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asian nose job 2

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So happy to hear you feel happy about your surgeries! Did you stay at VIP`s officetel even the whole time even though you did your eyes at Teuimps? What did they say at VIP for doing your eyes before your nose, and at another clinic?
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lol i been a silent reader for a long time, and i joint just bcuz of this thread, everybody r amazing, so u go in fall too? i also thinking about banobagi
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Hey congratz! You finally got it done! Can't wait to hear about your experience!

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I think rib looks blunt because it takes time for the cartilage to fuse together. It's been 3 weeks post op for me and I'm actually really liking my nose. It was so GINORMOUS at first I was sooooooooooooooo worried. Now that the swelling has gone down, I don't want it to go down anymore!!! But it probably will. AHH! :sad: I think you can achieve natural results with gortex and silicon too. It just takes less time to see results oppose to ribs. Unfortunately, I do have very thin skin on my bridge so foreign mats probably won't last long for me. :sad: But I'm glad your new nose worked out so well for yoU!

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hello do you have ur done at banobagi? what kind of material did you use? how is your experiment with them? can you give me some of ur b4 and after pics? i wont share with anybody!!!!
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Sorry, I don't have the answer to that.. but how are your paranasals doing? Can you smile normally yet?
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Hi guys, new member here!

I recently had rhino aug with silicone implant in Thailand. Two weeks post surgery I removed it. I felt it was too unnatural and made my bridge look too high. I felt that I was given a Caucasian nose which did not harmonize with my ethnicity. I am Australian born Chinese guy btw.

The surgeon was really persistent and said it was too soon after surgery to judge, but I did not believe him. I could see that the elevation of my bridge started too quick from my forehead thus was missing a natural dip in the area between my eyes before the nose projects out. When I explained that I liked the implant to retain this natural contour he argued that was not aesthetically good and it was a deficient structure. However still think that he should build the bridge up, but keep a certain dip happening to preserve the natural shape. I think this would harmonize better overall with the rest of my face.

I think im a bit torn about what is right at the moment, he was a really experienced surgeon and he might be right and I just don't know it? His personal opinion (unbiased he claims) was that it looked really good, but why didn't I agree? Was I just still in shock over getting used to my new nose? Resistant to change? I wish I didn't go alone because I had no support, no trusted second hand opinion on how it looked. In retrospect I guess the decision I made to get rhino was rushed, originally I only planned otoplasty but the surgeon felt rhino could improve my looks further. The surgeon was actually already a extremely rich thai guy so I know he wasn't pushing me into rhino for the cash.

*edit* I think guys do look better with a slight dip between the eye area before the nose elevates out, is this "normal"...does anyone agree?

Has anyone been in a similar situation?

I am going to wait a few months now and will likely go to sth Korea to get it done again...this time not alone and with a better idea of exactly what I want. So if anyone is going to sth Korea in a couple months....let's say in September, let me know if I can join ya :smile:
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congrats :biggrin:

maybe it was some sort of calcium deposit?

the genioplasty is the "chin bone remove to front or back surgery"
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2 weeks is really too soon to judge, with any plastic surgery - I felt the exact same way after I had my first nose job done. I think it took about 1.5 months or so until the radix finally went down to a normal look. Until then, I obsessed over the exact same thing you were describing. Turns out that the surgeon did sculpt the silicone to have a natural contour and starting point, but it was just swollen for awhile.

I stayed with my parents after the surgery, and they were very good at putting me in my place in terms of being patient w/ the swelling. He may be biased in his opinion about what looks good, but even with silicone, I would say that you can't judge what the final outcome is until at least 2 months post surgery.

Don't feel too bad about your decision to remove it, what's done is done. Were you happy with the rest of the nose? We're all here for ya if you want to talk about it :smile:
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Thanks! In reality it looked ok from the front and right side (in my opinion) but it looked more strange from the left. My other facial features aren't perfectly symmetrical which is why left and right sides appear different (not because the silicone was misplaced). Anyway when I sent a bunch of pix back home to see what the family felt, they reckon the sides looked good but the front looked unnatural. So again, different to what I felt but in a way similar because it wasn't an improvement from all ends.

In the end I had to decide to take it out...I've decided I really cannot accept anything other than a total improvement. I mean, i don't want a nose which "only looks good from 2 sides". I have to walk away feeling 100% satisfied, nothing less. Is this too much to ask?

Also initially after the splint was removed and following a further week from that I could not believe how much my nose had changed! It was a real shock both physically and mentally. It was like "whoaAA" the bridge is so tall, it looked like a Greek nose! I knew there was gonna be swelling but I could not understand why the swelling wasn't spread out, it seemed to focus on a specific area just between my eyes, so it made my nose resemble a blue guy from Avatar...ie no real dip from forehead to nose bridge. Based on that I could not imagine it was ALL due to the swelling and it began to dawn on me that it is possible that perhaps the surgeon made it too high.

From this, I gather that what I need is a more subtle increase. I need to understand what is acceptable in terms of an Asian male nose. Where should the bridge start and how high can it go without looking unnatural? So much to think about.

On the flipside I got to keep the implant, although the surgeon shaved it shorter already. So hopefully I can go to the next surgeon and tell them not to give m anything bigger then this lol.
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If any Asian guys here have any before after photos can you plz share? I'm looking to see if what I have in mind for my own nose is too crazy or stupid :s

I will give it 3 months to heal up and then I plan to do it again...this time more conservatively.
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How are you feeling? I'm looking to do both eyes&nose and wanted to know the healing process. I have to go back to work the weekend after the surgery, so I was wondering if you felt strong/alert enough to read/write etc.
If you can send pictures that would be awesome!

Oh yeah, did you do excisional?
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Wow, I can't imagine having both done at the same time and not being able to breathe well. I'm already nervous about mouth breathing a lot. I teach, so being able to talk (and subsequently breathe) is important! I'm doing my eyes and nose done together, so I imagine that would be a lot easier too.
Anyway, thanks for replying and can't wait for pictures. :smile:
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