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asian nose job 2

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Hi Kain. Ur pics look really good, i meant you look really good. After saw ur pic, i immediately email Joann. N i think he said i need the samething as ur. May i ask how much did they charge u for everything? N did they accepted credit card over there, or just cash only?
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i ate out at restaurants. my officetel room was equipped with a microwave, fridgem stove, and some other stuff. there is bottled and filtered water.
it took 2 weeks for me to be comfortable with eating solid food. you can start earlier but chewing is going to take a long time and lots of stuff will get stuck above your stitches so you will try to get it out with your tongue and it will be kinda awkward
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they accept credit card, wire transfer and cash
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I know that a genioplasty can actually shorten the chin if you request it. The chin bone can be moved up or down or slid backward or forward once your bite is fine. I would email some surgeons and request a shortening genioplasty. Though it can be used to shorten a chin, I think a lot of times when it is used to project the chin forward, it inadvertently becomes longer. I am going to make it very clear that I do not want my chin longer and if it is made longer, I will not not be happy at all. For a V line chin, you would need the operation whereby the mandible is cut in such a shape. Smallface seems to do this well but be certain that it is what you want because there is no changing your mind once it is done.
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sorry ,, what i meant was gorilla!!
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Hey mikokinnamja,

How's it going?? i saw you today right and we talked to each other, hahahaha;)... yea confidence is so important for us, we all want our confidence,,, many pple said appeareance is not most important, but i guess for us appeareance is very important, and we gain confidence by improving our appearance, it is our decision to change the way we look, there is nothing wrong wif it, and I think guys care about how they look, they wanna look nice, handsome and adorable..

kinda impressive how you transform your weight,, hahaha, it feels bad when you are fat right, i still kept those fotos when i was fat, haha just to remind myself to stay fit and most important HEALTHYYYY,,, healthy is also a kind of beauty tooo :smile: the only one thing now that I am not satisfied is i dun have much abs!!! have you got them ;P
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It is so good to meet everyone in the forum this morning. I am amazed how many international clients come from overseas are members in this forum.

@intherighthand, I still could not figure out how you made it. You were not sleepy, tired or suffering from pain. You are super health and like you said in your post you have a very hot body, it is not my own opinion, we girls had a discussion at lunch time and we all agree that you look hot. I am sure after your cast is off, you will be amazed how handsome you look!

@mcdream, stop worrying about your nose. You look super! Read the previous posts in this forum, you will know how much it will go down you will have a well defined nose once it is not swollen.

@bisoux, I can't believe you want to change anything on your face, you are hot and look like a movie star.

@kekekeke, you are so tall and skinny. I am so envious :smile:
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Hey bbgurly,,

Thx for your reply, yea,, I hope I am going to acheive what I wanna be,, this is really deep for me and I always wanted it,, its hard because other pple or the society may not accept it, although its really common in korea, I know i just need to stay true to myself, if thats the person I wanna be, I am gonna go ahead and try my best to do it... I dun want to lie to myself in front of the mirror, you are good, your nose look just fine, you have other abilities and you have capabilities doing other things!!

thank you very much bburgly, i think even we havent really met each other i can feel the support and warmth..:smile:

yea, I talked alot to townstory yesterday night my impression for her is she got really nice, friendly, personality that makes her popular, she looks so nice even with her cask on :smile: we were talking about alot of stuff about rhinoplasty and she kept saying how i dont's swell on my face,,, we end up tatlking alotuntil she got tired and fall asleep!!!

But today when I saw her, she's already with 2 other patient,, and I think they were talking about ordering chinese food... haha yummy:smile:
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hey biosoux,,,

I guess when you see this , you will be just out from the surgery room,, the anesthesia will makes you feel a bit dizzy, but you said its gonna be fine and you kinda like that feeling right??? hehehe.. the thing you need to do about it is when you are allowed to drink water, drink plenty of those, but in small amount, so you will be drink water frequently but in small amounts...

Um what else you need to do??? when you get up from the bed,, (if you have rib plasty)
you will find on your bed two handles,, erect them,, grab them, and push your self up,, using the muscles from your arm,, your triceps, and lift yourself up with you abs, try not to bend too much forward,, so your chest will just fine and that saves you from alot of pain and you can do the reverse if you need lie down,,

Also talking to townstory will make you feel good as well... :smile: hah
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yeah, I guess thats just something I'm going to have to go and find out. My way of thinking probably won't be their way of thinking on this situation. I'm just afraid of getting surgery and it looking too fake or the surgeon does too much. but I guess if I'm going to go for it, just go for it
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Hey mikokinnamja,

How's it going?? i saw you today right and we talked to each other, hahahaha... yea confidence is so important for us, we all want our confidence,,, many pple said appeareance is not most important, but i guess for us appeareance is very important, and we gain confidence by improving our appearance, it is our decision to change the way we look, there is nothing wrong wif it, and I think guys care about how they look, they wanna look nice, handsome and adorable..

kinda impressive how you transform your weight,, hahaha, it feels bad when you are fat right, i still kept those fotos when i was fat, haha just to remind myself to stay fit and most important HEALTHYYYY,,, healthy is also a kind of beauty tooo :smile: the only one thing now that I am not satisfied is i dun have much abs!!! have you got them ;P
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Hey rawdude,,

what you just said is really meaningful, I believe we all can be a more complete person with our good looks, and I promise I will always stay sincere and genuine:smile:
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