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asian nose job 2

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Thank you soooo much for your detailed reply. Can you clear up one thing for me, what do you mean by height and length in regards to the genioplasty? Isn't it the same thing?

Is the sandwich method that Dr. Lee from smallface uses meant to help protrude your chin like a genioplasty. I'm a bit confused and I do apologise.

So, smallface does do genioplasty then? Do you have an idea how much they charge or is it possible to find out. They don't ever reply to my emails so I have no way of finding out. Thank you so much once again.
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Sandwich method was mentionned by Dr Lee of VIP.
Dr Lee Seung Chan says the sandwich method is too risky because of too many nerves there.

Height: vertical height to lengthen the face (very slightly without sandwich method)
length: horizontal length for the chin to move forward.

Smallface do genioplasties but since he strongly advised against it, I didn't ask for the price.

He said with a genioplasty, I'd come back to Korea to have another jaw surgery as a genioplasty would not match my face.
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@Hher : When you say too sharp, do you mean your bridge ?
I still have some tape on my bridge, I remember that it was a bit too sharp for my taste 2 days post op, I'm not sure if I'll be satisfied with it as I remember not liking having a bridge (makes my nose longer) the first time I had a silicone, and it was removed, but the silicone was super thin and misplaced (a bit mor eon one side). Even though I kept it for 3 months only, Dr Lee said to Joann that I had a lot of scar tissue from that silicone on my bridge.
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hahaha... not sure i am a hot guy,, i know my body is quite fit, but I dont think its hot i have heard that you are a very very very very pretty girl indeed,, I hope you will get the best out of it, I am just next to your room,, I think, cause i know you were here today, we are all over here now... so tomorrow,, see you.. all the best,,, i think i have recovered alot already from the anesthestic,,, not sure about the bruise... though, but hope my nose will look good :smile:
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hey kekekeke,, when you mean the bridges gonna be huge are they just, swelling??? so you cast will be off 2 days??? best of luck for you... !!!:smile: hope all of us including townstory, biosux recover very well and got the nose that we want:smile:
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Yes, it's from the swelling.
So don't be shocked to look different once you take the cast off.
and thank youu. Hope you heal well too.
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they are reabsorbable
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hey kekekeke

yea you too!!,, willl see u soon:smile: how does sleepin helps recovering??? damn, I can't sleep???? cause the person next to me prefer warm weaather but I am so used to the cold,,, and I dont feel tired at all :smile: i wanna go out already
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i stilll can't sleep,, I am looking at the my face in the mirror, they cheek bones, chins, forehead and every,, no bruising at alll I think I really did prepare my body well for this surgery, for the past 2 or 1 half a year, I go to gym every day at least 5 days a week, my weight gone from 77 with not much mucscle to 90 kilos with a lot of fat, and den 90 kilos again to 78 kilos with only 4-5 percent fat, I can do so much for my body,, I always want to be hot and handsome, not only i change the muscle mass and weight I actully change my posture as well through gym... all I wanna do is to be handsome and confident,,,,,,

but no matter what I do with my body structure,, i am unable to change the way my face look through excercise, I can make my face look sharper and thinnner, younger, thats about all i can do, but I wanna be handsome,,, i really want it,, why I can't do it,, I put so much effort,, my problem is my nose, i know its my nose, its flat, low, wide, pple look at me, i got good body, good height, good eyes, facial structure, when they look at my nose, they start to pick on me and laugh at me, thats what i had when I was young, pple always look at my nose and laugh at me,, although i come from a all boy school,, other guys are able to attract girls and givev pple good impression just because they got a good nose,,,, sometimes not even good,,, maybe just normal,, what about me??? I have to work so hard to cover my weak point,,, I have to face pple from the side to avoid pple laughing at me,, I am afraid to look into the mirror when pple are around me even til now,,, I am afraid to take video because when I speak my nose look bad,,,,, i am afraid to stand next to the pple who got good nose and afraid to talk to them,, thats exactly how i feel,,

I had my plastic surgery today, I wud never regret I made the decision, if i can do so much changing my body and body struture, I wud change my face as well,,,, just that I need someone to do it for me, i totally trust dr lee, I have to admit its my gut feeling, i rmb when I walk in their hospital, I spoke to joann, Dr Lee, i did not make any appointment at all just walk in at 530pm, they about to close, joann told me she's not even going to give me consultation because I am such a person with the wrong way of thinking, and we even almost have a fight about it,,,, i told her, I am not saying that's right, but i rather i wanna discuss with you the way i think, whether they are right or wrong,,,, anyway,, we went through every thing, she gives me this thinking that she's actually a warm, nice and smart person who like hot guys, also quite bossy and confident cause she's a consultant,///

den we had a consultation the next day with dr lee.. i went in shake his hands, introduce myself, he did nothing, touch my nose, pull my nose, pull it from the middle of collumella,, i know after all this searching,, he's the right person, I dun need to read anything go through anything, i know this guys is experienced and have solid skills,,, and den slowly slowly, i do more reasearch on him, read this forum, read about rib plasty, read about the structure of my nose,,, I trust him!!!

All I want is to be the person that I want, please give me this chance, god, and hope dr li did me a good job
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