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after reading all your stories with vip and rib rhinoplasty in general, im not so scared about my surgery this july... im so excited now... this forum has been really helpful. I just want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences
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LOL, I brought valium and xanax just because of the rumors about the dressings.

It's not.. As person who has gotten 10+hr long tattoo sessions (8/10 for pain), a silicone rhinoplasty while awake (10/10), other random painful things such as teeth bleaching (5/10) , hair bleaching (3/10), etc.. I didn't find it painful. The pain here is about a 4.

I heard that Dr. Song does the dressings rougher than Dr. Lee.. Therefore, I shall avoid him :P
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We all brought it over here and some of us are very swollen. I don't know if it actually works but for $100 and it being safe, I'd say its worth a shot. my eyes are swollen beyond recognition right now.

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yeah, i was actually surprised when i read some reviews saying that it was rly painful. i didn't think it was painful, just really uncomfortable. just pretend he is trying to squeeze your brains out or something and you will laugh instead :smile:

the only part that hurt is when they removed gauze from my nose and it rubbed against the incisions, and when they removed the rib drain

the clinic gives ice packs. they also have ice packs in a freezer outside the recovery room, and my offictel freezer was filled with ice packs.
you can walk to the clinic before the surgery, and after the surgery you will stay in the recovery room until you are well enough to leave.

are you implying that she has enough fat for everyone? :P
lol i'm sorry, i couldn't resist :S

if you speak chinese i think the cook can make you other stuff if you request it.

it is spelled 'camaraderie' :P
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what is your tattoo of if you don't mind my asking? its got to be a big tattoo if it took multiple long sessions.
and does teeth bleaching hurt the gums or something? i was considering lightening my teeth by a shade maybe
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From what I know, alarplasty is the method to correcting the wings. In general, if your alars are perfectly parallel with the inner corners of your eye, then you should not do alarplasty.

Anyone who is considering alarplasty must be very careful in choosing the right surgeon, as the procedure is irreversible and you don't want to end up with less-than-perfect nostrils or wings.

Many surgeons also won't do alarplasty combined with other rhinoplasty - they often wait, or suggest that you go to a specialist in alarplasty. I went to a consultation with one of my mom's plastic surgeon friends (very caring man, definitely doesn't need my money). He told us not to do my alarplasty until at least a few months after the rhino, but I can't remember the reason he gave.
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I have a big ole asian gangster tattoo of a koi fish (how original right)? It's purple/pink/blue and covers half of my back.

Teeth bleaching makes your teeth really sensitive. It hurts a LOT while you're bleaching and for one day after, but after that you are fine. They put some clay around your gums so the reactive gel won't hurt them, but your actual teeth will be subjected to pain.

I would recommend Zoom, as it was relatively painless for me. I've done it three times (Britesmile, Zoom, then this non-laser bleach). The pain is worth it - despite used to smoke, and drinking coffee, the dentists were impressed that my teeth are the highest level of "white" on the scale!

You can find tons of deals on Yelp, too. My last session was only $89 - the standard is $300 nowadays.
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I did Zoom and it hurt like an mf'er the first day. It wasn't constant, it was a sharp nerve pain that lasted for a split second and then went away. After that, all was good. It was worth it though - made my teeth extremely white and they are still whiter than they were 8 years ago. If you only want to go up a shade the strips work too. My CEO had Zoom done as well but it didn't made his as white so it varies by individual.

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thanks. i had no idea about how tooth whitening went. i think i have a better idea now

i had a cough for a day or two during the first week. it hurt my rib everytime i coughed. dont hesitate to ask joannor dr lee about it
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If you are referring to VIP, I can help you with those questions.

They will arrange for a driver to pick you up at the airport. Be sure to have his phone number and cash at hand. I couldn't find my driver for 45 minutes and was flustered, because I had no cash and no idea how to use a payphone (stone age technology, right?) especially when everything's in korean. Thankfully, a nice man took pity on me and called VIP to locate my driver. He was standing 10 ft away, just couldn't see his sign with my name on it.

After your stay in the recovery room is over, the driver will drive your stuff to Officetel (5 min way away) and help you with your bags, as you will still be in pain.

Both the clinic and Officetel are stocked with ice masks in their freezer.

They also provide meds and silicone tape, but you must bring extra money to pay for it. If there is something you really need, they can accomodate you. For example, I received an email from Joann instructing to stop drinking caffeine, alcohol, and birth control 2 wks prior to surgery. However, since I stopped birth control, my skin has been breaking out . So the ladies here called several pharmacies until they found the exact same brand that I use.

I think all you need to bring are some magazines, hats (for the daily walks from officetel to the clinic), comfortable clothes (sweats, flowy tops), and then some nice clothes for the last few days of your trip when you are ready to walk around, travel toothbrush, shampoo/conditioner if you are not going straight into surgery, mild soap, baby wipes for your face, razor to shave and that's it. They provide towels at officetel and there will be someone to wash and dry your hair at the clinic.

Also, I have been taking Sineech but not sure if it's helping at all.
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