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asian nose job 2

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Dear greatnose,

Each material has it's upsides and downsides. During my research on what I material I wish to use, I've seen some horrific side-effects of silicon and would rather not risk it.
**WARNING GRAPHIC** http://www.shimmianmanila.com/side-effects-of-silicone-implant

Goretex is kind of a porous material so your own cells will grow and intermingle with the goretex.... so if anything happens later on.. say deviation or you just don't like your look anymore 10 years later. It is very hard to take it out.

Out of the potential downsides I have seen, I would rather resorption rather than extrusion. This is just my personal preference for risk. Warping is also another downside to rib cartilage, but it has less warping rate than ear cartilage. Apparently under the hands of a skilled surgeon that has tremendous experience in rib grafting, the chances of warping is really minimal, because there is a technique in carving out the part of the harvested cartilage (only the core of the cartilage is used).

From what I have read, the average re-absorption rate for rib cartilage is estimated to be 20% over your lifetime. So I would find a surgeon that will over-augment my nose to cater for this likely re-absorption.

Btw I'm not an expert in materials to use, this is just from what I have read. Please also do your own due diligence. :nuts:
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Dear Izora,

Thanks so much for your advice, I bought a calling card and will try to contact O&Y by phone soon :biggrin:. I hope they won't hang up on me when they hear me speaking English grrr....

Thanks also for the link to migo's website *hugs* Will try to call them.

I would very much prefer to deal with a surgeon that uses rib on a daily basis as well but I think the expense is slightly out of my budget for VIP.
(JoAnn from VIP has quoted me USD 10k including alar reduction and anesthesia)

I also saw you mentioned that you were going to be staying for 2 weeks in their offitel. I asked for two weeks as well, but was only guaranteed a 1 week stay. =(

Let us know how you go, with your surgery with VIP tho, maybe I'll postpone my procedure to save more $$ for it...
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I've got a response from IPS.

They are working with www.docnoble.com

The price they quote is tooooooooooooooo attractive. Eyes, rhino and chin implant for USD $4.5 only. But Rhino is I silicon implant and ear cartilage.
The website is in English and the reply was from their agent in Taiwan so the reply is in Chinese. However, you can see B&A pics on the website.

I think the clinic serves mainly locals.
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Solus are you here??

Anyone has done their chin in Korea before?

After sending pictures to Korean doctors and Taiwanese doctors, my main problem is facial contouring due to a receding chin.

So i should concentrate on fixing my chin first. Solus is the only one which has done chin at MIGO. So would like his help, but i have not got my PM yet.

Anyone else have experience in this aspect?
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I completely agree with you about the negative aspects of using artificial implants. It is always better to use your own tissue. I have had silicone inside my nose for 19 years, and I can't wait to get it removed. Some people seem surprised when they get an infection or other problems years after they get the implant.

I don't know too much about goretex. I've heard that it's difficult to remove, so it's best to go to a doctor who uses it often. VIP told me that more patients have problems with goretex than silicone. I always thought that the opposite was true.

Regarding rib cartilage resorption and warping...
Rib resorption is expected, and a skilled doctor would take this into consideration. People who use rib have a bigger nose after surgery, and it takes 1 to 2 years for the nose to completely settle, reduce, and take place. Their nose looks better as time progresses unlike implants where it looks good temporarily.

It is very important to go to a doctor who specializes in rib rhinoplasty. Keep in mind that rib rhinoplasty is a completely different field than regular rhinoplasty. Just because a doctor is good at rhinoplasty does not mean that he/she will be good at rib rhinoplasty. A doctor who uses rib cartilage once in a while is not going to be skilled as someone who uses it regularly. There is a reason why some people experience so much resorption, warping, and other problems while some people never experience them. A skilled and experienced doctor can make all the difference. Resorption and warping is minimized with the technique the doctor uses to carve and work with the piece of cartilage. It takes hours just to carve the cartilage.

