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asian nose job 2

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hey! i'm in seoul already, i went to dr jung for my nose! looks good so far! which hotel are you stayin at?
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nose jobs in korea depends on where you go, but they are around 3000 and up. (8 - 10k if ur thinking about rib all the way)

if you want a cheap hotel stay, you should ask the clinics u will be consulting with to see if they can hook u up with a discount! they can usually do that for you if u choose to go to their clinic for surgery
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It is always better to use your own rib than a donated one. The likelihood of infection, absorption, movement, revision, and other issues are higher with donated rib. Even though donated rib is irradiated, it is still comparable to a foreign implant because it's not your own tissue. VIP told me that they stopped using donated rib because patients experienced too many problems.

Is there a reason why you prefer not to use autologous rib? You should be alright if you go to a surgeon who specializes in rib rhinoplasty. The small incision site on your chest fades away after 6 months. People say that the pain is manageable and not too bad- they seem to be more bothered by nasal stuffiness. I noticed that doctors who lack the experience with rib rhinoplasty talk patients out of it and look down on it. Using rib is somewhat unpredictable, but the results can be predictable in the hands of an experienced doctor. Donated rib is even more unpredictable. You're better off using your own rib and getting it done right the first time.
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Hi Gal, I have experienced much absorption using self cartilage. I used
I used ear cartilage for bridge before. But I am quite frustrated with the absorption rate. I decided to go back to silicon. Though I know many of you don’t like the idea of silicon..I would still prefer to use it for bridge. I know a lot Korean doctors prefer to use self rib cartilage for the nose tip strut. But I have some health concern which not allow me to undergo such big surgery. So I would still prefer to use irradiated rib. Could you help me check out whether O & Young use that?

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Hey! Im planning to visit him for a consult but what did you use like rib and how much did he charge you?

Thanks for your post =]
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Hey r u going soon? me too...how abt we could share the hotel?
may all the aldies stay together safer..sorry if u r a guy..
which dctor u going to? I m thinking Dr lee? is the one u chosen has a website contain before and after picture?
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I believe that O & Young does use homologous rib because there is a before/after photo where the description states that homologous rib was used. There may be more photos, but I didn't look through all of them.

Keep in mind that out of all the cartilages, ear has the highest absorption rate. Its shape is very irregular and it is a weak material.

Good luck with your revision.
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lol i'm a girl no worries, but i'm actually already in korea! monday i'm taking out my cast and sutures. : ) sorry girl! i will be leaving soon too. actually what i did for choosing a doctor, is to judge when he gives me a consultation, because the B&A pictures just gives his best jobs of course, but says nothing about his worst, and if he actually cares about u, and not ur money. u gotta be really careful here, because they obviously want your business.. but i highly suggest you go with someone and u two both go to each other's consultations together because ur partner might catch something that u didnt right? just stay alert!
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hey, i just wanted to double check with you, the scar fades away? VIP told me that any surgical scar is permanent!

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O & Young's site discusses how it takes 6 to 12 months for the scar to fade, but perhaps it doesn't completely disappear. I assume this is dependent on the doctor's skill and the individual patient.

Did you have a face to face consultation at VIP? What did you think? I would appreciate any feedback.
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About 4,500,000 KRW for the nose... once you factor in hotel and airfare it's not any less expensive than doing it in one's home country.

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ah, true it would fade! i certainly hope so for the benefit of all of us. i'm using polysporin right now to try to reduce the look of the scar.

with VIP i talked to joanne the most. i had a briefing with Dr. Lee and he did an endoscope with me to see how much nose cartilage i have, but from the gist of it, i think they're aiming for a dramatic nose, like a tall, sharp, more caucasian nose. they gave me several options on what materials i can use to do my nose. they recommend cartilage for bridge and tip of course. he's a specialist with those. they were very thorough and were detailed in explaining the material and procedures.
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Did you get a chance to see before/after photos? What did you think of Dr. Lee's work? Why did you decide to go with Dr. Jung? Where else did you have consultations?
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