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asian nose job 2

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Hey Jesse00,

thank you very much for supporting me and understanding how i feel!! I really hope I can acheive what I want.. :smile:
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Wow!!!! YOu have so much support and encouragements from all of us.
I dont think you need any medication at al!!!!

The forum is such a powerful tool, medication!!!!!!

Please, update us on your pictures ok. I want to see hot hot body and hot hot nose!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey townstory,

hahah,, thanks very much,,,, hope I didnt disturb you too much from last night,, hhehe do i really look hot?? :P i juzt cant wait to get back to gym very very soon, otherwise I will lose some muscles!!!

O yea,, Joann told me today that walking will help the swelling go away,, thats what the other guy did he did alot of walking everyday and his swelling are almost gone in 7 days!!! so you can try walk around, anywayz, see you soon:smile:
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Wait.. wahh? That's the room bisousx was in this morning. haha, is her stuff still there?
And you're out fast. Besides the bleeding from your nose, your whole face does not look swollen at all (like most ppl)

and to PM someone, just click their username and you'll find it.
I can't seem to find it when I click your username though , but I see the link to PM someone for other users
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I'm in the offictel too... sitting here and watching TVB. haha

You're THAT ready to go out already? o_o wow, you are amazing. I felt dead and tired when it was my 2nd day. I'm taking my cast off tmr. I feel arkward going out if I don't cover my face with the face mask. But when I put it on, it's to hot.

You're not tired? o:
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not really, i think I am gonna lay down for a while!! hahah actually feel tired, come find me later or we meet up later tonight for dinner or something..:smile: I wanna watch tvb too
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Hi intherighthands,You seem have a mini party at your hotel and accompany by many new friends...I read all your post and I can feel you guys really enjoy....do you mind to share your photo after your remove your cast? or before you leave Korea....??? Kain is brave enough to show his new look to us...jia you!!!!
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Aww.. I miss lounging around the office hotel. No work, just relax and watch tv all day. *sigh* my favorite channel was the Olive Channel. Just a bunch of cooking shows and they would have these Korean dramas in between.
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Milkyway, I never saw the olive channel and I watched tv all the time?! Couldn't get enough of the action channel and the one that has CSI on pretty much 24/7 lol.

McDreamy, best to halt vigorous exercising till after 2 months, heard that until then there's a big chance your nose (surgical areas) can swell up again if you do.

Weird to be back on the forum, this place has been super busy O.o

Mind me asking, is there a reason why everyone seems to be having their noses done around now? Is it holiday time overseas?
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