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asian nose job 2

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hey yap,,
How are you?? thx for reading the post, it is good here because most of the pple come here for the same purpose, so we share similiar goals and values,, pple here are so supportive too,, and I met a few pple here.. they are really nice:smile:

Yea I will share my fotos later, :smile:
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hey mccreamy,,

How are you?? pretty sure we can wear some special made guards before you lift weight to protect our rib,, cause you know rib injury in sports in nba or nfl are really common, those pple can get back into action couple of weeks,

but I am not sure about internal bleeding with the nose though,,, I really wanna go to gym asap !!!
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I had fat grafting done all over my face and had great result here is my surgeon (had boobs, lipo, lip lift done too):


He has done many of my friends as well.
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seriously.. i need to work out too.. i have been eating too little and i havent worked out in like a month so ive been loosing alot of weight!
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2 months? wow thats alot of time =(...well i guess the nose is more important xD
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started bench press on about near 3rd month. bicep curls n triceps r fine tho. try not to do shoulder or overhead press too soon.

i suggest lighter wts more reps at first few months.

shld be returning to normal training by 6th month.
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yea, i have tried doing some deltoid raise, from and back with that bottle of water,, seems to be alright,, not so sure about benching, i have just tried the movement of benching, maybe its fine for really light weight,,, anywayz,, i will try work out on legs,deltoids, triceps, biceps, and a bit of lower abs very very soon!! if you do them well, you will look very fit too.. juz that without the bench press, we wont get that tough chest look,, i wanna have a stronger upper back,, so i guess i will be doing cross cable pull back for the upper back, back deltoids,, shouldn't be a problem at all, juz tried the movement again.. hahaha
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sounds like a mini party at vip officetel, guess all the nice people are there now? lol i wanna watch csi 24/7, maybe just when i cant do anything else, korea's too nice for just csi alone. i've been wanting to do it since long ago, just that i finally made up my mind to do it? i dunno bout the others. everyone getting bonuses from work? haha
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do with caution. i have been benching and now my rib wound feels slight aches coming back from holiday. takecare
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dont stay in the room! just heck it n get out ! there is a row of cinemas along VIP twards apujeong subway! u guys should all go together! dont need wear mask gesus christ. i had walked around with cast on too! and some others i know of!

cinema is dark. nobody can tell. anyway enjoy seoul.. PS is so common there nobdy really care.

bodily movements help recovery too. directly opposite officetel u find small streets of shopping and foodstalls. try them!

if possible walk from those streets up towards hyundai dept store. ull be amazed.

go rodeo st, dongdaemon, Coex mall , myeong dong !! eat galbis and fish , rib soups! shop till u drop! AGHHHHH iso wanna go there nowww....:sad:
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The korean kid next to me,,

I couldnt sleep on the first night after my surgery, I shared my ward with a korean kid, he's about 19, tall just got his nose job done a day before me, his mom was there, i got brought out of the surgery room at about 6 in the evening, i remember her mom was a very kind and gentle lady, who smiles alot, she keep telling I am handsome in korean, and she would clean my mouth as well, she 's such a nice person..

After a while I recover from the surgery, and den i started to feel wierd, i mean my condition, suddenly, i am very tired, suddenly i am very active, i start to drink water, and I would drink alot of water which i have to go toilet every 30 mins, i den start to googling around the internet, because for some reason, i just couldnt sleep at all..,,,,,,,,,,

After I come back to my room at about midnight, i look at the the korean kid next to me, he's looking very tired and depressed, i know he's feeling weak especially this is his second day post-op and I know its all because of the side effects of our medication and anesthesia i have been through this before, because couple of years ago i had an acl reconstruction, and i was in bad bad form even worse than him!!!

I know what he needs to do is plenty of water to get him out of the tiredness, so I brought him over 5 cups and a half bottle of the water, and I explained to him you will feel better if you drink more water,,ofcourse using alot of body gestures,, i was standing up at that time and he was lying on the bed,,, (when we talk, i woulld use my english and my limited korean together with body gesture to illustrate alot of the things,, on the other hand he would use his korean and very limited english together with his body language) so you can imagine its really funny,,,,, ^^!!!

Anywayz, he started drinking the water, i think he drank 4 cups in a row, i told him little by little and after 20-30 mins he would go to toilet as frequent as me, so both of us were going in and out of the toilet,,, after the third or fourth time, he told me thank you very much, you are a very nice person.. hahhahahahha.. the kid actually gains his energy back,,, and in fact, the kid is also a very kind, smart, enthusiastic and nice person, ,i reckon he got a really big heart,,, we were talking to each other the whole night,,, we talked about food, i told him what to eat to help him recover the fastest,,, he was listening,,, and he told me his favourite food was fried chicken and he really really wanna have it now..

hahahha the kid is so cute, he's like a long lost younger brother for me, den we talk about alot of other stuff too, he ask me what i do and asked me about the place that i came from, he told me about vip clinic is the most famous clinic in korea, he told me his sister also had one rhinoplasty 2 years ago and she is now really pretty,, He told me he wants to study architecture,,, later on, he showed me about the tv, like different channels and stuff and we talk about and joke about the tv programme,, Later on, he told me he felt cold,,, hahaha i forgot to tell you guys that i like cold and he like warm,, I am just not used to the warm and humid weather,, cause we had cold and dry,,, so instead of adjusting our air-con,, i juz handed him my blanket!!! and he was very happy,,, we den keep on talking and talking .....
\\\yea we had a night,,, until he falls asleep,,

the next day i would have to leave early after our medical check up to the accomdation provided by vip clinic,, i guess they are very full and the wards are fully boooked,, because i walked in the clinic,, so fair enough,, I went praying with him before the medical check up, he said he wants to pray for an hour,, so we went outdoor, prayed for a while until joann come over and get us for the check up

After the check up, i had to leave, brother hug me and hold my hands telling me he would never forget me, i told him, me too! I told him if we recover well later, we wud watch a movie together before i go,, i always wanted to watch green lantern, xmen first class and scream.. ^^ heheh

Younger brother, I hope you every sucess in your future and that you can be a very sucessful architecturer!! I also wish you health and happiness for the rest of your life! I would never forget the time we spent together though very short,, but i will always remember it.
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hey rawdude,

Yea, I tried to walk around today, it feels alright, i was a bit exhausting but i believe thos movement will help the swelling, thx for sharing your expereince, yea I am gonna be carefull wif excercise!! u r not in korean now yea??
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nope. but my heart is ;p
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SO happy to se you back here!! How is everything back home? Is your paretn reacting well to a prettier you??

My gosh, you were already so pretty before, i cannot imagine a even prettier Omommmmmomoomom

( Extending Rawdude's hug over to you!)

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*bite lips halfway*

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