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asian nose job 2

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I can see that happening. Credit cards charge the merchant 3% (usually hidden to us). For these big purchases it is a lot in actual dollars. This whole discussion has made me decide to not use my credit card (chase) as they charge 3% just for having the nerve to charge something outside of the US.

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hello guys,

I had my rib rhino and paranasal at VIP last Tues and it's freaking me out that there's more distance between my upper lips and my nose. I dont know if it's just the swelling + the fact that i can't move my upper lips or smile. Also, it seems that my upper lips are covering my upper teeth more. Anyone experiencing or has experienced the same? I wanna make sure it'll get better or id rather have the paranasal implants out.
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yo yo! That happened to me too! But it is just the swelling. I was freaking out so bad over it. That whole upper lip and stiffness thing I call that the "grandma" effect. I have that too. It's just temporary I promise you. I'm almost one month post op and it gets better every week!

The paranasal implants will take some good time to heal. I'm going to say at least 2-3 months. Don't freak out over that! You can go back to read many many of the forumers experience about what you are describing. It's normal to experience that with the paranasal implants.
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Hey townstory, how are you??? so how long you will stay at VIP?? yea lets hope so,, after seeing this forum, kain's before and after photos, I am more confident and comfortable with dr lee now, I really wanna be handsome,,, :smile: dr lee please help me, i can't wait until wednesday now,, my nose has always been a problem of me for the past 20+ years, i know once i get that done I'be fine!! :smile: yea lets meet up townstory later !!
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hi there i can probably share with you, I am staying wif my friend at the moment, but I dun really wanna bother her and her place is quite far, but I will only be able to share until 28th cause I am leaving on that date... is that ok??
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For everyone interested about my surgery at Teuimps, I received questions, so I'll answer them on the forum, so everyone can benefit from them, I know this is a nose thread, but some are planning to do multiple surgeries, so these info can help :

I copied and pasted the questions and answered each of them :

First thing, are you korean?

I am not Korean.

If so are you able to communicate fluently with Dr Kwon?

He speaks a good English, no difficulty in the communication.

Secondly, hows the result of your eyes now?

It's really good, it seems like it is going to be exactly like what I asked for, except for my eyes' limitation -the surgeon cannot make something completely different that what I already have- (eg: he cannot make an epicanthoplasty going downwards if my eyes wouldn't allow it, if they are not initially shaped that way. The epicanthoplasty just shows some of the flesh, we cannot change the direction, I've asked for it to go downwards, but it seems that it's just horizontal in my case).

Is this the first surgery?
It is a revision for my eyes.

Thirdly, how did you guys come to the conclusion of the shape and height of the fold?
Only two choices were offered to me: in-and-out fold or caucasian crease (high and parallel). I chose the first one.
Then, you decide how many millimeters high you want the crease to be.

Did Dr Kwon just make one he thinks is nice or do you tell him what you want?
I told him what I wanted.
In general, I think it is a very bad idea to have a surgery (major procedure) without knowing what you want, because the surgeon may have a different taste from yours.

Finally, what are your overall experience with the clinic?
Maybe a little too easy, like going to the dentist.
I came in, had the consultation, paid, I was operated, I rested for few minutes, and I was out.
Then, 7 days later you get your stitches removed.

I just doubt that lateral canthoplasty is a good option, my eyes feel really dry at the outer corners and my eyes are just cut open, usually the procedure is for reconstructive surgery. I will know later if I did the right choice and I'll keep everyone updated.
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thanks!!! Hher.. Im so relieved haha. I went to ask Dr Lee about it but he replied "it'll get better. Don't worry" to all my concerns. I wish he'd elaborate a bit more.
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sorry for my very late reply, was thinking when to go, actually. i was hoping i can get someone to go with me, if so, i'd probably go in oct/jan but since i wanted to do it earlier so that i can have to heal before i start working again, jan's kinda far so maybe just oct. if i cant get anyone to come with me, i'd want to go asap, which could be around september i guess, company is pretty important to me i guess. i'm really scared to go alone. i'm from singapore btw. haha.
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Cash as in usd or krw? I'm kinda noob, what's wire transfer? Do i go to the bank and do it?
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How was your consult today? sorry .. i was gonna PM you but no idea how to do that ahha
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I can't PM yet. can you msg me, please?

Ps-How's everything going? Did your nose go down a bit?
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I don't think you "need" to have paranasal implants along with your rhinoplasty. However, I think some doctors like to have them together because paranasal implants strengthen your nose's foundation for rhinoplasty (assuming you want tip augmentation) and also improve the overall nasolabial area along with your nose.
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