Most doctors (in Seoul) look down on rib cartilage and talk patients out of using it. They scare them by saying things like it is too bulky, the results are too unpredictable, you will have a big permanent scar on your chest, it will get resorbed completely etc... The truth of the matter is that they don't have the skill to work with rib. It is easier for them to just insert a piece of implant and use ear or septal cartilage for the tip. It's definitely a lot quicker, easier, and cheaper for the patients too. A lot of people are turned off by the price of rib rhinoplasty, but a lot of these same people go through multiple nose jobs using implants, which costs more than rib rhinoplasty in the end. I've encountered people who have had 3 to 5 or even more nose jobs. As far as the incision site on the chest, I've seen really good post op photos where you can't even tell a cut was made. I'm not sure of other clinics, but the incision size is 2cm at VIP and O & Young. Again, the incision size is dependent on the surgeon's skill. I'd rather have a faded mark on my chest than a nose implant where it's so obvious that I had a nose job. You can always tell when someone has an implant (no matter how much people try to deny it).

The point is that the results using rib become more predictable in the hands of an experienced and skilled doctor. The results should also last your entire lifetime, which can't be said about implants.

As far as warping is concerned, it is more likely to occur in younger patients (teens and early 20's). This is because younger cartilage is not as strong. People's cartilage calcifies as we age. Cartilage has shape recall even after it is carved, but it is less likely to happen the stronger the cartilage.

I'm not trying to bash anyone who has an implant or is planning on getting an implant (to each his own). I'm just trying to inform people, that's all. There are people who never experience any problems with implants. I never had any problems with mine medically speaking... mine just changed my nose for the worse over the years and I have multiple aesthetic issues. I realize that some people might think that using rib cartilage is a bit extreme. I figured that if something needs to be placed inside my nose, then why not my own tissue. By the way, you're not going to have any heath problems by removing a piece of cartilage from your rib.
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Was wondering if anyone has been to dr. Toriumi for surgery? I'm planning to have rhinoplasty in August with autologous cartilage and strongly consider to go with him. I've heard so much about his skills, but his price is also really high. I wonder if he's so much better than the doctors from O & Young or VIP... what do you think?

My second choice would be O & Young or VIP
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about o&Young VS VIPP
You guys need to EMAIL THEM yourselfs and figure out what EXACTLY what want to get done, is it revision? is it change in tip? is it 1st time rhino?
For me i wanna do revision to fix my nose tip and add more natural curve, it will cost 8000USD WITH ACCOMODATION at VIPP but o&Young i will save $2000USD thats WITHOUT accomodation though.
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Hi, I responded to your private message. It was sent as a guest message, so I didn't realize that I even had a message.
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I think it's ridiculous that VIP is charging you $8,000 just to tweak the rib cartilage that is already inside your nose. Did you ever ask them why it's so expensive? I mean, that's the same price they're charging me, but they have to actually cut me open and harvest a piece of rib cartilage, which justifies the price. However, that's not the case with you.

You're lucky that O & Young is not charging you what they would normally charge for a revision. It would cost you around $10,000 or higher if they were harvesting a piece of rib cartilage. When are you going by the way?
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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum and considering having a nose job at Dr. Charles Lee's clinic in Los Angeles. I've heard such mixed reviews about him and was wondering if anyone would be willing to share before and after pics, and their thoughts, with me?

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I was wondering about dr. Toriumi too. The price is very high but I'd rather pay a higher price rather than having more surgeries in the future. Also a lot of people are talking about O & young and VIP, do they have a website with photos?

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Here you go for VIP


Dr Lee's assistant can communicate very well via email.
I've just received a quotation from them. But their prices are not cheap as international and local patients pay the same price. I was quoted about $12k USD for eyes, rhinoplasty and sliding genioplasty
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they have really good eyes sayings its way to straight and the tip is all wrong. So they need to remove everything .. EVERYTHING from my nose and start over, they r gonna change the placement lower on my bridge and perhaps harvest one ear if they dont have enough material for my tip. *Sigh* im also wonderin the more doctors play with recarve my rib.. im guessin the more likely if can warp? I heard warping only occurs DURING the process of them carving it or putting it in your nose.. not when its already inplace in your nose... am i wrong?
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