effort dealing with my complicated ribs. Also I want to mention I really like my nose tip.

@reiyuna, I'm glad you found a clinic you like. It's always better to choose whatever clinic YOU are comfortable with. Hope you recovery well and get a gorgeous nose!
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waiiiiit! some people asked me for my review but didn't include an email for me to send it to. PM me your email for those I sent a msg back to or if you didn't get it.
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I'm not sure what kind of cut Dr. Lee used on me, but it's definitely not just a normal straight cut. So I don't think u have to ask for it. It's just a normal procedure for him. I have still have a visible scar, only coz my skin is prone to scarring. I have seen other girls there with scars that are almost invisible.

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This is the part I dread the most - when I have to come home and heal for months. I'm not happy about facing friends, family and clients if I look weird. Plus, everyone's saying that you can't exercise for at least a month, so I'll become fat on top of all this. LOL. But I understand that this is a risk that everyone who chooses rib has to take.

However, based on what I've seen and heard, I still trust Dr. Lee's skills as a surgeon. It's my own impatience that will be tested.

@catlover, thank you for your post. It's helping me to mentally prepare for the surgery
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yes, now that my nose has deswell somewhat I can see some tiny bumps and uneven swelling - i forgot to add that right before I was going to leave the Doc told me he added more cartilage on my left side because of my severe septal deviation and that I will see uneveness in my nose for quite some time, it will eventually go away. I can see where he added more cartilage.

For those preparing for a nose job with which ever doctor or clinic, just keep these things in mind.

Unless you see some pus and really red bumps then you should be worried about infection.

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I think it ALSO depends a lot on how people heal individually and how they protect their scar. My scar where the Doc had cut is barely there at all. I still cover my nose everyday with a face mask when I go out into the sun to prevent any darkening of any scar on my nose, in addition to applying medical sunscreen that the clinic gave me.

I also apply the necessary medicated ointment and eat a healthy diet---> because food/drink does contribute to how you heal [ie. certain foods can cause inflammation which leads to more swelling and redness.] ******Continuous inflammation may contribute to wrapping and other unexpected problems etc. I found an article on this. I think I posted it up a few threads back***People need to keep this in mind, what you do after to take care of your nose is extremely critical. ****

I'm about 2 almost 3 weeks post op and I am glad to say that I can barely see my scarring even with a straight cut.

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whatever they are telling you through email that is just a guide or an estimate to the best of their ability according to your photo. When you get there, the doctor (whoever you choose to go to) will feel, touch, look and all that doctor things they do....and will advise you more accurately what you need for your nose or what other options you have. It could be the same as what they had told you or it may be different.

EVERYTHING is different when you get there and have that face to face consultation. Just use this as a guide but be SMARTER and research various options!!!!!!! Don't just count on ONE option. you never know.

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Hi HHer, thank you for sharing your information/thoughts/experiences with all of us. I'm glad that you're feeling better about your nose. :smile: I believe you mentioned having had fascia harvested for your nose. I'm pretty sure I'll need this as well. What area of your head (scalp) was this taken from? I guess I'd prefer it to taken from the back of the scalp if possible.

Could you also send me your review? My email is: [email protected] Thank you!
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I'm quoted at 8500 for rib graft, including anesthesia.
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I remember my quote was $4700 including anesthesia. I believe this was for using septal catilage since he wanted to fix my deviated septum. My price at Dream is $3300 but this doesn't include septal correction, not to mention I'm on my own for accommodations.

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hey Reiyuna, forgive me if I forget your name but were you the done I met with Dorkiegirl in front of VIP last week? so you got your nose done at Banobagi too?

You girls made the right choice, I absolutely loved Dorkiegirl's nose. Its wat I hope to get from VIP. I decided to cancel my surgery and told Joann that I have concerns.

I also decided not to do rib as I now found out I have other options.
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@rawdude - I was quoted over $5k for the same procedure without rib and when I asked around other reputable places, it was about half price. I wanted rib originally, but over $8k was out of the question for me unfortunately.

@hher - thanks for the tip

@milkyway52 - thanks! I hope I made the right choice although waiting to see the results is really making me edgy! eek

@deliriousgirl - yes! that was me you bumped into at VIP. You definitely made the right choice going to JW for face.. soooo gorgeous! You definitely wowed all of us girls :smile: yeh, we all decided to go for Banobagi for the natural b&a results and convenience of having all the procedures done at the ame time as bad as that sounds.. fingers crossed. You too ok!
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