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asian nose job 2

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Thx very much kireihana:smile:
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Was that you at the 2nd floor sitting down?

They told me my nose is still quite swollen.
And yes, I did use ribs. My rib area is just a little sore now (still hurts when I get up and lay down). It has been 4 days since my surgery.
I'm bleeding quite a lot after they took out the 2 long tubes that they stuck in my nostrils though..
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Thanks Hher!! what would i do without you =). i'm glad it's getting better for you. Hopefully it does for me too.
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Btw, good luck on your surgery tomorrow!

Anyway who is at offictel, message me or something.. so bored
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Yeah I have their QQ number and Chinese website. QQ:1420967839 and website:http://koclubchina.com/bna/nose_bna.html.

I have to say that their results looks more than amazing, but they do not use rib for the whole nose area. They use silicone plus rib.
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I see.:smile: What can I do with the QQ number? Have you contacted them through email?
I plan not to use any material to raise my bridge height. I want to narrow my nose nasal bone - osteotomy, alar base reduction, tip refine.
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I can confirm Kain is successful at VIP clinic, everyone knows who he is. The girls at the counter seem to have found you very handsome after the surgery.

For those interested in my eye surgery at Teuimps:
So, for the updates...I just had my stitches removed at Teuimps, by a nurse, my eye is cut open by the lateral canthoplasty and I found her a bit clumsy : she moved her chair on wheels pulling my hair with her clothes as I was on the operating table, then she raised her hand and hit the operating table. She says "it's finished !" and then, after few seconds, she start removing another one.
Well...the doctors are very busy, so removing stitches is not their job.
I talked to Dr Kwon and asked him what he did during the surgery, (eg: ptosis on one eye or both, because I had a super slight ptosis on only one eye.Apparently ptosis can be diagnosed when we have some white part of the eye showing below the iris).
He said he cannot say how many millimeters he made the crease, he just made me open and close them, so he would move it "up or down" according to his words (not sure what he meant, but I kind of understand that he was adjusting the heigth) until he achieved perfect symmetry (my eyes were originally symmetric too but since they were going to do an incision for the slight ptosis I asked for an in and out fold and slightly higher crease).
I was under IV sedation for lateral canthoplasty, not for the other procedures (magic epi, crease and ptosis) are dynamic (need interaction with the patient opening and closing his eyes), not the case for laterral canthoplasty, the patient can just sleep.
Also, he said he did not remember, I was a bit surprised because he spent 4 hours on my eyes. I asked the time 3 times during the surgery, at the start, before the IV sedation and at the end.
So, I asked him how long the surgery lasted and he said I don't remember. This is how busy he is, so he has a lot of experience. I think he might not have looked at the time at the beginning of my operation and at the end, maybe he just doesn't mind about the time it takes him per operation, unless there's another one scheduled after. I as the last of the day, it started at 4:30PM.

For those interested in Banobagi:
-I just went there this afternoon, I found it impersonal. The surgeon sees you and say he'll do what you want, but I think he may just do what he wants at the end. Anyway, they have 8 to 10 patients a day, I don't know if this is per surgeon, but as the secretary wanted to book a date, she said it was full and I could see more than 7 surgeries a day, that's why I asked the number of surgery per day and she gave me a true answer as I could see it on her computer screen.
Anyway, I think I will not do the liposuction in Korea, it's 3 times more expensive than Thailand and 10 times more exepensive than India, and for that I think there's no need to be super picky. In Thaliand, some surgeons graduated from Harvard or other good school, so one just needs to find the right surgeon, and not the right institution (eg: the clinic unless there is only one doctor that operates like at VIP).
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I left last wednesday!!!

Was there on 31st May.....

Ohh, i miss everyone there already!

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Btw, care to share which celebrity's nose you and Dr Lee agreed on?
Just curious..

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I had those stitches on the side of the lips too.
I took them out myself on the 4th day.

I remembered joAnn telling me for stitches on Columella should be taken out in 4 days to prevent scarring but everywhere else on the body should be 7th day but I just got them out since i think the wound is closed.

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hi kain =)

I need sliding genioplasty to increase the length of my short chin. I was even determined about doing it after reviewing the impressive photos result I saw at IDHospital.

May I ask which clinic/surgeon you had your sliding genioplasty with?
How many mm did you move it forward?
How much does it cost in WON or SGD?

thank you^^
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hey kekekeke, I cudn't see through your nose today cause you were wearing a cask, yea I was the guy sitting down on the 2nd floor,, where is offictel?? I am living in a friends place which is like 30 mins away from apgujeong!!! well,, I think you will get better soon if it's only swelling as long as they have done the right thing for your operation.. how long u be staying in seoul??? I am gonna leave on the 28th of june,,, wanna go out next week though, not sure if i am able to do that and I wanna get back to gym as soon as possible,, cause,, its gonna be so boring in Korea with nuthing to do^^

hope you get well soon, kekekeke and thanks for your blessing, I am prepared for tomorrow now
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hey bbgurly, its edison chen.. hahahha, i know but,,, he's one of those guys have a nice nose, i brought over there won bin, g dragon, louis koo,, i actually bought kain's nose there for demostration as well. .so.. hahaha I know its funny,, anywayz,, not sure if you familiar with those asian actors/singers..

so how's your result wif your surgery, what did you have, can you share some of the recovery expereince, I am browsing the net now to find if anything i can do to help healing the wound ^^
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