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asian nose job 2

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Hi Angleplane,

Good luck on your healing! Did you have your epi done?
I'm glad we are to meet up, it was such coincidence!

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Today is 1 week after my post op for my surgery. I am so happy because my bump has finally being taken care of. i'is totally gone and smooth now. Dr Lee did rasping for it and it was done with closed procedure.

Dr Lee told me the bump was not one of the small little cartilages that was used to built up my deviated septum but my actual bone instead.

How did it occured? He did not give me a detailed reason because of our difficulty in conversing and short consult. He just kept saying "No problem, very small matter, I'll take care of it."

Therefore, because of what he mentioned,like it was my own bone and at the actual place of the bump, i came up with my very own reason just to appease myself.

I dont know if I am correct but i think bump was formed was after the osteotomy, the bone edges after broken down was shaved and build up with my rib for the bridge structure and after the swelling subside, tissues and muscle contractions and everything else that matters.

Well, anyway, it is gone now but the bad news is my nose is swollen again. Though the swell seems to go down faster this time round. As for the height increment and tip defatting which I initially wanted. Dr Lee told me not to do it, saying that my height is perfect now. As for the defatting, he says it is best to leave it untouched as it is healing nicely now and he doesn't want to disrupt the healing progress. I know what he means, he is trying to tell me to be patient and let everything goes down proportion. He asked me to wait 2 years to see the final results and he ensures me that I will like it. I really hope so, anyway I can always go back to him 2 years later ;)
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HOTMOM! PICS PLS! .. bohooo im so happy for u! are u still in korea?
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JoAnn finally replied me:

attached e rough guide for their prices, nt sure if tt's allowed. >< heck. if i get my nose done at vip, i'll probably need at least 10k usd for the paranasal augmentation along with my rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty.

i'm also asked to do sliding genioplasty for a better profile view. And also as a suggestion he recommends forehead and temple fat graft for a more beautiful 3 dimensional view. Another suggestion will be zygoma reduction surgery if I wish to have more soft looking and more balanced in her face shape.

I asked for a quote for the sliding genioplasty since it's nt in the list and i'll probably skip the fat grafts since they are not permanent and i dont hv tt money. I was thinking i could get zygoma reduction at banobagi, not sure. Otherwise i think i'll just do my nose alone? haix. money, why cant you grow?
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RIB bridges look TOOO blunt. looks wayy better on male than female. and seriously, foreign material like silicon and goretex can LOOK VERYYYY NATURAL! as long as you dont over do it.
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If you look at the list for facial contouring, number 6 is sliding genioplasty.
Good news is Joanne told me that the 10% tax will not apply for any of the face contouring procedures.

I was surprised that she didn't recommend me to do any additional procedures like paranasal implants or fat grafts from the pictures I emailed her. She only said that Dr Lee agreed that I will need sliding genioplasty done.

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ouch. do u have to yell into my ears?? lol my dog woke n barking! ;p
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WHat do you mean by blunt? I'm not sure how many cases of rib rhinoplasties have you seen. Of course other materials can be as natural looking as well.
But for me, Rib FEELS the most natural. I have friends who had gortex, and silicon and we all agree that nothing beats having rib on your nose. its just your own rib fusing with your own bone.

I had silicon on me for 16 years and we have never got along. I was ok with it initially but after years went by, i start to hate it. ALthough i did not have any issues with it except it is slight slanted, I just dont like the fact that there is plastic inside my face.

I guess it really depends on individual. If you don't mind foreign implants, of course you dont have to choose rib. If you don't wish to invest so much in a rhinoplasty, you dont have to choose rib.

Most people who does nose revisions chooses rib. People who has rib for their primary surgery is because they read/heard too many stories about goretex and silicon and they prefers to go "natural".

On the other hand, I have never heard of anyone that prefers to go back to silicon or goretex after they have rib on their nose.

For some facts and figures, Dr Lee has 20 years of experiences in rib and he does about 400 cases of rib rhinoplasties and 600 septal rhinoplasties each year. That is an average of 1000 cases per year.
If you are considering rib, dont worry. You are in good hands.

If your nose has no big issues before, like broken noses or multiple revisions, you can be sure the results will be satisfying.

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Yo Duddie,

I just got back yesterday.

will send pictures after the swell from the left goes down. It is a little loop sided now ;)

Also, i did epicanthoplasty at the very last minute. SO I still have stitches on. Will get some doc to take them out a week later. I wanted to go for lateral initially but Dr Song and JoAnne persuaded me not too, and instead get epi to remove my mogolian folds as the left eye is more severe than the right.

JoANn told me Dr Song is doing rib surgery as well, but most foreign patients request for Dr Lee.

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Hey Jenstar!

Sorry, Destiny told me to give you a call but I dont actually have a phone! We have been to sooo many consultations at Banobagi by just rocking up. They usually tell us the time to come back ie. 30mins or so. We never email them or anything cos they never reply.

@ Crok - Yes, I hadn't taken any post op photos yet but will start doing them now for you. Healing is fine. I am 8 days post op now and feeling fine. We are walking around ok but restricted to soft food for 1 month. I had mandible and zygoma done too though so if you are just doing nose, i'd imagine the healing to be 1000% easier. I thought it'd be easier to have both procedures done at the same time but imagine not being able to breath cos of your NJ while not being able open your mouth cos of jaw surgery lol that was tough!! First 2 days were terrible. My mouth dried up cos I couldn't breath through my nose, but then I couldn't really drink properly cos my mouth and throat movements were restricted.
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aww, i was trying to hide my uglyness ><... oh, nw i'm stupid too. lol... jk uh i guess i'll just stick to just having rib rhino n paranasal, dun have budget for other things and my top priority is just my nose anyways. and my best friend made me promise not to have anything else done. lol.. which i'm glad i have someone to pull me back to sanity. hurts to look pretty and worst when i lose my identity. it ryhmes! i'm so talkative~ yap yap yap....
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Hey I was interested in knowing where u went for your rhinoplasty. Did u get mandible and zygoma reduction, and a rhinoplasty done ALL at the same time!!?? If u did then wow, ure a trooper lol. So were all these procedures done all at one place?? If u did then tht must be very convenient. I have specific clinics picked out for each procedure I want haha
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Anyone who had fascia - please please please help answer this question for me

Does the back or side of your head feel completely numb?????? It's been 3 weeks and the right side of my head (the side where he harvested the Fascia) is still completely numb. Is this normal? Why does it feel like this?
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Mongolian folds.. sounds delicious...

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Hher......you will feel some numbness but not the whole side....for me anyways. I think the numbness goes away maybe at 1 1/2 months. But I am still left with an ugly scar/bald spot where the staples were. In my case my hair hasn't grown back.

Reiyuna....hey girlie where is Banobagi located? Do you know what the train station near there is? I want to go there for consultation... :smile: send some pictures my way to, I bet all you ladies are GORGEOUS now...ah the pain is almost over now it's just recovery time!
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