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asian nose job 2

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who agrees with me that those fat grafts had made hher look better?

after viewing those pics one word:

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Rawdude, I consulted with JWbeauty and they quoted me $6,000 USD to have rib on tip and either goretex/silicone on dorsum. some of the doctors I have met here told me they prefer to use septal and ear cartilage for nj. If they have to use rib cartilage it would only be grafted to the tip and for a natural look they use goretex/silicone for the bridge. I think you can guess the reason why they avoid using rib on the dorsum.

O & Young clinic quoted $8350 USD autologous rib to tip and silicone to dorsum and alloderm to camoflauge the rib as supposed to dermis/fascia. Dr. Oh is known in Seoul to have the largest volume of rib work. Dr, Suh of Jwbeauty also does ample cases of rib work. I didn't feel comfortable during the consultation and I just dont like the noses he created on 2 young receptionist using cadaver rib and autologous rib. One girl was at 1 month and her tip looks sharp...imagine what it would look like in 6-12months. Also she has that chipmunk look because he put in a premaxilla implant which made the distance of her nose and upper lip so far apart...and this does not look natural. I thought it was because of the swelling but the other girl has the same look. If you look at his b&a photos on his website, most of the noses are the same. I like how he creates the curvature look, but I just dont like the space between the nose and lip...too far apart...loooks unnnatural.
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Jen, I am going to walk-in to Banobagi tomorrow...want to come with me?

also to dream and other clinics in the vicinity?
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i dunt understand why they didnt suggest RIB to bridge? just sharing 2 cents, maybe cuz it is a difficult surgery to use RIb for bridge, they r mostly promoting what they r more familiar with and easy to go.

u mentioned they had a great deal of rIB works. as in rib for bridge n all? did they suggest paranasal and fat grafting like VIP?

which combination of procedures along with rIB rhino will be good then?

its not easy to tell which doctor is more correct but i do not think that silicone/goretex is going to give a more natural look than rib for bridge.

im concern for u so i hope these doctors are genuine and not misleading.

many doctors r promoting silicone/goretex as they dont prefer to perform Rib for bridge as it requires alot of experiences/skills and more costly to perform..

if u are comparing silicone/goretex for bridge compare to full rib rhino ofcuz its much cheaper..
did u ask full rib rhino pricing for the other clinics?

actually im just curious and wants to make a fair comparison for RIB rhino other different clinics out there.

found any which encourages rib rhino (bridge) other than vip pls post here anyone..
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hey girl can help ask all these clinics rib rhino pricing and their opinion on RIb for bridge + ear for tip? and other procedures like paranasal to go along?

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deliriousgirl, are you saying that you didn't feel comfortable during the consulatation with dr. suh? did you get a chance to meet with dr. oh?

hmm, it seems like both of the places avoid rib on the dorsum. i read on one of the articles that mikookinamja posted that the main reason for using rib is for tip projection. he says it's pretty much impossible to get a really dramatic tip projection using foreign implants... so maybe these places are on to something...

i was for 100% rib only because of the risks of infection but now i'm leaning heavily towards gortex. gortex has a really low rate of infection and if you specialize in gortex, the removal is not difficult at all, or so the doctors claim :P also, at dream, they specialize in closed rhino so recovery is super quick and there is no scar...

oh my, i thought i was set but now i have so much to think about...

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I guess I contributed to the feeling that everyone suddenly was doubting VIP, but I have to agree w others who have stated that they were only ventilating their own emotional status at the moment, which doesn´t necessarily mean that one doubts the skills of a certain surgeon. But I can only speak for myself of course. I have read through the WHOLE thread, but it´s impossible to remember every single thing that has been posted and as I start to post myself I have to speak from where I am at the moment in my preparation process. Even though I have read about certain topics perhaps there is a need to discuss some of them myself with the forumers that are active right now. And I don´t think that paranasal implants have been that much discussed in the past.
I do thank everyone who so generously have contibuted with their personal experiences, but I also don´t want to be afraid to post something that concerns me.
But of course it is up to yourself to gather information, to take responsability, and to choose for yourself. But i think the more perspectives there is the better for us as long as you do remember to screen based on your own judgement.
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@HHer, woah you are a gorgeous girl! Your entire face looks great, especially for it being within the first month of recovery. Thank you for the detailed review... I am scared sh!tless of getting the surgery now lol, but it was a very informative read, and good to know these things.
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I have a question

I was reading HHer's very generous & detailed review.

she said that her paranasal implants are made from Rib.

this is a relief to me because i didnt want any kind of silicone paranasal implant

RawDude & Kain & other VIP patients did you guys have paranasal implant made from rib too?
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@jesse00: I know what you mean! I thought I was pretty set too but now I've also got a lot to think about. VIP seems to be popular here and Dr Lee seems to be skilled, even though I don't want rib, he's probably still good. Not to mention they cover accommodation, which is very attractive to me, even though they are a tad pricier than other places, it makes sense. I was pretty set on silicon because I was afraid goretex would be tough to remove if it came to that.

also does anyone know if I did have to get silicon removed for my bridge, if the cartilage used for my tip would still be OK? or if that would have to be removed too? and if not, will it look OK if the silicon is out?

