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asian nose job 2

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Bisousx...are u still in the recovery room? Man..I wish I could of known that you would be in Korea a little earlier. I would of ask you to buy me some Mexican candies ;0). That's the only food that I miss in California!
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I hope so, I am too scared to look at the mirror. Ppl come to the clinic tomorrow for dressing and check ups, please hold your laugh when you guys see me. It does not look like me at all right now. I know it is the effect of swelling. I look like a grandma with a big protruding fish head. But I am sure it will turn out to be better :smile:
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Feel better soon! I'll help you take down the mirrors hehe. You will look so pretty once the swelling goes away.. it's much too soon to judge now :smile: Btw Joann just gave me some gargle liquids, and now the sore throat is gone.
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Gees, you could have the gargle liquids a bit earlier. I am glad to know the sore throat is gone. Day by day, we will feel better and look prettier :biggrin:
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I know, haha. Well now everyone who is going to do their nose will know how to fix this problem :cool:
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The first thing i wanna say for today is YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,, I feel so happy now,, the reason is,, i did a bit of research on the net again, and see alot of before and after fotos, that wud include post op day1 day2 day 3 and so on...
and I found out that I was suffering from depression(not real depression but a bit depressed) because suddenly my face got swollen which is completely normal, I mean come on,, think about this, we just had a surgery, think about the equippements operate around ur nose, near your face and think about the incision and every procedure that is done to your nose, that swelling is completely normal,,,,,, so my worries before was pointless.. hahahha

The other thing I found out today is with rib plasty, our nose are meant to be slightly bigger than normal within 1 or 2 weeks post op, one of the reason is ofcourse swelling, the other reason is because the rib tissue on our nose will actually be absorbed by our own body,, unlike silicon, thats why its a common practice that with rib plasty nose are slightly bigger and then will gradually contract,,, anywayz,, I read quite alot on the net today and find out more and more,,,,, I am getting more and more comfortable now... so even if my nose is bigger than i thought, i think its completely normal... hehe:smile:

Well,, I start my day today with a lunch box as breakfast.. hehe.. i like to eat alot, because eating makes me happy and i need the energy to stay healthy,, but i did not finish the rice, i just ate 60% of it and den had some fruits that i bought from the convenient store,, I went to do my check up by walking there,, feels nice,, kekekeke got her nose cast off... it was very pretty but she did not want to show other pple,, haha she said she need to get used to it first herself or something, i dunno,, but the nose looks nice,,

Saw townstory, biousx and mccreammy, today,,, also my korean brother and his mom,, (his mom keep saying i am cute in front of her friends,,,)hahah,, dunno what to say to them, just using my body gesture,, thats all.. :smile: One thing i wanna say is Mccreamy actually looks very much like Daniel Wu, the hong kong actor that used to date maggie q!!! Townstory also had a look on her nose, i think she's very satisfied with her nose.. Biousux just had her operation and i can tell she will look pretty ,, dunno why just have this feeling

Well, den went into the medical check room, doctor did his thing, den went to another room, nurse did their thing, den went into the other room, the hair washing girl did her thing,, hahahaha what a routine,,

I went back home, slept a bit, ate abit, google around a bit,, got a message frm biousx that she wants pineapple juice, I was going to buy her some because I was going for a walk to day, so i wallk to a 7 11 near vip, and found a pack of pineapple juice, i initially wanted to bring it to them but when i reached vip, they were already closed , so i walk back home with that pineapple juice,, ,and i found out the fridge is not working,,, but i den found out again, the convenient store downstair actually stock them as well,,, so I end up drinking that pineapple juice myself now.. hahahahahah :smile:), I am gonna get them a new pack from the convenient store tomorrow...

All the best to everyone and lets recover together,,
the following site actually give a detail description with photo illustration of what rib graft rhinoplasty is;
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hey bisousx,,

Drink more water, water water water..it will gradually go away, i had that yesterday as well,.. try to walk around move around if you can !!
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Dont eat the kbbq without us!!! We're trying to recover as fast as we can... see u tmrw
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Hahaha you should drink it, it's great for swelling! But please bring some more tomorrow for us poor folks at the recovery room, banned from yummy foods and drinks. Also, where did you get the lunch box? i want some yummier food choices to order... getting sick of congee and more congee..
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Hey,, thxxxxxxxxxx,, that makes me happy,, that just from certain angle the nose look alright after my initial silicon implant, but in reality, its very different.
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I just got it from the convenient store downstairs,, when are you gonna get out of the hospital, we can go to the convenient store and everywhere together,, for sure I will bring you the pineapple juice tomorrow :smile:
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