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asian nose job 2

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I don't know until when I can stay at Officetel, until the end of my stay (27th of June) I hope, but I doubt it because I will have a mandibular+zygoma surgery at Smallface and I will stay 6 nights away, 1 in Smallface recovery room, 5 days at the Young Dong (or something like that) hotel that they provide.
But I might do other procedures at VIP, so there might be a possibility that I'd be back at Officetel.
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By the way, may I ask you were you are from ? Because I think you are the most active person in the forum and at some points (when you defended VIP passionately after there were some doubts), I was wondering if this forum was not all fake. Also, I know I also post a lot, but you post 3 times more I think -statistics are written somewhere- (which is good, it always help to have more info), is it because you're planning on going back to VIP, because you want to follow others and their rhinoplasty outcomes or are you having doubts and you're wondering if the swelling will actually go down or something like that ?
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1) i must say this again: im not defending any dr or clinic; i was merely balancing the reviews posted;everyone got the rights to post how they feel or think based on their own encounters but that doesn't mean those were actual facts. as far as i know; trying my best to balance and clarify the reviews given to VIP as i had mine done there so i know what is true and what is not.

i supposed now yourself being going thru your experiences with VIP should know some of the posts here about VIP weren't being "fair" to them but its not a WRONG thing; u see; people post based on their own opinions and reviews and they are welcomed to do so; and my intention is very simple; i do not want lurkers or whoever reading to get mislead ed/ and given wrong info based on a any biased reviews, or how each of them perceived things.

Those who are needing the right dr or clinic may missed a chance to decide on a correct place/dr becuz of a misconception of an individual who had his/her own personal opinion being posted and not clarified.

for eg;
member A may post;
"Oh clinic A is overpriced and sales were being pushy! oh clinic B offers cheaper!"

a potential candidate/lurker in this NJ context may perceived;
"ah clinic A sux, let me choose clinic B then" where;
actually clinic A offers the right surgery method for this particular candidate;

truth: member A was comparing prices on a different method used and different services and many other factors were not accounted for.where; clinic A could be reasonably priced or competitive or even cheaper if those were factored in.

hence: candidate missed a "more" correct decision and that "right" surgery for him/her becuz of that post.

well why do i even care?
i had been thru hellish survival during my post op becuz i screwed it up and i was alone. so i just want to help out those who were like me, curious and lost as this is not going to be an easy route for those who r deciding for RIB rhino.

again: im not siding any docs or clinics.
again and again: im constantly looking out for anyone who had discovered a "better" place for RIB rhino in korea.

yeah;doesnt matter where im from; cuz i know its not just me alone against the world now; welcome abroad. lol

am i genuine?.
well let me ask you; so far have i given any fake infos about VIP? you had been through it; u tell me.

else; ask the rest of VIP burger stackers ;)
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You are very strong to do all those procedures in one trip. I want the same procedures done at the same clinics that you are doing them at (eyes at Teiumps, nose at VIP and zygoma reduction at smallface). When are you having your zygoma and masseter reduction? Good luck with your healing, sending healing vibes your way. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
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Thank you, actually, I don't suffer at all. But probably, I'm destroying my health with all these antibiotics and pain killers. Usually, I try to take natural medecines, but with all these surgeries I've got no choice.

For the date of my facial contouring at Smallface, I don't know when it will happen yet. Probably as soon as my money transfer is executed.

To everyone, you may want to consider the fact that if you pay by credit card, the clinic's bank charges them 5% (so if the surgery is 10 000 USD), the clinic loses 500 USD (they receive 9500USD) and same for my own bank, they charge me 5%, so I also lose 500USD (I pay 10500USD in total), which is 2/3 of my airplane ticket to fly to Korea.
I was thinking of withdrawing cash, but not all ATM accept foreign cards, I haven't found one that accepted mine yet (but I'm sure it will work at Citibank for example), but if I withdraw, I'm still charged 5% of the 10000USD. So, I could have withdrawn before my flight, but then, we have to declare it at the airport, it is risky to carry that amount of money around. So, the best solution is the money transfer, 20USD per transaction (it is approximatively this price), but the problem is that you have to wait until the money appears on the clinic's account which can take between 4 to 7 days and the clinic may refuse to proceed to the surgery if they didn't receive it. So, this problem has been troublesome for me. I guess before flying, one has to prepare about the finances as well. I did not do so because I was too focused on what I was going to ask the surgeons to do with my face. Another solution could be to pay by money transfer before the flight to make sure the payment is received before the surgery and you must be confident that you're actually paying a clinic, by that I mean you have to double check you are not paying a random stranger instead of the clinic.
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I got my nose done with rib 2 days ago at VIP.
For some reason, I keep tearing ever since I had it done.
The day after my surgery, I wasn't even that swollen, but because I kept tearing (even as I sleep), I woke up with swollen eyes (I can barely open them).
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i got my rhino 4 days ago at shimmian with dr jung. things are healing well! getting less swollen everyday!! i must say that clinic is amazing the clinic manager is great and very very very helpful!!! i love how well they have taken care of me throug this experience.
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angleplane did you do paranasal implants with rib graft?
or did they use silastic paranasal implants on u?
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Congratulations! How are you feeling aside from the tearing?
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Thank you :smile:
I just feel tired, like I just wish to sleep all day. My ribs hurt when I get up. My nose..is bloody. When I woke up this morning, the dry blood was all around my mouth (I'm not sure is it normal to bleed that much though)
You will be arriving soon right? I'm at the officetel already. Let me know when you get here :smile:
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Finally you got it done!!!

SO happy for you! Didn't see you around for awhile here ;))

DO give us your updates!

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I really take my hats of you!! You are THE trooper of the year i guess!
I love the motivation you have in you, and the positive energy!

Guess that is also why you are healing so well without any complains at all!!

I cant imagine going through what you have too. long long flight, back to back surgeries and everything else!

Actually i thought you had very beautiful eyes. so long many mm did Dr Kwon extended for you, epi and lateral together?

I love your french accent by the way... so sexy!

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