@HHer: hi, I'd love to read your review too if you don't mind sending it to me! I'm really considering VIP and would love to know what to expect so I could get a better frame of mind. thanks so much for taking the time to write it. my e-mails halleyscomet[at]hotmail[dot]com, thanks. :smile:

also if anyone else here has done a review or has before/after pictures, I'd love to hear/see them and would appreciate it very much. I can send you pictures of me (before only, obv) too if you'd like, so you can get an idea of what I'm aiming for. though everyone I've ever seen on this forum is super pretty so I have to warn you I'm don't look that nice, hope that's ok haha. :smile:
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I really do appreciate the encouragements to help my mentality about my rhinoplasty. Thank you everyone for that.

Some people have been asking if I took any make me heal pills or herbal supplements to help me heal faster, instead of replying individually to people I will just post it on here:

I did not take any supplements or sinnech or I forgot the names of the others.

I have been eating a lot of fruits - bananas and apples (mostly) and a lot of vegetables. I also eat a lot of seaweed wrap paper thingy (helps rebuild/repair skin collagen) and drank a lot of pineapple juice and tons of water (so important!) and whole eggs for healthy protein. I didn't want to spend that extra money on the supplements so I just changed a little bit of my diet.

I'm dying for spicy food but I have been avoiding any spicy food also. I also want some happy drinks + soda but I can't have those either =(. I have also been avoiding anything too salty or sugary (I miss my double chocolate ice cream!) I'm just trying to prevent as much inflammation as possible.

On top of changing my diet, I have been doing a lot of walking (anywhere between 1 - 3 hours a day) I live in Taipei now and have to walk around a lot. Which helps with the swelling.

I forgot someone on this forum told me some healthy food tips and I just followed what she said, plus extra research. I think it was Izora??? Can't remember who exactly.

So if you don't want to spend that money on those supplements, you can go the cheaper route and just change a little bit of your diet before surgery and after surgery to help you heal the natural way!
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One thing I don't like about Asian clinics (I've visited quite a few. Both in the US and in Asia) is that they aren't detailed in pre and post op care. When I had my wisdom teeth taken out with an American doctor, they sent me home from the consultation (2 wks prior to surgery) with prescriptions for painkillers, one valium pill, and a detailed packet on how to prepare for the surgery.

I feel like with asian clinics, you have to be detailed and ask them for instructions on what to abstain from, and how to properly care for yourself afterwards. Otherwise they won't go out of their way to inform you. I had to ask for specifics for this surgery (rib+paranasals) to abstain from caffeine, alcohol for 2 wks prior.

Does anyone know when you can resume your normal eating/drinking habits? I'm really confused about that... Some people told me you can't drink alcohol, is that forever or just for a few months? I enjoy having champagne and wine on occasion ;) and would rather be aware of what I need to avoid.
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You will not be able to drink alcohol or smoke anything for the next 2 months or so, as I have been advised. I think you can resume your normal eating habits. It just depends on you. Better to ask the Doc.

But I personally think, what you eat also contributes to how you heal in the long run. You might not think what you're eating is affecting your nose, but over time it could be harmful ie. continuous inflammation from spicy foods may lead to unexpected problems overtime. Especially during your first few healing months, it's better to avoid those. Do what you can in your power to help your nose heal for the better.

I was told not to drink and smoke (minimum 2 weeks prior, better if you stop x months ahead of time) prior to your surgery. It thins your blood and can cause major bleeding problems (scary).

Coffee? mm.....better to avoid it, but if you're a coffee junkie then.......??

okay I'm going to stop my "be healthy" preaching now.

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Hher, are you healing fast?
It's hard for me to tell becasue I don't have a reference point.

So, if you are healing faster than other people, your 13-15 day post op picture can be like other people's 1 month post op picture??

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haha..no, I don't think I'm healing faster than others. I wish I was a freak of nature or something. Although the nurses and staffs at the clinic kept telling me when I was there that I didn't have as much bruising or swelling compared to what they have seen with other patients.

that probably doesn't count for anything, because who knows what they have said to others too. But I just thought I give my two cents if people didn't want to spend money on Make me heal supplements and such. There are other options to help with the bruising and swelling.

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